Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA407.V5 T83 2018 Thomas Violet, a sly and dangerous fellow : silver and spying in Civil War London / 1
DA407.W35 A2 1989 The writings of William Walwyn / 1
DA410 Die Veneris 20 Aug. 1647 Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that Tuesday next come seven-night be observed as a day of publike thansgiving unto Almighty God within the cities of London and Westminster ... for the great victory against the rebels in Ireland ..
Die Sabbathi 18 Iunii. 1642 Resolved upon the question by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. That this Commission of Array for Leycester is against law, and against the liberty and property of the subject : Die Lunae 20, Iunii. 1642. Resolved upon the question, &c. That all those that are actors in the putting of the Commission of Array in execution, shall be esteemed as disturbers of the peace ..
To the Honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled the humble petition and representation of the troopers lately reduced out of the regiment of carbineers, now commanded by the Honourable Colonel Backwell.
The remonstrance of the commons of England, to the House of Commons assembled in Parliament preferred to them by the hands of the speaker.
To his excellency, Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord Generall, and the Councell of Officers the humble petition of the wounded, maimed, sick souldiers, widdowes, and orphants.
To the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled the humble representation of the earnest desires and distressed condition of the officers in the list lately managed by Sr John Norwich.
Signs and wonders in Britain's age of revolution : a sourcebook /
A true copy of the petition, 1641 Women Writers Project first electronic edition /
Die Martis, 20. Maii. 1642 It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled that the magazines of the severall counties in England and Wales, shall be forthwith put in the power of the lord lieutenants of the said counties ..
A declaration of the counties of Kent and Essex in pursuance of their petitions concerning the Kings Majesty : the further proceedings of the petitioners of the county of Surrey, and newes from Kingston : with a letter from Burry, concerning seven hundred of the townes-men taking up armes to defend themselves, and their declaration thereupon.
DA410 .53 1645 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for exempting the University of Cambridge from taxations. 1
DA410 .1642 Charles R. To our trustie and welbeloved, the Lord Major, aldermen, and sheriffes of our city of London. 1
DA410 1643 His Maiesties letter, directed to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster concerning a treaty for peace. With the answer of both Houses thereunto, sent to His Majesty to Oxford, March 9. 1643.
Good newes from Ireland or A briefe relation of the great battaile [sic] fought near Rosse the 10, of March 1642, with a list of the commanders slaine and taken prisoners [sic]
DA410 1647 [A declaration of] the free-commoners of England, declaring and protecting against all tyranny and opression, in whomsoever: being resolved to owne their native-byrth-rights [sic], and thereing to center. 1
DA410 1648 Letters from Lieutenant General Crumwels [sic] quarters. His march from Barwicke to the city of Edenburgh, with the Marquesse of Arguile. And the transactions of the treaty in Scotland. With letters to his Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax, concerning the great petition comming from the north, to the Parliament of England. And the state of the whole agreement in Scotland. Also the surrender of Barwick and Carlisle. 1
DA410 .A22 An Account of what captives hath been freed since the 14th of December, Anno Dom. 1647 1
DA410 .A56 1642 Another letter from a man of note. Sir, I need not relate to you the great victory which the Lord hath given us at Midlewich, a Reverend Divine in our army, having sent up an exact relation of all our proceedings since our comming into these parts .. 1
DA410 .A57 An Answerable remonstrance of His Majesties [K]ingdomes of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the paincipality [sic] of Wales, to the Parliament 2
DA410 .A57 1647 An Antidote against an infectious aire. Or A short reply of wel-wishers unto the good and peace of this kingdome; unto the declaration of the 11th of February, 1647. 1
DA410 .A58 1997 In forma di Republica [sic] o Stati : la corrispondenza del residente fiorentino a Londra, 1645-1649 / 1
DA410 .A67 1647 Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that the generall be required to deliver the person of the King to such persons as both Houses shall appoint to be placed at Richmond, under such guards and in such manner as they shall thinke fit.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that the generall be required to deliver the person of the King to such persons as both Houses shall appoint to be placed at Richmond, under such guards and in such manner as they shall thinke fit ..
DA410 .A678 1643 An answer to the late declaration of Scotland, concerning their present second expedition into England 1
DA410 .A74 1689 Murder will out, or, The king's letter justifying the Marquess of Antrim and declaring that what he did in the Irish rebellion was by direction from his royal father and mother, and for the service of the crown. 2
DA410 .A77 Articles to be propounded and treated upon, touching the rendring of the garrison of Oxford 2
DA410 .A78 1644 The articles of the svrrender of the citie of Yorke to the Earle of Leven, Lord Fairefax, and Earle of Manchester, on Tuesday July 16, 1644. Together with an explanation of some part of the articles. 1
DA410 .A87 The Association, agreement, and protestation of the covnties of Cornwall, and Devon January 5, 1643. 2
DA410 .B32 Elenchi motuum nuperorum in Anglia. simul ac juris regii & parlamentarii brevis enarratio /
An answer to a discourse intituled, Truth it's manifest, &c
Elenchus motuum nuperorum in Anglia; simul ac iuris regii et parlamentarii brevis enarratio.