Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA400 .E5 His Majesties most gracious declaration left by him on his table at Hampton-Court, November, 11th, 1647. And directed to be communicated to the Speaker of the House of Lords pro tempore, and to be communicated unto the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England at Westminster and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, and to all his other subjects, of what degree or calling whatsoever. 1
DA400 .E5 1649 Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. 1
DA400 .E53 The collection of all the particular papers that passed between His Majesty, both Houses and the committee concerning the late treaty
An act prohibiting the proclaiming of any person to be King of England and Ireland or the dominions thereof
All the ordinances and orders of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the indempnity or saving harmlesse all those that have acted or done any thing by sea or land by the authority and for the service of the Parliament.
All the acts ordinances and orders of Parliament for the indempnitie or saving harmlesse all those that have acted or done any thing by sea and land by the authority and for the service of the Parliament.
An ordinance for the setling of the yeerly summe of eight thousand pounds upon His Highnesse Charles Lodowick the Prince Elector, Count Palatine of the Rheine
The collection of all the particular papers that passed between His Majesty, both Houses and the Committee concerning the late treaty
An order of the house of Parliament concerning the gathering in of the pole-moneys
The collection of all the particular papers that passed between His Maiestie, both Houses and the Committee concerning the late treaty.
Englands tears and lamentation for her lost friend peace, and her comfort for the continuance of trvth, or, Truth and peace justly pleaded for, and truly petitioned for by him that is neither factious nor self-affected, but onely desires the prosperity of his country : and that peace and the gospel may be joyned together, without which we shall never expect to live in unity.
The collection of all the particular papers that passed between His Maiestie, both Houses and the committee concerning the late treaty
A solemne ingagement of the armie under the command of His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax with a delcaration of their resolutions as to disbanding : and a brief vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to diverse scandalous things suggested against them : read, asserted unto, and subscribed by all the offices and souldiers of the severall regiments at the general rendezvouz near Newmarket, June 5, 1647.
DA400 .E53 1642 His Majesties message to the House of Peeres, Aprill 22, 1642 whereunto is added His Majesties answer to both Houses of Parliament concerning the petition and reasons to forbeare his intended iourney to Ireland, presented the 18 of Aprill (by the Earle of Stamford, Sir Iohn Culpepper, Chancellour of the Exchequer and Anthony Hungerford, Esquire) and returned the 22 of the same, 1642.
Die Mercurii, 2 Novemb. 1642 whereas wee the Lords and Commons have ordered, that it be referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom ..
Die Veneris, 18 November, 1642 it is this day ordered ... that the inhabitants of the severall counties shall have power to assemble and gather together the best force they can ..
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the abuses lately done by severall persons in the county of Essex.
His Majesties message sent to both Houses of Parliament January 20. 1641.
His Majesties declaration for the relief of the poor miners within the county of Derby
His Majesties speech to the committee the 9th of March 1641 when they presented the declaration of both Houses of Parliament at New-market.
His Maiesties letter to the Lord keeper of the Great Seale of England: concerning Sir Edward Herbert Knight, and the five members of the House of Commons, read in both Houses the 9th of March. 1641.
Die Mercurii, 2 Novemb. 1642 whereas wee the Lords and Commons have ordered, that it be referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom.
Die Veneris, 18 November, 1642 it is this day ordered ... that the inhabitants of the severall counties shall have power to assemble and gather together the best force they can.
The humble desires and propositions of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, tendred to His Majestie, Febr. 1. And His Majesties gracious answer and propositions, Febr. 3. 1642.
By the King, a proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his counties of Stafford and Derby
An order of the committee of the Lords and Commons at Guild-hall for the defence of the kingdon, for the disarming and securing the persons of such as are disaffected to the Parliament and Commonwealth, with the cities of London and Westminster, and the suburbs within three miles of the citie. : With a proclamation by the lord maior of London.
DA400 .E53 1643 By the King, a proclamation prohibiting from henceforth all entercourse of trade betweene our city of London and other parts of our kingdome untill other direction is given by us
A proclamation for the better preserving of the corne and grasse about the city of Oxford, and other places where the Kings army is, or shall be quartered
Die Martis 11 Julij, 1643 committee appointed by Parliament for the navy and customes.
The humble desires and propositions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Presented to the Kings most Excellent Majesty at Oxford, by foure lords and eight members of the House of Commons, February 3. 1642. : With His Majesties answer thereunto, and six propositions propounded by him to both Houses, to be debated upon, with the rest, at the treaty.
Die veneris, 5. Ianuar. 1643, Committee for the Affaires of Ireland whereas by order of the House of Commons, and the orders of this committee, there have been severall meetings appointed to be had at Grocers-hall in London for considering of and carrying on the affaires of Ireland ..
DA400 .E53 1644 Die Martis Vel. Feb. 28, 1643 whereas a committee of Lords and Commons have ... desired the lord major ... to advance the some of three-score thousand pounds, for the present supply of the army ..
Die Martis Vel. Feb. 28, 1643 whereas a committee of Lords and Commons have ... desired the lord major ... to advance the some of three-score thousand pounds, for the present supply of the army.
DA400 .E53 1645 Directions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament after advice had with the Assembly of Divines, for the electing and choosing of ruling-elders in all the congregations, and in the classicall assemblies for the cities of London and Westminster, and the several counties of the kingdom, for the speedy setling [sic] of the Presbyteriall-Government. 2
DA400 .E53 1646 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the continuance of the weekly assessment for the reliefe of the Brittish Army in Ireland for six moneths longer, to commemce the first of May, 1646
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the ordination of ministers by the classicall presbyters within their respective bounds for the severall congregations in the kingdom of England.
DA400 .E53 1647 Die Mercurii, 1 Septembr, 1647 a declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning soldiers that resort to Westminster for arrears.
A solemne ingagement of the armie under the command of His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax with a declaration of their resolutions as to disbanding : and a brief vindication of their principles and intentions in relation to diverse scandalous things suggested against them : read, asserted unto, and subscribed by all the offices and souldiers of the severall regiments at the general rendezvouz near Newmarket, June 5, 1647.
DA400 .E53 1648 Wherefore to prove the thing, otherwise as good as nothing what we say ...
And without proving what we say, but as saying and doing, which are two, like to a cypher alone ...
DA400 .E53 1649 Whereas it hath pleased God to bless the endeavors of the forces of this Commonwealth, against the Irish rebels and their adherents, in the town of Drogheda which was taken in by storm, there being in it a strong garrison of the choice of Ormonds army put into it.
Die Mercurii, 14 Martii, 1648 resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Sir Iohn Stowell knight be proceeded against for life in the upper bench ..
Die Mercurii, 14 Martii, 1648 resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Sir Iohn Stowell knight be proceeded against for life in the upper bench.
Die Mercurii, [1]4 Martii, 1648 [i.e. 1649] resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Sir Iohn Stowell knight be proceeded against for life [i]n the upper bench ..
DA400.E53 I57 1642 Instrvctions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the right Honourable Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Lord Lieutenant of the country of Lincolne, and to the rest of the committee, ordered by both the said Houses to goe into that county, and there put in execution these insuing instructions, for the setling & preserving the peace of that country and city, and the parts adjoyning. 1
DA400 .E54 1642 Certaine proposistions of both houses of Parliament concerning the raising of horse, horse-men, and armes, for the defence of the King, and both houses of Parliament with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament : concerning His Maiesties severall messages about the militia : ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that these propositions and declaration shall be forthwith printed and published : Jo. Browne Cleric. Parliamentorum. Aug. 6, 1642. H. Elsing. Cler. Parl D. Com.
His Maiesties message sent to the Parliament April 8, 1642 concerning his resolution to go into Ireland for suppressing the rebels there.
DA400 .E54 1648 Eikōn basilikē. the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
Eikōn basilikē the povrtraictvre of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and svfferings.
Eikón basiliké the povrtraicture of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and svfferings.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
DA400 .E54 1649 Eikón basiliké. The pourtracture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings, with a perfect copy of prayers used by His Majesty in the time of his sufferings. Delivered to Dr. Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtracture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings, with prayers used in the time of his restraint : also His Majesties reasons against the pretended jurisdiction of the high court of justice ... : hereunto is anexed a letter from the Prince of Wales.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings : whereunto are annexed his praiers and apophthegms &c.
Eikōn basilikē the porvtraictvre [sic] of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and svfferings, together with His Maiesties praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediately before his death : also His Majesties reasons, against the pretended jurisdiction of the high court of justice, which he intended to deliver in writing on Munday January 22, 1648.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraiture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
Eikón basiliké the pourtracture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings, with a perfect copy of prayers used by His Majesty in the time of his sufferings, delivered to Dr. Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
DA400 .E542 1641 May 5 Die Mercurii: 5⁰ Maii. 1641. It is this day ordered by the House of Commons now assembled in Parliament .. 1
DA400 .E542 1642 Oct 13 The sentence of the House of Commons, vpon Mr. Henry Darell, for reporting that Master Pym a member of the said House, should take a bribe of thirty pounds: Together, with the said Master Darells acknowledgement of his errour therein. / 1
DA400 .E546 Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings : together with his private prayers used in the time of his restraint delivered to D. Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death. 2
DA400 .E546 1649 Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings : with a perfect copie of prayers used by His Majesty in the time of his sufferings : delivered to Doctor Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings : with a perfect copie of prayers used by His Majesty in the time of his sufferings /
Eikōn Basilikē the povrtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitvdes and svfferings.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings : with the paper which passed at Newcastle betwixt His Majesty and Mr. Al. Henderson, concerning church-government, anno Dom. 1646 : also prayers used in the time of his restraint : hereunto is annexed A letter from the Prince of Wales.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiesty in his solitudes and sufferings.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and svfferings.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtracture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings : with prayers used in the time of his restraint : also His Majesties reasons against the preteded [sic] jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice : hereunto is annexed a letter from the Prince of Wales.
Eikōn basilikē the povrtraictvre of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
DA400 .E56 A true copie of the commission under the great seal sent from Oxford to severall persons in the city of London for the destruction of Parliament and citie. 2