Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA410 .T78 A True copy of the petition of the gentle-women & trades-men wives in and about the city of London delivered to the Honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament, Feb. 4, 1641 : together with their severall reasons why their sex ought thus to petition, as well as the men and the manner how both their petitions and reasons were delivered : likewise the answer which the honourable assembly sent to them by Mr. Pym, as they stood at the House doore.
A True relation of Prince Roberts proceedings in Leicestershire as it was reported to the Lords House by the Earle of Stamford, August 30 ; wherein is declared the atttempt that he made against the said Earles house at Bradgate, and how he beat down the walls thereof, but at the last was beaten off ; likewise the Earle of Warwicks proceedings upon the Irish seas against two great ships which kept all provision from going to the distressed Protestants.
True and joyfull news from His Majestie being a true and exact relation of His Majesties most gracious message and propositions for a treaty to reconcil the differences betweene His Majestie and the Parliament : presented to both Houses ... on Saturday the 27. of August 1642.
A True relation of Prince Roberts proceedings in Leicestershire as it was reported to the Lords House by the Earle of Stamford, August 30 ; wherein is declared the attempt that he made against the said Earles house at Bradgate, and how he beat down the walls thereof, but at the last was beaten off ; likewise the Earle of Warwicks proceedings upon the Irish seas against two great ships which kept all provision from going to the distressed Protestants.
A True copy of the petition of the gentle-women & trades-men wives in and about the city of London delivered to the Honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament, Feb. 4, 1641 : together with their severall reasons why their sex ought thus to petition, as well as the men and the manner how both their petitions and reasons were delivered : likewise the answer which the honourable assembly sent to them by Mr. Pym, as they stood at the House doore.
A True and joyfull relation of two famous battels fought against the Lord Marquesse of Hartford the first by the Earle of Pembroke and the Earle of Bedfords forces ... who having joyned their forces together, marched towards Sherborn-castle and assaulted it, where the marquesse had strongly intrenched himself, but after one day spent, obtained the victorie : together with the Earl of Pembrokes proceedings in the county of VViltshire ... : the second ar glorious victory obtained by the Parliaments forces against the cavaleers neer Norvvich and Poole ... /
A True and perfect relation of a victorious battell obtained against the Earl of Cumberland and his cavaliers by the Lo: Fairfax and Capt: Hotham. Also the manner of the Lo: Fairfax his besieging of the city of York; with divers other remarkable passages concerning the same. And the taking of eight of Sir John Hothams souldiers prisoners by the cavaliers and the tormenting deaths they put them unto. With the resolution of Captain Hothams souldiers thereupon.
A true discovery of a womans wickednesse, in endeavouring to betray the city of London to the Caveliers, by discovering the strength of the said city to them, and giving notice of all our proceedings heerein. Also declaring how she betrayed the forces which were billited at Brainford. With a manifestation of the certainty of the death of Prince Robert : also a declaration, wherein in [sic] is manifested by what meanes the cavaliers escaped from before Sion-house ... Whereunto is annexed the examination of seven red-coates, which were taken prisoners by the cavaliers, but since escaped ... VVherein is declared how the king and prince on Munday morning walked aside out of the roade, to a poore womans house, where walking in the garden, his Majesty was seene to weepe bitterly ..
True and joyfull news from His Majestie being a true and exact relation of His Majesties most gracious message and propositions for a treaty to reconcil the differences betweene His Majestie and the Parliament : presented to both Houses ... on Saturday the 27. of August 1642 ..
A True relation of a brave defeat given by the forces in Plimouth, to Skellum Greenville, on Tuesday, the eighteenth of February, 1644 written thence by a sure hand to a speciall friend in London, and confirmed by many that were eye-witnesses to the same : with the taking of one lieutenant colonell, one major, foure captaines, four lieutenants, two ensignes, 92 common souldiers : there were also taken about 300 armes, good store of mattocks, shovels and faggots.
DA410 .T78 1642 A True coppy of a letter from Oxford sent from a private friend to a merchant of good worth in the citty [sic] of London and by him presented to the honorable House of Commons and read there : setting forth the present state of affaires at Oxford and the present condition of the Cavaliers / 2
DA410 .T78 1644 The True intelligence sent to this kingdome, concerning the taking in of the town of New-castle with copies of the letters and other passages that occurred betwixt our army and those in the town : as also the surrender of the castle thereof. 1
DA410 .T8 1642 An honest letter to a doubtfull friend about the rifling of the twentieth part of his estate. 1
DA410 .T85 Two petitions to both Houses of Parliament: for peace, warre / 1
DA410 .T86 Two petitions of the knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and others of the inhabitants of the county of Leicester the one to the right honourable House of Peers, the other, to the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament : delivered on the 15 of February, 1641 : therein representing their severall grievances to both houses.
Two petitions of the knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and others of the inhabitants of the county of Leicester the one to the right honourable House of Peers, the other, to the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament : delivered on the 15 of February, 1641 : therein representing their severall grievances to both houses.
DA410 .T86 1642 Two letters the one from the Lord Digby to the Queens Majestie : the other from Mr. Thomas Elliot to the Lord Digby, with observations upon the same letters : also a note of such arms as were sent for by His Majesty out of Amsterdam, under his own hand. 2
DA410 .T86 1643 Tvvo letters the one from his Excellencie, Robert Earl of Essex, to Anthony Nicoll, Esquire, a member of the House of Commons : the other from VVarwick-castle to Sir Samuel Luke at his quarters, concerning the state of the city of Gloucester. 2
DA410 .U54 Judicium Universitatis Oxoniensis de 1. Solenni Liga & Foedere, 2. Juramento negativo, 3. Ordinationibus parlamenti circa [brace] disciplinam & cultum : in plena convocatione 1. Junii 1647, communibus suffragiis (nemine contradicente) promulgatum / 2
DA410 .U55 1644 An humble petition of the Vniversity and city of Oxford lately presented to His Majestie, for a speedy accommodation of peace, between himselfe and his high court of Parliament : together with His Majesties gracious answer to the said petition. 2
DA410 .U56 The Unparalleled arrest, or, Major Generall Browne, one of the high sheriffes of London, taken prisoner being a true relation of the manner of his apprehending, and other observable passages in his journey to White-Hall, with his deportment before the L. Generall Fairfax and his officers, and his speech at his commitment. 2
DA410 .V52 The great Antichrist 2
DA410 .V56 The Vindication of the Parliament and their proceedings, or, Their military designe proved loyall and legall a treatise wherein these things are ingeniously and sincerely handled : to wit, 1. that the militia as setled by the Parliament is lawfull, 2. that it is lawfull for us to obey it, so setled by them, 3. that the Parliament is not by us to be deserted, 4. that in aiding the Parliament the King is not opposed, 5. that the Parliament, as the case stands, may not confide in the King : 6. that this necessary defensive warre of theirs is indubitably justifiable. 1
DA410 .V56 1646 The hearse of the renowned, the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bouchier and Lovaine, sometime captaine lord generall of the armies raised for the defence of king and parliament as it was represented in a sermon, preached in the Abbey Church at Westminster, at the magnificent solemnity of his funerall, Octob. 22, 1646 / 2
DA410 .V57 The Virgins complaint for the losse of their svveet-hearts by these present wars and their owne long solitude and keeping their virginities against their wills / 2
DA410 .V8 A vulgar or popvlar discourse. Shewing that the warre [raised by the two] houses, fomented chiefly [by the Londo]ners ... and others ... disaffected to monarchicall government is not ... in defence of the ... Protestant religion ... the laws and liberties of the kingdom ... but rather destructive to them all. / 1
DA410 .W17 The high court of justice, or, Cromwells new slaughter house in England : with the authority that constituted and ordained it, arraigned, convicted, and condemned for usurpation, treason, tiranny, theft, and murder : being the III. part of The history of independency / 1
DA410 .W172 Relations and observations, historical and politick, upon the Parliament begun anno Dom. 1640. : Divided into II. books: 1. the mystery of the two junto's, Presbyterian and Independent. 2. The history of Independency, &c. : Together with an appendix, touching the proceedings of the Independent faction in Scotland / 1
DA410 .W34 Relations and observations historical and politick upon the Parliament begun anno dom. 1640 divided into II books : 1. The mystery of the two junto's, Presbyterian and Independent, 2. The history of independency &c. : together with an appendix touching the proceedings of the Independent faction in Scotland.
Historia independentiæ in qua describitur ortus, incrementum & fraudes potentissimæ & inquietissimæ factionis quæ Regem obtruncavit, regnum pene evertit, & nunc intolerabilem in omnes regnicolas exercet tyrannidem : D. Ambrosius, nec nobis ignominiosum est pati quod passus est Christus, nec vobis gloriosum ist facere quod fecit Iudas.
Anarchia Anglicana, or, The history of independency. being a continuation of relations and observations historicall and politique upon this present Parliament begun anno 16 Caroli Primi /
Walker's anarchia anglicana, or, The history of independency. with observations historicall and politique upon this present Parliament begun Anno 16 Caroli Primi, Anno Domini, 1640 : together with the rise, growth and practices of that powerfull and restlesse faction /
The history of independency with the rise, growth, and practices of that powerfull and restlesse faction.
DA410 .W344 Anarchia Anglicana, or, The history of independency. being a continuation of relations and observations historical and politique upon this present Parliament begun Anno 16, Caroli Primi / 3