Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA412 1642 .E55 New votes of both Houses of Parliament the 20th of May, 1642 with the humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie at Yorke : also the Lord Stamfords report to the Parliament concerning the danger of Hull and His Majesties resolution to take up arms : with a letter sent from a private Lord to the Queenes Majestie.
His Majesties answer to the nineteen propositions of both Houses of Parliament
His Majesties answer to the XIX propositions of both Houses of Parliament
The English fortune-teller, or, A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeer of our lordlesse, god-lesse meridian one thousand six hundred forty to two, but we suffer an ecclipse being the second after busie-sects-tile or lop-eare : wherein is set forth the anatomie of our decaying common-wealth as it is attributed to the signes of the sordid-acts : also the foule quarters of this yeere, with the reignes of plots and conspiracies since William the Conquered, likewise the eclipses with the predictions of future dangers.
The English fortune-teller, or, A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeer of our lordlesse, god-lesse meridian one thousand six hundred forty to two, but we suffer an ecclipse being the second after busie-sects-tile or lop-eare : wherein is set forth the anatomie of our decaying common-wealth as it is attributed to the signes of the sordid-acts : also the foule quarters of this yeere, with the reignes of plots and conspiracies since William the Conquered, likewise the eclipses with the predictions of future dangers.
His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of the 12 of August 1642
DA412 1642 .E64 A declaration and protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament to this kingdome and to the whole world. Wherein (amongst diverse of His Majesties late illegal proceedings) is discovered how severall commissions under the Kings authoritie have been granted to many profest papists (herein nominated) for places of command in this war ... : also how Sir John Hinderson and Colonell Cockrain were sent to Hamburg and Denmarke to raise forces ... With the names of some who have been proclaimed rebels in Ireland now in great favor with His Maiestie. For which and other reasons they are resolved ... to defend the truth against the popish army ..
A declaration and protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament to this kingdome and to the whole world wherein (amongst diverse of His Majesties late illegal proceedings) is discovered how severall commissions under the Kings authoritie have been granted to many profest papists (herein nominated) for places of command in this war ... : also how Sir John Hinderson and Colonell Cockrain were sent to Hamburg and Denmarke to raise forces there ... : with the names of some who have been proclaimed rebels in Ireland now in great favor with His Majesty : for which and other reasons they are resolved ... to defend the truth against the Kings popish army ..
The Kings Majesties resolution concerning the Parliaments last petition wherein is declared his determination concerning Hull and Sir John Hotham : together with his resolution to imploy those forces which are now encamped at Beverley against all those that shall stand for the defence of the said town of Hull, or the ordinance of Parliament concerning the militia : whereunto is annexed the Parliaments resolution to maintain the said ordinance ... : also the resolution of the voluntiers that have now subscribed to take arms for the defence of the King, Parliament and kingdome.
A declaration and protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament to this kingdome and to the whole world wherein (amongst diverse of His Majesties late illegal proceedings) is discovered how severall commissions under the Kings authoritie have been granted to many profest papists (herein nominated) for places of command in this war ... : also how Sir John Hinderson and Colonell Cockrain were sent to Hamburg and Denmarke to raise forces there ... : with the names of some who have been proclaimed rebels in Ireland now in great favor with His Majesty : for which and other reasons they are resolved ... to defend the truth against the Kings popish army.
A message from both Houses of Parliament sent to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty at Yorke, March 28, 1642 with His Majesties letter to the lord keeper in answer to the same : dated the last of March 1642.
The Kings Majesties resolution concerning the Parliaments last petition wherein is declared his determination concerning Hull and Sir John Hotham : together with his resolution to imploy those forces which are now encamped at Beverley against all those that shall stand for the defence of the said town of Hull, or the ordinance of Parliament concerning the militia : whereunto is annexed the Parliaments resolution to maintain the said ordinance ... : also the resolution of the voluntiers that have now subscribed to take arms for the defence of the King, Parliament and kingdome.
DA412 1642 E64 His Majesties message to the Lords and Commons in Parliament Sept. 5 together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament in answer to the said message : also, the humble answer and petitition [sic] of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament unto the Kings last message bearing date the fifth of September.
His Majesties message to the Lords and Commons in Parliament, Sept. 5. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. In answer to the said message. : Also, the honourable answer and petitition [sic] of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament unto the Kings last message bearing date the fifth of September.
DA412 1642 .E644 A message from both Houses of Parliament sent to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie, the 28 of March, 1642 with His Majesties letter to the lord keeper in answer to the same, dated March the last, 1642. 2
DA412 1642 .E645 A new declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, in answer to His Majesties letter dated the fourteenth of June and sent to the lord mayor, aldermen and sheriffs of the city of London as also concerning His Majesties declaration published in Heweth More : together with the vindication of the Parliament from scandals which are cast upon them. 2
DA412 1642 .E88 The Earl of Essex his declaration concerning the Kings Most Excellent Majesty wherein is expressed his resolution concerning His Majesty and his royall posterity, the two Houses of Parliament, and the subjects of this kingdome : also the names of those delinquents whose armes are ordered by the Parliament to be seized on for not contributing to the necessity of the commonwealth, and the sequestring the rents and profits of the clergie that have taken up armes against the Parliament. 1
DA412 1642 .E92 The Examination of Sir Ralph Hopton, Sir Iohn Winter, Sir John Stowell with two other knights upon their knees at the barre in the House of Commons the 14 day of this instant October : with the articles of high treason exhibited against them by the House of Commons. 2
DA412 1642 .E93 Exceeding joyfull nevvs from the Kings most excellent Majesty vvherein is declared how His Majesty casheeres all those cavaliers that are suspected to be enemies to the peace of the kingdome, or do any way endeavour to oppresse any of the Protestant religion : vvith His Majesties royall promise to protect the poorest of his subjects from the tyrannie of the disturbers of the peace of the kingdome. 1
DA412 1642 .F35 A Famous and joyfull victory obtained by Sir John Merricks regiment and one troop of horse against the towne and castle of Portsmouth August 24, 1642 and read in the House of Commons on Wednesday last : wherein is set downe a true and exact relation of the manner of that famous and renowned battell fought betwixt the gentry of Portsmouth and Colonell Goring ... published for the joy and comfort of all true-hearted Protestants. 2
DA412 1642 .F47 The resolving of conscience upon this question whether upon such a supposition or case as is now usually made (the King will not discharge his trust but is bent or seduced to subvert religion, laws and liberties) subjects may take arms and resist, and whether that case be now ... /
The resolving of conscience upon this question whether upon such a supposition or case as is now usually made (the King will not discharge his trust, but is bent or seduced to subvert religion, laws, and liberties) subjects may take arms and resist, and whether that be the case now ... /
The resolving of conscience upon this question whether upon such a supposition or case as is now usually made (the King will not discharge his trust but is bent or seduced to subvert religion, lawes and liberties) subjects may take arms and resist, and whether that case be now ... /
DA412 1642 .F48 The resolving of conscience upon this question whether upon such a supposition or case as is now usually made (the King will not discharge his trust, but is bent or seduced to subvert religion, laws, and liberties) subjects may take arms and resist, and whether that case be now ... / 2
DA412 1642 .F58 Five speciall passages viz., two petitions of the countie of Yorke : the one presented to the Kings most excellent majestie at York the third of Iune, 1642, the other to the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled : with the additionals thereunto annexed. The petition of the Kingdom of Scotland to the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privie Councell of that Kingdome : also His Majesties letter to the Lords of his Privie Counsell of the Kingdome of Scotland : and a letter from Sir Io. Bourchier to Sir Thomas Barrington, knight and baronet.
Five speciall passages viz., two petitions of the countie of Yorke : the one presented to the Kings most excellent majestie at York the third of Iune, 1642, the other to the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled : with the additionals thereunto annexed. The petition of the Kingdom of Scotland to the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privie Councell of that Kingdome : also His Majesties letter to the Lords of his Privie Councell of the Kingdome of Scotland : and a letter from Sir Io. Bourchier to Sir Thomas Barrington, knight and baronet.
DA412 1642 .G66 Anti-cavalierisme, or, Truth pleading as well the necessity as the lawfulnesse of this present warre for the suppressing of that butcherly brood of caveliering incendiaries who are now hammering England to make an Ireland of it wherein all the materiall objections against the lawfulnesse of this undertaking are fully cleared and answered, and all men that either love God, themselves, or good men, exhorted to contribute all maner [sic] of assistance hereunto / 1
DA412. 1642 .G72 An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. : For the assessing of all such as have not contributed upon the propositions of both houses of Parliament, for raising of money; plate, horse, horsemen, and armes, for defence of the king, kingdome, and Parliament, or have not contributed proportionably according to the estates. With an explanation of the former ordinance, declaring, that if any person so assessed, shall within 6 or 12 dayes (after notice thereof) pay in the money to the treasurers in Guild-hall, they shall give acquittances for the same, as usuall, to be repaied upon the publique faith. But if they refuse to pay, the collectors shall have power to distreine their goods, imprison their persons, and the families of such disaffected persons shall no longer remaine within the city of London. Likewise an ordinance of both houses of Parliament, for the better provision of victuals, and other necessaries for the army, and for payment and satisfaction to be made for the same. Die martis, 29 novemb. 1642 / 1
DA412 1642 .G732 A remonstrance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, or, The reply of both Houses, to a printed booke under His Majesties name called His Majesties answer to a printed booke entituled, A remonstrance, or the declaration of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament the 26. of May 1642 in answer to a declaration under his Majesties name, concerning the businesse of Hull.
His Maiesties answer to a printed book intituled, A remonstrance, or, The declaration of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, May 26, 1642 in answer to a declaration under His Maiesties name concerning the businesse of Hull.
DA412 1642 .G7326 His Maiesties answer to the XIX propositions of both Houses of Parliament 2
DA412 1642 .G7327 His Maiesties message to both Houses of Parliament of the eleventh of July, 1642 together with His Maiesties proclamation declaring His Maiesties purpose to goe in his royall person to Hull and the true occasion and end thereof. 2
DA412 1642 .G7328 His Maiesties two speeches, one to the knights, gentlemen and freeholders of the county of Nottingham at Newark, the other to the knights, gentlemen, and freeholders of the county of Lincoln whereunto is added His Majesties message to both Houses of Parliament of July 11, 1642. 2
DA412 1642 G745 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the better observing and keeping a monethly fast, within the Kingdom of England, and dominion of Wales 1
DA412 .1642 (INTERNET) Sqvare-caps turned into rovnd-heads, or, The bishops vindication and the brownists conviction being a dialogue between time and opinion : shewing the folly of the one and the worthinesse of the other / 1