Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA410 .E5 1642 June 20 A new declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning the execution of the militia, 20 June, 1642. As also concerning a writ sent to the high sheriffe of Essex, by His Majestie for the publishing of his late proclamation to forbid all his loving subjects to raise, march, muster, or exercise by vertue of any order or ordinance of both houses of Parliament. / 1
DA410 .E5 1642 May 12 A new declaration of both houses of Parliament. 1
DA410 .E5 1642 May 20 Die Martis, 20. Maii. 1642. It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that the magazines of severall counties in England and Wales, shall be forthwith put into the power of the lord lievtenants .. 1
DA410 .E5 1642 May 26 A remonstrance or The declaration of the Lords and Commons, now assembled in Parliament, 26. of May. 1642. In answer to a declaration under His Majesties name concerning the businesse of Hull, sent in a message to both houses the 21. of May, 1642 .. 1
DA410 .E5 1643 The reasons of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, why they cannot agree to the alteration and addition in the articles of cessation offered by his Majesty. With his Maiesties gracious answer thereunto. April 4, 1643.
The vow and covenant appointed by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. To be taken by every man, in the cities of London, Westminster, the suburbs and liberties thereof; throughout the whole kingdome. Together with instructions, how, and in what manner the said vow and covenant shall be taken. /
DA410 .E5 1643 Feb 6 The humble desires and propositions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty at his court at Oxford, February 3. 1642. : With His Maiesties answer thereunto, and six propositions propounded by him to both houses, to be debated upon, with the rest. / 1
DA410 .E5 1643 Feb 7 The humble desires and propositions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty at Oxford, by foure lords, and eight members of the House of Commons, February 1. 1642. : With His Majesties answer thereunto, and six propositions propounded by him to both houses, to be debated upon, with the rest, at the treaty / 1
DA410 .E5 1643 Sept 30 Die Sabbathi. 30. Sept. 1643. Whereas the companies of London have been rated by an act of Common Councell, towards the raising of monies advanced by the city, for the publique service .. 1
DA410 .E5 1644 The humble desires and propositions for a safe and well-grounded peace, agreed upon by the mutuall advice and consent of the Parliaments of both kingdoms, united by Solemne League and Covenant. / 1
DA410 .E5 1644 Sept 26 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the maintaining of the forces of the seven associated counties, under the command of Edward Earl of Manchester. By a weekly payment upon the said associated counties; to begin the first day of September, and to continue for foure moneths next ensuing. : Septemb. 26. 1644. / 1
DA410 .E5 1645 The humble desires and propositions for a safe and well-grounded peace, agreed upon by the mutuall advice and consent of the Parliaments of both kingdoms, united by Solemn League and Covenant. / 1
DA410 .E5 1645 July 8 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the raising and collecting of ten thousand pounds, for and towards the redemption of distressed captives. / 1
DA410 .E5 1645 Sept 3 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the maintenance and pay of the garrisons of Newport Pagnel, Bedford, Lyn Regis, and other garrisons in the Eastern Association. 1
DA410 .E5 1646 Dec 14 An order of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament; for all papists, officers, souldiers of fortune, and all other delinquents that have adhered to, or assisted the enemy in the late warre against the Parliament of England, to depart out of the lines of communication and twenty miles distant at the least, before the eighteenth of this present December, or els to be imprisoned and proceeded against as traitors, except such persons as are herein excepted. 1
DA410 .E5 1646 Nov 16 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the selling of the lands of all the bishops in the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, for the service of the common-wealth. : With the instructions and names of all the contractors and trustees for the speedy execution of the same. : Corrected according to the originall. / 1
DA410 .E5 1647 A particular charge or impeachment in the name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army under his command, against Denzill Holles Esquire, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Lewis ... [et al.] members of the honorable House of Commons. /
A particular charge or impeachment, in the name of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the army under his command. Against Denzill Hollis Esq; Sir Philip Stapleton. Sir William Lewis. Sir John Clotworthy. Sir William VValler. Sir John Maynard, Knights. Major Gen. Massey. John Glynn Esq; Recorder of London. VValter Long Esq; Col. Edward Harley. And Anthony Nicoll Esq; members of the House of Commons. By the appointment of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Councell of VVarre. Signed, John Rushvvorth. Secr.
A particular charge or impeachment in the name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army under his command, against Denzill Holles Esquire, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Lewis [and others] ... members of the honorable House of Commons. /
DA410 .E5 1647 Feb 29 Die Martis 29. Februarii. 1647. Resolved by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. : That no person or persons whatsoever, presume to raise, list, muster, or gather together any souldiers, or forces .. 1
DA410 .E5 1647 July 7 An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of moneys to be imployed towards the maintenance of forces within this kingdom, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax knight. And for the speedy transporting of and paying the forces for carrying on the War of Ireland. / 1
DA410 .E5 1648 An order of the right honourable the Commons in high court of Parliament assembled, for appointing a committee of the House, to treat with a committee of the Common-Councell of the city of London, and of the commanders of the souldiers, and commission-officers in the said city. Concerning their engagement for the safety and security of His Maiesties [sic] person, and the Parliament, during the time of the intended personall treatie: with the results of the committee and Common-Councell thereupon.
An additional ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for enlarging the power of the Committee for the Militia of Westminster and parts adjacent, and for necessary supply of moneys for that service. /
DA410 .E5 1648 May 23 Die Martis. 23 May 1648. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For setling of the militia in the county of Hereford. 1