Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA410 .E542 1643 May 27 | Die Sabbathi, 27. May, 1643. The Commons being informed that many souldiers listed, and in pay under the command of the Lord Generall, the Earl of Essex, do daily withdraw themselves to the great prejudice of the present service .. | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1644 Aug 27 |
Die Martis, Aug. 27. 1644. It is this day ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Master Speaker shall have power to grant passes to such as shall desire to come in .. The House of Commons, upon late information received from their armies in Ireland, have tenderly considered the great extremities they are in ... |
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DA410 .E542 1644 May 15 | Die Mercurii, 15 Maii, 1644. An order of the Commons assembled in Parliament, for the removall out of the cities of London and Westminster, and line of communcation, all recusants, wives of recusants, and the wives of such persons as are in arms against the Parliament: Together with all suspitious persons, or such as have lately come from Oxford, or any of the Kings quarters. | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1645 June 24 | Die Martis, Iunii 24. 1645. It is this day ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that the ensignes and cornetts sent up now by Sir Thomas Fairfax .. | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1647 | An ordinance of the Commons assembled in Parliament, for a bill ordered to be sent to the Kings Maiesty, to be transmitted under the Great Seale of England. Concerning the qualifications of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, who shall be admitted to sit in Parliament for this kingdome of Ireland. And for disbanding of those who refuse to take the oath. / | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1648 | Severall orders of the House of Commons and Committee of the Navie; with the proceedings thereupon, touching the discovery and prevention of transportation of gold and silver: with other abuses practised upon the coyn and bullion of the kingdom. | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1648 July 5 | An order of the right honourable the Commons in high court of Parliament assembled, for appointing a committee of the House, to treat with a committee of the Common-Councell of the city of London, and of the commanders of the souldiers, and commission-officers in the said city; concerning their engagement for the safety and security of His Majesties person, and the Parliament, during the time of the intended personall treaty; with the results of the committee and Common-Councell thereupon. : Die Mercurii, 5. Julii, 1648. | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1648 May 22 | Die Lunæ, 22. Maii, 1648. Ordered upon the question, by the Commons in Parliament assembled, that the several committees in the several and respective counties, and such other persons formerly instructed with the militia by authority of Parliament .. | 1 |
DA410 .E542 1649 Aug 31 | Die Veneris, 31 Augusti, 1649. Resolved (upon the question) by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Mr. Walter Mountagu do within ten days next ensuing, depart this nation, and all the dominions thereof ... Resolved, &c. That Sir Kenelm Digby do depart this nation ... Resolved, &c. That the estate and estates of all such person or persons as shall or do conceal Sir John Winter, Mr. Walter Mountagu, and Sir Kenelm Digby, or any of them, shall be sequestred .. | 1 |
DA410 .E543 1642 | The petition of the Lords and Commons presented to his Majestie by the Earle of Stamford, Master Chancellour of the Exchequer, and Master Hungerford, April 18. 1642. Together with his Maiesties answer thereunto. | 1 |
DA410 .E545 1646 | Die Iovis 28 Maii, 1646. For as much as many writs of error be now brought, and the records thereupon be removed into this present Parliament .. | 1 |
DA410 .E546 | Die Sabbathi; 20, Januarii. 1649. Lieutenant General Hammond, Colonel Okey, and other officers of the Army, this day presented a petition to the House, with a draught of the agreement of the people: the petitioners being called in, Mr. Speaker, by command of the House, gave them this answer. | 1 |
DA410 .E55 |
His Majesties most gracious message to the two Houses of Parliament at Westminster and the commisioners of the Parliament of Scotland January 29, 1645 concerning the Earle of Glamorgan, officers of state, liberty in religion, Act of oblivion, and the militia to be entrusted in such hands as both Houses of Parliament shall nominate. His Majesties declaraion [sic] to the Honourable House of Commons drawn up by the consent of the Lords and Commons that are now attending His Royall Majesty according to His Majesties desires : wherein is expressed His Majesties resolution to all his loving subjects concerning the two armies which are now ready to meet : together with joyfull newes from Hereford concerning a message sent from His Majesty to the E. of Essex and the true proceedings of the Parliament forces at the said city October the 8. His Majesties declaration to both Houses of Parliament, Martii 21, 1641 which he likewise recommends to the consideration of all his loving subjects, in answer to that presented to him at New-Market, the 9 of March 1641. The Kings declaration and the Princes honovr made captaine of the troupe for the county of York, assembled by His Majesties commission at Heworth Moore, as it was really sent in a letter from the Committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York : with the dutchy of Lancasters refusall to obey the Lord Wharton whom the King had made lieutenant there, and their willingnesse to the Earle of Darby : with two orders from the House of Commons. His Maiesties declaration and manifestation to all his souldiers by himselfe declared in the head of his army at Southam ... Octob. 21, for direction in their marching, that the goods of no inhabitants be despoiled or unjustly pillaged, but that due satisfaction be given for meat or drink, or whatsoever shalbe convenient and necessary for them. His Maiesties declaration to both Houses of Parliament (which hee likewise recommends to the consideration of all his loving subjects) in answer to that presented to him at New-Market, the ninth of March 1641. The King's Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his kingdome of Scotland with an act of the Lords and His Majesties Privy Councell for the printing and publishing thereof : and a letter of the Lord Chancellour of Scotland and of other Lords and others of His Majesties Privy Councell in that kingdom to His Majesty. The Kings declaration for a pacification and peace between His Majestie and the Parliament with his protestation to defend the Protestant religion, his offer of pardon to all his loving subjects desiring them to lay down arms for the avoiding effusion of bloud : and lastly his offer of choosing counsellors on both sides to make a peaceable agreement between His Majesty and all his subjects. His Maiesties letter to both Houses of Parliament concerning the manifold distractions which are now in this kingdome with His Maiesties speech to the committee at the delivering of the late declaration : also a speech made by my Lord keeper before the Kings Maiestie and some Lords : as also reasons shewing why the subjects is bound to obey the command of the Parliament. His Majesties final remonstrance and ultimate answers and concessions to the papers and replies of the Parliaments commissioners concerning Ireland and episcopacy with his gracious declaration to his 2 Houses of Parliament to be communicated to the lord mayor, aldermen, and Common Councell of the city of London, and His Majesties propositions touching the demands of the army, remonstrating his resolution to cast himself wholly upon his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the supporting and defending of his royall person from the rage and fury of all his enemies. His Majesties gracious messages for peace sent to the two Houses of Parliament at Westminster, and to the commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, the 17 and 24 of Jannary [sic] 1645, in answer to theirs of the 13 of January hereunto prefixed. Twenty eight propositions made by both Houses of Parliament nineteen of them to the Kings Maiestie for a reconciliation of differences between His Majesty and the said Houses, the other nine concerning the raising of horse, horsemen, and arms for the defence of the King and both Houses of Parliament : also instructions for deputie lieutenants which are members of the House of Commons and other lieutenants of severall counties concerning the last propositions, likewise the names of the commissaries who are to inroll and value the horses and arms according to the propositions. An act which His Maiesty hath promised his royall word to passe for justifying the proceedings of Parliament in the late war, and for declaring all oathes, declarations, proclamations, and other proceedings against it to be void. The King's Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his kingdom of Scotland with an act of the Lords of His Majesties Privy Councell for the printing and publishing thereof, and a letter of the Lord Chancellour of Scotland, and of other Lords and others of His Majesties Privy Councell in that kingdom to His Majesty. By the King a proclamation prohibiting from henceforth all entercourse of trade between our city of London and other parts of our kingdome untill other direction given by vs. The Kings declaration and the Princes honovr made captaine of the troupe for the county of York, assembled by His Majesties commission at Heworth Moore, as it was really sent in a letter from the Committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York : with the dutchy of Lancasters refusall to obey the Lord Wharton whom the King had made lieutenant there, and their willingnesse to the Earle of Darby : with two orders from the House of Commons .. His Majesties declaraion [sic] to the Honourable House of Commons drawn up by the consent of the Lords and Commons that are now attending His Royall Majesty according to His Majesties desires : wherein is expressed His Majesties resolution to all his loving subjects concerning the two armies which are now ready to meet : together with joyfull newes from Hereford concerning a message sent from His Majesty to the E. of Essex and the true proceedings of the Parliament forces at the said city October the 8. Twenty eight propositions made by both Houses of Parliament nineteen of them to the Kings Maiestie for a reconciliation of differences between His Majesty and the said Houses, the other nine concerning the raising of horse, horsemen, and arms for the defence of the King and both Houses of Parliament : also instructions for deputie lieutenants which are members of the House of Commons and other lieutenants of severall counties concerning the last propositions, likewise the names of the commissaries who are to inroll and value the horses and arms according to the propositions. His Majesties final remonstrance and ultimate answers and concessions to the papers and replies of the Parliaments commissioners concerning Ireland and episcopacy with his gracious declaration to his 2 Houses of Parliament to be communicated to the lord mayor, aldermen, and Common Councell of the city of London, and His Majesties propositions touching the demands of the army, remonstrating his resolution to cast himself wholly upon his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the supporting and defending of his royall person from the rage and fury of all his enemies. |
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DA410 .E55 1642 |
His Majesties answer to the declaration of both Houses concerning Hull sent 4 May, 1642 : with His Majesties expresse warrant to the high-sheriff of the County of York concerning the proceedings of Sir John Hotham in Hull. His Majesties declaration to both Houses of Parliament (which he likewise recommends to the confideration of all his loving subjects) in answer to that presented to him at New-Market the 9th of March 1641. |
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DA410 .E56 |
The petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament delivered to His Majesty the 16 day of Ivly together with His Majesties answer thereunto with the votes Die Martis, 12 Julii, 1642. The petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament delivered to His Maiesty the 16 day of Iuly together vvith His Maiesties answer thereunto. |
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DA410 .E56 1642 | The declaration and votes of both Houses of Parliament. Concerning the magazine at Hull; and Sir John Hotham. With the order of assistance. And His Majesties answer thereunto. With the statute of II. Hen. 7. Cap. I. | 1 |
DA410 .E56 1645 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament enabling the committee of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, to take voluntary subscriptions for maintaining of additional forces under the command of Major-Generall Browne for the taking of Oxford. | 2 |
DA410 .E562 1642 |
The declaration and votes of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Concerning the late treaty of peace in York-shire. Wherein they renounce the said agreement, as being very prejudiciall and dangerous to the whole kingdome, that any one county should stand as neuters, and withdraw themselves from the assistance of the rest. / The late letters from both houses of Parliament concerning their purpose of delivery of a petition to His Majesty. His Majesties answer to those letters. |
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DA410 .E562 1643 |
The desire and advice of the Lords and Commons in Parliament to His Majesty, that the next assize and generall goale-delivery may not be holden, &c. With His Maiesties gratious answer thereunto. February 21. 1642. A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for new loans and contributions, as well from the United Provinces, as from England and Wales, for the speedy relief of the miserable and distressed estate of the Protestants in the kingdom of Ireland, whose lives are daily sacrificed, not onely to the malice of their and our bloody enemies, (the popish rebells) but likewise to starving, cold, and hunger. / |
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DA410 .E562 1644 | A copy of a letter from the members of both houses assembled at Oxford, to the Earle of Essex, dated the 27. of January, 1643. With the names of those who signed it, desiring a treaty of peace. / | 1 |