Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA410 .S42 1680 A seasonable speech made by Alderman Atkins, in the Rump-Parliament. 1
DA410 .S47 A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London contained in a letter from them to the Generall and his councell of warre. : delivered to his Excellency by some of the subscribers, Jan. 18, 1648.
A serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his councell of warre. /
DA410 .S47 1649 A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgments of ministers of the Gospel within the the province of London contained in a letter from the to the general and his councell of war /
A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his counsel of warre./
DA410 .S48 Severall informations taken by the deputy lieutenants of Northhampton, the 9th of this present August concerning the cruell murthers and abuses that the troopers use upon such of His Majesties subjects as declare themselves for the King and Parliament.
Severall informations taken by the deputy lieutenants of Northhampton, the 9th of this present August concerning the cruell murthers and abuses that the troopers use upon such of His Majesties subjects as declare themselves for the King and Parliament ..
DA410.S48 1647 Severall articles, or, The heads of a charge delivered in the name of the army under the command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax to the commissioners of Parliament, now with the Army 1
DA410 .S48 1648 Severall votes and orders of the House of Peeres against Sir John Maynard ( one of the eleven members, impeached of high treason, on Saturday last, when he was brought to the barre, to answer to his charge. With his plea, and refusall to be tryed, and what further order was made therein. Also His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his conference and promise to the Lord Mayor and aldermen of London, in behalf of the city and whole kingdome, on Friday last, at which time his excellecy and many of his officers dined in London. 1
DA410.S53 1648 The maner of the beheading of Duke Hambleton, the Earl of Holland and the Lord Capell in the Pallace-Yard at Westminster on Friday the 9th of March, 1648, with the substance of their severall speeches upon the scaffold immediately before they were beheaded. 1
DA410 .S56 1648 A short view of the manifest and remonstrance lately published in the name of the county of Kent 1
DA410 .S59 1642 Six matters worthy of note 2
DA410.S65 1642 Some late occvrrences in Shrop-shire and Devon-shire dated, September the last. 1
DA410 .S66 A letter sent by the commissioners of the kingdome of Scotland, to the speakers of both Houses of Parliament, for His Majesties coming to London, to treat with the Houses about the propositions for peace as also a petition of the inhabitants of the city of London, and of severall counties and corporations, in conformity to that letter. 2
DA410 .S72 1642 The State of the whole kingdom concerning His Majestie and the Parliament, betweene London, Yorke, and Hull : in a compendious demonstration of all interceding messages, intentions, or resolutions, either of the King or Parliament, with the respective answers of either : also, certaine weighty and remarkeable admonitions sent from the commissions in Scotland, both to the King and Parliament, to compose the difference between them. 2
DA410 .S74 1649 A letter of advice, from a secluded member of the House of Commons, to his excellency, Thomas Lord Fairfax to admonish him of the Kings danger, his own duty, and the sad consequence of oppression and tyranny : All whose extremes are onely to be avoided by His Majesties safety, and the defence of his royall person and honor : delivered on Saturday Decemb. 30. 1
DA410 .S76 1647a Anglia rediviva : England's recovery (1647) / 1
DA410 .S96 1642 Sundry observations of severall passages and proceedings in the north there taken by a subject well-affected to the Protestant religion, His Majesties royall honour and greatnesse, and the peace and safety of this kingdom : sent unto a faithfull and intimate friend of his in London : containing a description of the qualities, conditions, aims, and intents of such as intend to act the fearfull tragedie, the destruction of His Majesty, and his kingdoms, comprehending the way and means for the preservation thereof, together with divers other remarkable and usefull considerations. 1
DA410 .T3 The Taking of the castle of Portsmovth; with the circumstances thereof : exprest in a letter dated Septemb. 6, from a clarke in the leaguer. 1
DA410 .T36 A more full and exact relation from Reading of their proceedings there as it was writ in a letter sent from a serjeant major there to a lieytenant colonell in London, Aprill 20. 2
DA410 .T39 The vvonder of a kingdom, dedicated to the iunto at VVestminster rascall reformers, snowie devills, behold the period of your evills.
The vvonder of a kingdom, dedicated to the iunto at VVestminster rascall reformers, snowie devills, behold the period of your evills ..
DA410 .T39 1643 Tom Nash his ghost: or The currying of crop-eare. The pruining of Prinnes prurient parricidicall pamphlets wherein he stretch'd the soveraigne prower of Parliaments and his new found way of opening the Great Seal; by a short, brief, concise, compendious, contracted survey, & animadversions of some of his falsities, fooleries, absurdities, & nonsence blaspheamies, treasons, seditious incitations, provocations, and precontrivements, in mustering, arraying, rallying, training, and leading forth into publique so many ensignes of examples of old reviv'd rebels or new devised chimeraes. With a strange prophesie reported by some authors to be Merlins some say it was Nimpshags & some the Witch of Endor. 1
DA410 .T44 1648 The Tell tale spirit, or, The Divell of Derby House rendring an exact accompt of the present affayres of the kingdome from all parts, of all attempts and designes, aswell [sic] domesticke as distant, especially from the blacke conclave of conspirators sitting at Derby House. 2