Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA398 .E54 1648 | Die Sabbathi, 8 Julii, 1648. Be it ordained, and it is hereby ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that John Bradshaw, Richard Shuttleworth, Thomas Birch and Robert Hide in the county of Lancaster Esquires, Edmond Warden and Peter Edge in the said county gent. be, and are hereby added to the Committee of Sequestrations in the county of Westmorland .. | 1 |
DA398.E54 C79 | The crying charge | 3 |
DA398 .E55 1641 | Reasons of the House of Commons why bishops ought not to have votes in Parliament. | 1 |
DA398 .E644 | His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects upon occasion of the late ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons for the assessing all such who have not contributed sufficiently for raising of money, plate &c. | 2 |
DA398 .F74 1649 | Truth tryumphing over falshood. or, The life and conversation of James Frese gentleman, declared, stated and vindicated. Occasioned through the false and foul aspersions cast upon him by [the] new discovered adversaries. Together with the manner of their proceedings against him, concerning the mastership of the Hospital of Katharins London. | 1 |
DA398 .H49 1641 |
Machiavel, as he lately appeared to his deare sons, the modern proiectors divulged for the pretended good of the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Machiavel as he lately appeared to his deare sons the moderne projectors. Divulged for the pretended good of the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. |
3 |
DA398 .H655 1641 | A speech of the Honorable Denzell Hollis, (second son to the Right Honorable John Earle of Clare deceased) and brother to the now Earle of Clare. At the delivery of the protestation to the Lords of the upper house of Parliament, 4 May 1641. Wherein is set forth the reasons that moved the House of Commons to make the said protestation. Together with a short narration of the severall grievances of the Kingdome. | 1 |
DA398 (INTERNET) | A Printed paper cald The Lord Digbies speech to the bill of attainder of the Earle of Strafford Torne in peices and blowne away. | 1 |
DA398 .L44 1641 | The speech of Master Speaker before His Majestie and both Houses of Parliament after his returne from Scotland upon passing the bill for tunnage and poundage on Thursday, the 2. of December : also relating the present distempers of England and Ireland : wherennto [sic] is annexed His Majesties speech in Parliament. | 2 |
DA398 .M57 1641 | Captaine Audley Marvin's speech delivered in the upper house to the Lords in Parliament May 24, 1641 concerning the iudicature of the high court of Parliament. | 1 |
DA398 .M6 1647 | The Scotch souldiers speech concerning the kings coronation-oath. | 1 |
DA398 .M97 1641 | Caledons complaint against infamous libells. | 1 |
DA398 .P95 1641 |
The speech or declaration of John Pym, Esq. &c A declaration presented to the honourable House of Commons with a speech delivered at conference with the Lords, January 25, 1641 : by occasion of the petitions from the city of London and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hartford / The speech or declaration of John Pym, Esq. &c. |
4 |
DA398 .R82 | Two speeches by Sir Beniamin Rudyard concerning the Palatinate | 2 |
DA398 .S7 1640 | Mr. St. John's speech to the lords int[]he [sic] Vpper house of Parliament Ianuary 7, 1640. : Concerning ship-money. | 1 |
DA398 .T3 1641 | The tapsters downfall and the drunkards joy, or, A dialogue between Leather-beard the tapster of the sheaves, and Ruby-nose, one his ancient acquaintance, who hath formerly eaten three stone of rost beefe on a Sunday morning; but now (being debarred of that priviledge) sleights him; and resolves to drinke wine altogether. | 1 |
DA398 .T6 1641 | To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Peeres now assembled in Parliament. The humble petition and protestation of all the bishops and prelates now called by his Majesties writts to attend the Parliament, and present about London and Westminster, for that service. | 1 |
DA398 .T6 1647 | To the Kings most excellent Majesty: The humble petition of John Brookbank, Gilbert Dean, John Ash, and John King, ministers of Gods vvord, | 1 |
DA398 .T78 | A true relation of a damnable gun-powder plot, found out at Rugland-Castle, in Monmoth-shire in Wales, related to the high court of Parliament by Iohn Davies, Nov. 12, being an eye-witnesse to the same ... : Whereunto in annexed a true discoverie of a horrible and bloudy treason and con[s]piracie. Against the Protestants of this kingdome in generall ... Which discovery was brought to the the House of Commons on Munday Novemb. the 15. 1641. As also a relation of a search at Worcester House in the Strand. Together with an order made by the Lords, for the apprehending of all priests and Jesuits within this city and kingdome. | 1 |
DA398 b .L45 1641 | The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of several counties. Namely: Worcester, Cambridge, Huntington, Lecester, [double brace] North-hampton, Warwick, and Rutland. Which have not as yet paid in the poll-money. : With the copy of an order sent from the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament to these severall counties before-named, for the speedy transportation of that money to York for disbanding of His Majesties army. And they that are found faulty, shall incurre both the ill-opinion and severe punishment of both houses of Parliament. August 24. 1641. | 1 |