Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA410 .P56 1660 A pindarique ode on the murder of King Charles the First, January the 30th 1648 1
DA410 .P63 1642 A Plea for the Parliament, or, XIV considerations for the satisfaction of such who are apt to be mis-led by a malignant party against the Parliament with palpable and evident declaration of their chiefest designes therein. 2
DA410 .P64 1648 A poem composed by a gentleman in prison and in irons 1
DA410 .P7 A new disputation betweene the two lordly bishops, Yorke and Canterbvry. With a discourse of many passages which have happened to them, before and since that they were committed to the Tower of London. : Being very necessary for observation and well worth the reading. 1
DA410 .P73 1642 A prayer of thanksgiving for His Majesties late victory over the rebels 1
DA410 .P74 A Pritty well drest dish of petites, cook'd at Westminster, with great charge at the cost of three kingdomes also here are other delicates, which may be well tasted and digested in the pallats and p[o?]nches of royalists and loyalists. 1
DA410 .P74 1642 A paralell between the late troubles in Scotland and the present troubles in England 2
DA410 .P76 The protestation of the freeholders of Yorkshire, May 13. 1642. 1
DA410 .P76 1642 The protestation of the freeholders of Yorkshire, May 13. 1642. 1
DA410 .P79 A breife memento to the present vnparliamentary ivnto touching their present intentions and proceedings to depose and execute Charles Stewart, their lawful King /
Mr. Prynnes demand of his liberty to the Generall, Decemb. 26, 1648 with his answer thereto, and his declaration and protestation thereupon.
A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and published under His Maiesties name, December 8 intended against an ordinance of Parliament for assessing, but indeed animating and encouraging the malignants, and delinquents, in their violent courses, for the maintenance of themselves, and their malignant army.
DA410 .P79 1648 Mr. Prynnes letter to the Borrough of Newport in Cornwall, for which he serves in Parliament 1
DA410.P79 1648 A new Magna Charta: enacted and confirmed by the high and mighty states, the remainder of the Lords and Commons, now sitting at Westminster, in empty Parliament, under the command and wardship of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Lieut-Gen Cromwel (our present soveraigne lord the King, now residing at his royall pallace at White-Hall) and Prince Ireton his son, and the Army under their command. Containing the many new, large and ample liberties, customes, and franchises, of late freely granted and confirmed to our soveraigne lord King Charles, his heires and successors; the Church and state of England and Ireland, and all the freemen, and free-borne people of the same. 1
DA410 .P87 1951 Puritanism and liberty / 1
DA410 .P9 The copie of a letter written unto Sir Edward Dering, lately put out of the house, and committed unto the Tower, Feb. 2. 1641. His books censured to be burnt by the common executioner, for his strange unadvised and sudden differing from himself, and opposing the whole House. : Which letter was sent as is supposed, by a worthy member of the House of Commons, Feb. 4, 1641.
Two speeches delivered in Parliament.
DA410 .P9 1641 The heads of a conference 1
DA410 .P96 1643 Master Pyms letter to Sir John Hotham. To my honourable friend Sir John Hotham Knight, governour of Hull, these in Yorkshire. 1
DA410 .R42 Reasons humbly offered in justification of an order granted to Major George Wither, by the honourable House of Commons, the ninth of Febr. 1640 for repairs of his damages sustained by the Kings forces at the beginning of this war ... : whereunto are annexed also, reasons against the passing of an ordinance for one Edward Andrews, a delinquent.
Reasons humbly offered in justification of an order granted to Major George Wither, by the honourable House of Commons, the ninth of Febr. 1640 for repairs of his damages sustained by the Kings forces at the beginning of this war ... : whereunto are annexed also, reasons against the passing of an ordinance for one Edward Andrews, a delinquent ..
DA410 .R45 1642 The Remonstrance of the Commons of England, to the House of Commons assembled in Parliament 2
DA410 .R451 1642 A relation of divers remarkable proceedings betwixt the Kings Majestie and his loyall subjects, exprest in these particulars following 1. His Majesties speech to the gentry of the county of Yorke, attending His Majesty at his court at Yorke the 12 of May, 2. The answer and resolution of the gentry, and commonalty of the countie of Yorke, to His Majesties speech, 3. A letter of thanks from the lords in Parliament assembled, to the county of Yorke, 4. A declaration of both Houses of Parliament, as it was ordered to be printed the 12 of May, John Brown, Cler. Parl., 5. The humble petition of many thousands faithfull and peaceable affected subjects of the county of Yorke, who are here now assembled. 1
DA410 .R46 1642 A remonstrance or declaration of the state of the kingdome agreed on by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament the 19th of May, MDCXLII : with divers depositions and letters thereunto annexed. 2