Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA412 1647 .T7 | Treasons anatomie, or, The duty of a loyall subject in vindicating his gracious soveraigne, against those horrid aspertions, cast upon him, concerning his fathers death, the reliefe of the Rochellers, and the rebellion in Ireland, and in way of answer to A declaration, published by the House of Commons, Feb. 15. | 1 |
DA412 1647 T86 | Two letters from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax one to both Houses of Parliament, giving an accompt of what transactions and proceedings have been betwixt the Kings Majesty and the Army, since his coming into their quarters : with some farther proposals in relation to His Majesty, and the speedy settlement of the peace of the Kingdom : the other a letter to the Lord Major, aldermen and Common-Councel of the city of London : with some papers of the proceedings of the treaty with the Army. | 1 |
DA412 1647 .W45 | The Kings Majesties desires to His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax presented to His Excellency at the head quarters neere Reading : together with the resolution of His Excellencie concerning the said desires and the great satisfaction His Majestie received thereby : likewise a message sent from His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax to the Honourable House of Commons concerning the Kings Most Excellent Majestie. | 2 |
DA412 1647 .W47 | The Wise-womans saving the city Abel, by delivering the head of Sheba, who was a traytor, to the Kingdome of Israel which serveth as a patterne whereby the city of London may be saved by the wise endeavours of the citizens thereof ... even by delivering up to law and justice the traitors to the Common-wealth of England. | 2 |
DA412 .1648 | A letter sent from the state of Holland to the Right Honorable, the Lord Major [sic] of the City of London, concerning a most horrid conspiracy of treason, against the king and kingdom; and a discovery of the new counterfeit English gold ... The proceedings of the Prince of VVales in Holland, and the declaration and proposals of his councell at war ... Also, a bloudy fight in Yorkshire ... and Duke Hamiltons letter to Scotland. | 1 |
DA412 1648 |
A declaration of the armie, presented to the Kings Majesty in the Isle of Wight; declaring, their full resolution touching His Majesties reign and government, and wearing the crown of England; and their proposals upon what terms and conditions they will re-inthrone him. With His Majesties vow and protestation touching the army. Also, the armies propositions to the Generall councel of the army at St. Albanes, concerning King, Lords, and Commons, debated on Wednesday last, Novemb. 8. 1648. A declaration from the Isle of Wight, concerning the Kings Majesty, and the proceedings of Col. Poyer (governour of Pembroke Castle) in South-Wales. : With His Majesties proposals. : And the resolution of Poyer and his adherents. |
2 |
DA412 1648 .A74 | Reasons against agreement with a late printed paper, intituled Foundations of freedome, or, The agreement of the people whereby it doth appear that the particulars proposed in the said paper are not foundations of freedom but of tyranny and slavery to the people, being destructive to religion, laws, liberty, and government against our Covenant and Protestantism, and very dangerous and unsafe for the kingdome / | 2 |
DA412 1648 .C43 | The Kings Majesties letter to his son the Prince of Wales, concerning the navy, and his subjects of England and his propositions and desires to the commissioners of both Houses of Parliament, touching the generall good of all his subjects : and an act to be to be [sic] passed, published, and read in all the parish-churches of His Majesties realms and dominions : subscribed Charles R : likewise, the answer of the said commissioners thereunto, and their farther results and proceedings with his Majesty, for peace : extracted out of the originall copy, and printed and published, for he [sic] satisfaction of all his Majesties subjects within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales : signed, by the right honorable, the commissioners of the treaty. | 1 |
DA412 1648 .C48 | The Citie letany | 2 |
DA412 1648 .C487 |
The humble representation of the Commissioners of the generall assembly to the honorable estates of Parliament upon their declaration lately communicated to us The humble representation of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly to the honorable estates of Parliament; upon their declaration lately communicated to us. |
3 |
DA412 1648 .C4874 | Act concerning the receiving of engagers in the late unlawfull warre against England to publick satisfaction. | 2 |
DA412 1648 .C65 | The many sufferings of an undone gentleman and his family here truly remonstrated to publick commiseration. | 2 |
DA412 1648 .D42 |
A Declaration to the city and kingdome from Major Generall Massey, Sir William Waller, Colonell Birch and the rest of the impeached members of Parliament, concerning the proceedings of the Lord Generall Fairfax and the army, and their protestation to the people of England touching the Parliament : also, Major Generall Browns declaration and speech to the Lord Generall Fairfax ... : and the declaration of His Excellency the Lord general to the kingdom of England ... : likewise, a new covenant and agreement from the Army to be tendered to all free born English-men. The declaration of his excellency the Lord General Fairfax, and his general councel of officers shewing the grounds of the armies advance towards the city of London. A Declaration to the city and kingdome from Major Generall Massey, Sir William Waller, Colonell Birch and the rest of the impeached members of Parliament, concerning the proceedings of the Lord Generall Fairfax and the army, and their protestation to the people of England touching the Parliament : also, Major Generall Browns declaration and speech to the Lord Generall Fairfax ... : and the declaration of His Excellency the Lord general to the kingdom of England ... : likewise, a new covenant and agreement from the Army to be tendered to all free born English-men .. |
3 |
DA412 1648 .G73 |
A Gracious answer from the King for a treaty with the Parliament at Newport in the Isle of Wight and His Majesties desires or conditions for entring into the said treaty : also the heads of severall letters intercepted comming out of Scotland, and commission given for raising of money for the Scots in the kingdome of England : with an exact relation of advance and motion of the Scots army, and the encounters between them and the forces commanded by Major Generall Lambert, and Lieut. Gen. Cromwell. A Gracious answer from the King for a treaty with the Parliament at Newport in the Isle of Wight and His Majesties desires or conditions for entring into the said treaty : also the heads of severall letters intercepted coming out of Scotland, and commission given for raising of money for the Scots in the kingdome of England : with an exact relation of advance and motion of the Scots army, and the encounters between them and the forces commanded by Major Generall Lambert, and Lieut. Gen. Cromwell. |
2 |
DA412 1648 .H47 | His Majesties fuller condescentions to all the propositions sent by a message to the Parliament by Sir Peter Killegrey on Tuesday last, and his gracious message and protestation : with a list of the names of the new honours of Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, and Lords conferred by the King which are to be recalled, and His Majesties further desires to both Houses for his present coming up to London in honour and freedom, and touching delinquents. | 2 |
DA412 1648 .J87 |
A Just vindication on the behalf of Iohn Eliot Esq in answer to petitions preferred against him to His Excellency and to Mr. Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons by some Officers under the command of Major Generall Laughorne. A Just vindication on the behalf of Iohn Eliot Esq. in answer to petitions preferred against him to His Excellency and to Mr. Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons by some Officers under the command of Major Generall Laughorne. |
2 |
DA412 1648 .L45 |
Foundations of freedom, or, An agreement of the people proposed as a rule for future government in the establishment of a firm and lasting peace : drawn up by severall wel-affected persons, and tendered to the consideration of the General Councell of the Army, and now offered to the consideration of all persons who are at liberty by printing or otherwise to give their reasons for or against it : unto which is annexed severall grievances by some persons, offered to be inserted in the said agreement, but adjudged only necessary to be insisted on as fit to be removed by the next representatives. Foundations of freedom, or, An agreement of the people proposed as a rule for future government in the establishment of a firm and lasting peace : drawn up by severall wel-affected persons, and tendered to the consideration of the General Councell of the Army, and now offered to the consideration of all persons who are at liberty by printing or other wise to give their reasons for or against it : unto which is annexed severall grievances by some persons, offered to be inserted in the said agreement, but adjudged only necessary to be insisted on as fit to be removed by the next representatives. |
2 |
DA412 1648 .P76 | Propositions to bee presented to His Majesty by all the loyall subjects of England now that the rebels would seeme to incline to a personall treaty | 2 |
DA412 1648 .R45 |
A Remonstrance made to the Parliament by the Kings children the 30 of September, 1642 also the Parliaments answer thereunto ... : also the Parliaments declaration and proceedings touching the sequestration of the estates of recusants ... : with their severall orders made thereupon. A Remonstrance for peace between the Kings Most Excellent Majesty and his two Houses of Parliament ... and the proceedings of His Gracious Majesty and the commissioners touching the treaty : as also, five propositions to the kingdom of England ... : with the oath and covenant of the King to his people concerning jvstice, mercy and trvth : extracted out of the originall copy. A Remonstrance for peace between the Kings Most Excellent Majesty and his two Houses of Parliament ... and the proceedings of His Gracious Majesty and the commissioners touching the treaty : as also, five propositions to the kingdom of England ... : with the oath and covenant of the King to his people concerning jvstice, mercy and trvth : extracted out of the originall copy .. A Remonstrance made to the Parliament by the Kings children the 30 of September, 1642 also the Parliaments answer thereunto ... : also the Parliaments declaration and proceedings touching the sequestration of the estates of recusants ... : with their severall orders made thereupon .. |
4 |
DA412 1648 .T783 |
True information of the beginning and cause of all our troubles, how they have been hatched and how prevented wherein we may see the manifold contrivances and attempts of forraigne and home-bred enemies against the Parliament, Kingdome, and purity of religion. True information of the beginning and cause of all our troubles, how they have been hatched and how prevented wherein we may see the manifold contrivances and attempts of forraigne and home-bred enemies against the Parliament, Kingdome, and purity of religion .. |
2 |