Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA400 .M54 1651 Joannis Miltoni Angli Pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Claudii anonymi, aliás Salmasii, Defensionem regiam.
Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio
Ioannis Miltoni Angli pro popvlo Anglicano defensio
Joannis Miltoni Angli defensio pro populo Anglicano contra Claudii anonimi, aliàs Salmasii, Defensionem regiam.
DA400 .M54 1652 Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Claudii anonymi, aliàs Salmasii, Defensionem regiam : cum indice. 2
DA400 .M54 1695 A defence of the people of England in answer to Salmasius's defence of the King. 2
DA400 .M67 1975 Freedom in arms : a selection of Leveller writings / 1
DA400 .N48 A New creed consisting of XII articles for every true Protestant and loyall subject within the three kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland, to make profession of : in manner and forme following. 2
DA400 .N6 1660 No Parliament, no penny. Or, The souldier convinced, that there can be no money levied, upon what pretence soever, without the Parliament sit again. At a conference between an honest souldier, and a plain countreyman. In which is likewise discovered, that the warr which is making against General Monck, is for no other cause, then his faithful standing up for his master the Parliament. Together, with a resolution of the souldiers, to set open the Parliament doors, that the members may sit again, to discharge the trust committed to them by God and man. 1
DA400 .O6 On the death of Captaine Richard Lacy who at that treacherous surprisall at Brainford, the 12th of November, 1642 being forced in the Thames, was drowned. 2
DA400 .O75 A true copy of two letters the first sent from the Earle of Ormond to the Honourable Colonell Michael Jones, commander in chiefe of the Parliament's forces in Leinster and governor of the city of Dublin : vvith Colonell Jones his answere to the Earle of Ormond's said letters. 2
DA400 .O93 The Humble petition of the inhabitants of the county of Oxford to His Majesty, with His Maiesties answer thereunto 2
DA400 .P36 A Paper received by His Majesty from the committee of both Houses, upon the eight of April with His Maiesties gracious message to both Houses in answer to the same. 2
DA400 .P37 An appendix to the late answer printed by His Majesties command, or, Some seasonable animadversions upon the late observator and his seaven anti-monarchicall assertions with a vindication of the King and some observations upon the two houses.
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in answer to the Kings declaration concerning Hull.
DA400 .P37 1642 The declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, or, Five severall passages of state viz. 1. His Majesties Commission of Array, 2. his proclamation upon the same, 3. His Majesties letter to the county of Leycester, 4. the declaration of both houses of Parliament concerning the said Commission of Array and His Majesties proclamation, lastly divers acts and statutes thereunto annexed whereby it appeares that the said commission is not warranted by any act of Parliament, that it is contrary to the lawes and customes of the Realme, destructive to the liberty and property of the subject & contrary to the Petition of Right and the statute made this present Parliament.
The declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, or, Five severall passages of state viz. 1. His Majesties Commission of Array, 2. his proclamation upon the same, 3. His Majesties letter to the county of Leycester, 4. the declaration of both houses of Parliament concerning the said Commission of Array and His Majesties proclamation, lastly divers acts and statutes thereunto annexed whereby it appeares that the said commission is not warranted by any act of Parliament, that it is contrary to the lawes and customes of the Realme, destructive to the liberty and property of the subject & contrary to the Petition of Right and the statute made this present Parliament.
DA400 .P37 1651 Scotlands holy vvar a discourse truly, and plainly remonstrating, how the Scots out of a corrupt pretended zeal to the covenant have made the same scandalous, and odious to all good men, and how by religious pretexts of saving the peace of Great Brittain they have irreligiously involved us all in a most pernitious warre / 2
DA400 .P4 A Petitjon [sic] from the towne and county of Leicester unto the Kings most excellent Majesty. Also an other petition from the grand inquest of the same county unto his Majesty for the remouing of the magazine. : With his Majesties answer therewith. : Likewise certain propositions to his Majesty by Captain Grey and the Earl of Stamfords souldiers touching the magazin. : Also a declaration from the knights, esquires, gentlemen, grand iury-men, and free-holders, in the county of Leicester. 1
DA400 .P47 A Petition presented unto the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament the 15th of September, 1647 by divers well affected inhabitants of London, burrough of Southwarke, and places adjacent for removing out of the House all persons who sate [sic] in the late pretended Parliament and voted for raising a new war &c. when the true Parliament was driven away by force. 2
DA400 .P53 The Puritan Revolution : a documentary history / 1
DA400 .P64 1645 Points of consideration resulting out of ye relation made by ye Lords Boreel and Renswoud ambassadours in extraordinary from ye high & mighty ye lords ye States Generall of ye united provinces of the Netherlands Being returned from England in ye moneth of May. 1645. Printed at Rotterdam by John Hæranus stationer 1645. 1
DA400 .P7 Tom-tell-troth, or, A free discovrse tovching the mvrmvrs of the times directed to His Majesty by way of hvmble advertisement. 1
DA400 .P79 1643i The popish royall favourite, or, a full discovery of His Majesties extraordinary favours to and protections of notorious papists, priests, Jesuits, against all prosecutions and penalties of the laws enacted against them notwithstanding his many royall proclamations, declarations, and protestations to the contrary : as likewise of a most desparate long prosecuted designeto set up popery, and extirpate the protestant religion by degrees, in this our realm of England, and all his Majesties dominions : manifested by sundry letters of grace, warrants, writings under the kings own signe-manuall privy-signet, his privy-councels, and Secretary Windelbanks hands and seals, by divers orders and proceedings in open sessions at Newgate, in the King's Bench, and elsewhere (all extant on record in the Sessions-Books, Goal-Books, Crown-Office, where all who scruple their indubitable verity or reality, may peruse them for their better satisfaction; as likewise by the King's letter to the Pope, his marriage articles, oaths, and other pregnant testimonies, worthy publike knowledge and consideration) / 1
DA400 .P79 1644 Twelve considerable serious questions touching chvrch government sadly propounded (out of a reall desire of vnitie and tranquillity in church and state) to all sober-minded Christians, cordially affecting a speedy setled reformation, and brotherly Christian vnion in all our churches and denominations, now miserably wasted with civill unnatuall warres, and deplorably lacerated with ecclesiasticall dissentions /
Twelve considerable serious questions touching chvrch government sadly propounded (out of a reall desire of vnitie and tranquillity in church and state) to all sober-minded Christians, cordially affecting a speedy setled reformation, and brotherly Christian vnion in all our churches and denominations, now miserably wasted with civill unnaturall warres, and deplorably lacerated with ecclesiasticall dissentions /