Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA410.E53 D54 1643 | Die Lunæ, 10. Aprilis, 1643. It is this day ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that whatsoever person shall come from Oxford, or any part of the Kings army, to London, or the parts adjacent, or to any part of the army under the command of the Earl of Essex, or to any fort or court of guard, kept, by the authority of both Houses of Parliament, or of the Lord Generall, the Earl of Essex, shall be apprehended as spies and intelligencers and be proceeded against, according to the rules and grounds of warre. | 1 |
DA410.E53 D54 1648 |
Die Mercurii 12 Julii 1648 whereas divers debenters signed by the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Army have by some ill disposed persons been counterfeited and put to sale at low rates to the scandall of the Parliament and great prejudice of the souldiery .. Die Sabbathi, 8 Julii, 1648 a letter from the Committee of Kent, from Rochester, 4 Julii, 1648 was this day read. |
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DA410.E53 H57 1642 | His Majesties instructions to His Commissioners of Array, for the severall counties of England, and the principality of Wales; and to be observed by all sheriffs, majors, justices of the peace, bayliffs, headbouroughs, constables, and all other His Majesties loveing subjects whatsoever. | 1 |
DA410.E53 I46 1642 | An impeachment of high treason, exhibited in Parliament against Iames L Strange, sonne and heir apparant of William Earle of Derby by the Commons assembled in Parliament in the names of themselves and all the Commons of England, with an order of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the apprehending of the said Lord, to be published in all churches, chappels, markets, and townes in the county of Lancaster and Chester. | 1 |
DA410.E53 I57 1647 | Instructions for the members of the house that are in their respective counties, or are now appointed to repaire thither for the speedy bringing in of six moneths assessement of the arrears upon the ordinance of the 60000. li. per mensem, for preventing of free-quarter, and by paying the Army, and disbanding of supernumeraries. | 1 |
DA410.E53 (INTERNET) | To the Kings most excellent Maiesty the humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament sent by Sir Philip Stapleton to his excellency the Earle of Essex, and by him presented to His Sacred Majesty. | 1 |
DA410.E53 M4 1642 | Message sent from the House of Commons to Robert Earle of Warvvicke, admirall of His Majesties Navie Royall concerning the ships which now lye ready at the coast of Holland laden with ammunition to be sent to His Majesty at Yorke, with the message which they sent to the Dutch ambassadour and his answer to the said message, likewise the report which was made to both Houses, concerning 800 men which are to be sent from France and Spain to His Majesty to assist him against the High Court of Parliament, and the Parliaments resolution concerning the same. | 1 |
DA410.E53 O7 1643 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the erecting and maintaining of a garison at Newport-Pagnell in the county of Buckingham, to consist of 1200 souldiers for the safeguard of the associated counties of Bedford, Herford, Northampton, Huntington, Cambridge, Suffolke, Norfolke and Essex : together with directions for the raising of money for maintenance of the said garrison. | 1 |
DA410.E53 O73 1642 | An ordinance from His Maiesty and both Houses of Parliament for the ordering of the militia of the kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales also for setting the same in a posture of war, 10. Feb. 1642. | 1 |
DA410.E53 O73 1643 |
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for further addition of power to the Committee for the County of Hertfordshire, with the names of the knights, gentlement and officers which are of the said Committee, being further enabled to raise and maintaine forces for the defence and preservation of the said county. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament showing that all His Majesties, the Queens, and Princes honours, mannours, lands, tenements, rents, revenue, and profits whatsoever, within the said realm of England and dominion of VVales, port and town of Berwicke, shall be seized upon, and recieved by such persons hereafter nominated and appointed, to be imployed for the good of His Majesty and the Common-wealth, and likewise, that all such officers which shall not yeeld obedience to this ordinance of Parliament, shall stand sequestred from their severall offices respectively and from receiving and enjoying any profits or benefits of or by the same. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy raising and levying of money for the maintenance of the Army raised by the Parliament and other great affaires of the Common-wealth by a weekly assessement upon the cities of London and Westminster and every country and city of the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales. An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament authorizing Colonell Walter Long to take and collect such moneys as have been formerly by him and others assessed, and are yet unpaid in severall hundreds of Essex, by vertue of a commission from his excellency the Earl of Essex. |
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DA410.E53 O73 1644 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the maintaining of the forces of the seven associated counties under the command of Edward Earl of Manchester. | 1 |
DA410.E53 O73 1647 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for constituting a committee of militia within the hamblets of the Tower of London. | 1 |
DA410.E53 O73 1648 | An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament enabling a committee of Lords and Commons to remove obstructions in the sale of the lands of the late arch-bishops and bishops. | 1 |
DA410.E53 P4 1642 | The petition of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament presented to His Maiestie at Beverley the 16 of Iuly 1642 with His Maiesties answer thereunto. | 1 |
DA410.E53 S43 1642 | A second remonstrance, or, Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the Commission of Array occasioned by a booke lately published intituled His Majesties answer to the declaration of both Houses of Parliament concerning the said Commission, wherein their said former declaration is fully vindicated, the maine arguments to uphold the said Commission of Arry are refuted and the same Commission proved to be against the fundamentall lawes and statutes of this kingdom the petition of rights, the liberty and property of the subject, and contrary to former presidents in Parliament. | 1 |
DA410.E53 T48 1644 | These are to give you notice, that by vertue of an ordinance of the 27 of October last, you are assessed to lend the summe of [blank] of lawfull English money, to bee paid for our brethren of Scotland for their assisting up in this warre | 1 |
DA410.E53 V69 1643 | The vow and covenant appointed by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament to be taken by every man in the cities of London, Westminster, the suburbs, and liberties thereof and throughout the whole kingdome. | 1 |
DA410 .E54 1641 |
Severall votes resolved upon by both Houses of Parliament, concerning the securing of the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales The Kings Majesties speech, in the Parliament at Edinburgh the seventeenth day of August, 1641. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. For the safety and defence of the kingdom of England, and dominion of Wales. As it was commanded by both the said Houses to be ingrossed, according to the alterations and amendments; the same having been first resolved upon the question by both the said Houses, to passe : on Saturday, the 5th of this present March, and so to be printed. / An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for execution of martiall law, according to the meaning of this ordinance, to continue for the space of four moneths from the date hereof. Together with the names of such commissioners as are appointed for the execution thereof. |
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DA410 .E54 1642 |
His Majesties declaration, to all his loving subiects published with the advice of his Privie Councell. A message from both Houses of Parliament sent to Yorke to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the 28 of March 1642. With His Majesties letter to the Lord Keeper, in answer to the same, dated March the last, 1642. The hvmble petition of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, unto his Majesty (with the reasons moving them, to advise his Majesty) to decline his intended journey into Ireland: sent to Yorke by the Earle of Stamford, Sir John Culpepper Knight, Chancellour of the Exchequer, and Anthony Hungerford Esquire. VVho presented the same to his Majesty at Yorke ... 18. day of April, 1642. Whereunto is added his Majesties answer ... / The answer of both Houses of Parliament presented to His Majesty at York the ninth of May, 1642. To two messages sent to them from His Majesty, concerning Sir Iohn Hothams refusall to give His Majesty entrance into his town of Hull with His Majesties reply thereunto. Published by His Majesties command. The ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons, for the assessing all such who have not contributed sufficiently for raising of money, plate, &c. with His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects upon occasion thereof. The humble petition of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament to His Majesty with His Maiesties answer thereunto. Together with His Majesties message on the 12 of November. The answer of both Houses of Parliament presented to His Majestie at York the ninth of May, 1642. To two messages sent to them from His Majestie, concerning Sir Iohn Hothams refusall to give His Majestie entrance into his town of Hull. With His Majesties reply thereunto. Published by His Majesties command. His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects upon occasion of the ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons for the assessing of all such who have not contributed sufficiently for raising of mony [sic], plate, &c. His Majesties speech to the gentlemen, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the county of Denbigh and Flint. At Wrexam the 27 of September 1642 His Maiesties two declarations, one to the knights, gentlemen, free-holders, and all other the inhabitants in the county of Yorke. The other to the Lords, and other His Maiesties Privie Councell, there attending His Maiesty: together with their promise thereupon by them subscribed. And published for the satisfying of all his loving subjects, and for the clearing of His Majesties resolution in the preservation and defence of the true Protestant religion, and the peace of this kingdome. With the danger of new discipline. The votes agreed on by the Lords and Commons concerning a treatie and their desire of a safe-conduct for a committee named by them in the Earl of Manchesters letter of the 28 of Feb to the Lord of Falkland with His Maiesties gracious answer thereunto and His Maiesties safe-conduct. Also the articles of both Houses of Parliament concerning a cessation, with a letter of the 28 of February from the said Earl of Manchester to the said Lord Viscount of Falkland, wherein they were inclosed; together with His Maiesties gracious answer to the same. The votes of both Houses of Parliament the 20 of May, 1642. With the humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty at Yorke. The petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, delivered to His Maiesie, the 16 day of Iuly: together with His Maiesties answer thereunto. Whereunto is added the votes Die Martis. 12 Julii., 1642. By the King. A proclamation for the free and safe passage of all clothes, goods, wares, and merchandize to our city of London His Majesties answer, by vvay of declaration to a printed paper, entituled, A declaration of both Houses of Parliament, in answer to his Majesties last message concerning the militia The votes of both Houses of Parliament, the 20 of May 1642. With the humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty at York. The humble petition of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Presented to His Majestie at York, the 17 of June, 1642: with His Majesties answer thereunto. Certain propositions of both houses of Parliament concerning the raising of horse, horsemen, and arms, for the defence of the king, and both houses of Parliament. Together with divers instrvctions concerning the same. The declaration and votes of both Houses of Parliament concerning the magazine at Hull, and Sir John Hotham, governour thereof. Also the order of assistance given to the committees of both Houses, conerning their going to Hull. April 28, 1642. |
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DA410.E54 1642 |
By the King a proclamation for bidding all levies of forces without His Majesties expresse pleasure signified under his great seale and all contributions or assistance to such levies The humble petition and propositions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Presented to the Kings most excellent Majesty at Oxford, by foure Lords, and eight members of the House of Commons, February 3. 1642. With His Majesties answer thereunto, and six propositions propounded by him to both houses, to be debated upon, with the rest, at the treaty. |
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