Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA412.3Sept1642 E5 | A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the appeasing and quieting of all unlawfull tumults and insurrections in the severall counties of England and dominion of Wales. / | 1 |
DA412.30Jan1643 E5 | A copy of a letter, from the members of both hovses assembled at Oxford, to the Earle of Essex: dated the 27 of January, 1643. : With the names of those who signed it, desiring a treaty of peace. / | 1 |
DA412.643 .M37 1642 |
A plea for defensive arms, or, A copy of a letter written by Mr. Stephen Marshall to a friend of his in the city for the necessary vindication of himself and his ministerie against that altogether groundlesse ... aspersion cast upon him by certain malignants in the city, and lately printed at Oxford, in their Mendacium aulicum, otherwise called Mercurius aulicus ... in which letter the accusation is fully answered, and ... the lawfulnesse of the Parliament taking up defensive arms is briefly, and learnedly asserted and demonstrated .. A plea for defensive arms, or, A copy of a letter written by Mr. Stephen Marshall to a friend of his in the city for the necessary vindication of himself and his ministerie against that altogether groundlesse ... aspersion cast upon him by certain malignants in the city, and lately printed at Oxford, in their Mendacium aulicum, otherwise called Mercurius aulicus ... in which letter the accusation is fully answered, and ... the lawfulnesse of the Parliament taking up defensive arms is briefly, and learnedly asserted and demonstrated. |
2 |
DA412.8June1642 E5 | A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning His Majesties proclamation, given at his court at York, the 27. of May, 1642. With the statute of the 7. Edw. 1. / | 1 |
DA413 .D44 2004 | Royalist identities / | 1 |
DA413 .F85 1997 | Sovereignty and the sword : Harrington, Hobbes, and mixed government in the English civil wars / | 1 |
DA413 .M32 | Restoration historians and the English Civil War / | 2 |
DA415 |
The true informer, who in the follovving discours, or colloquy, discovereth unto the world the chiefe causes of the sad distempers in Great Brittany, and Ireland deduced from their originals. By the Lord Lieutenant Generall and Generall Governor of Ireland Ormonde. VVhereas many waightie affaires concerning the settlement of the government, & composure of the army must take up our tyme, so as we may not attend particular suits and applications, wee have thought fitt, for easeing suitors from unnecessary attendance, .. A brief declaration of the severall passages in the treaty concerning the surrender of the garrison of Lundy, formerly commanded by Tho. Bushell Esq. Governour thereof for His Majestie die Sabbathi 10 Julii, 1647. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that upon delivery up of the Isle of Lundy to the Lord Viscount Say and Seale, or his assignes, by Mr. Tho. Bushell, the delinquency of the said Mr. Bushell be taken of, and all sequestration in respect thereof discharged, and he restored to all his estate, with such right as he or his assignes had in the Mines of Devonshire, Wales, or Cornwall, before these troubles. And that the men that were with him in the island, being not men of quality, be pardoned and freed from delinquency and sequestration. H. Elsing Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. The case of the old secured, secluded, and now excluded members, briefly and truly stated for their own vindication, and their electors and the Kingdomes satisfaction / The remonstrance and protestation, of the gentry, and commonalty of the Counties of Buckingham, Bedford, Hartford, and Cambridge shewing the reasons why they take up armes, and their resolutions thereupon : tendered by them at their meeting with the Parliaments forces, to the view of the world, Decemb. 7. Turncoats and renegadoes changing sides during the English civil wars / Radical parliamentarians and the English Civil War / Edinburgh, 28 April, 1648 per meridiem the humble representation of the Generall Assembly to the honourable Estates of Parliament, upon their Declaration lately communicated to us / Plaine English, or, A discourse concerning the accommodation, the armie, the association From the rendezvous of the whole army upon Hownslow heath, August 3, 1647 Right and might well met, or, A briefe and unpartiall enquiry into the late and present proceedings of the army under the command of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax wherein the equity and regularnesse of the said proceedings are demonstratively vindicated upon undeniable principles, as well of reason, as religion : together with satisfactory answers to all materiall objections against them / The impact of the English Civil War on the economy of London, 1642-50 / The English Civil War, 1640-1649 / KING CHARLES, PRINCE RUPERT AND THE CIVIL WAR. The New Model Army : Agent of Revolution / The British Civil Wars at sea, 1638-1653 / The war without an enemy / Turncoats and renegadoes : changing sides during the English civil wars / An humble representation from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Councell of the Army concerning their past endeavours and now finall desires for the putting of the souldiery into constant pay : for the immediate disburthening the kingdome of free quarter, the prevention of any further increase of arrears, and in order to the better disbanding of supernumeraries, and other things concerning the souldiery / An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with an exhortation for the taking of the Covenant, and for satisfying of such scruples as may arise thereupon : together with the league and covenant, subscribed with the names of the members of the House of Commons as have taken it : with instructions for the taking of the league and covenant in the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales : also, the Declaration of the Kingdomes of England and Scotland, of the 20 of [June?] 1643 : ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance, exhortation, League and Covenant, instructions, and declaration, with the names, be printed and published / A true coppy of the instructions agreed upon by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, and sent to His Excellency the Earle of Essex, Lord Generall of the Army, concerning the advancing of his forces towards his Majesty, &c. The siege of Loyalty House : a story of the English civil war / |
22 |
DA415 1662 | Royall and loyall blood shed by Cromwel and his Party, &c. viz. King Charles the martyr. The Earl of Strafford. The Arch-bishop of Canterbury ... Doctor Hewit to which are added 3 other murthers of publique note ... to which is annexed a brief chronicle of the wars & affairs of the 3. kingdoms, from 1640 to 1661. Most exactly collected and compared with the originals, and amended of those errours wich abound in the counterfeit impression of this book. | 1 |
DA415 .A33 2007 | The noble revolt : the overthrow of Charles I / | 1 |
DA415 .A73 1643 | A true relation of the marchings of the red trained bonds of Westminster, the green auxiliaries of London, and the yellow auxiliaries of the tower hamlets, under the command of Sir William Waller, from Munday the 16. of Octob. to Wednesday the 20. of Decemb. 1643. Briefly delineating most of the chiefest passages in the service, performed by Sir William Waller, at Basing, Farnham and Alton. / | 1 |
DA415 .A76 1992 | The Battle of Naseby and the fall of King Charles I / | 1 |
DA415 .A77 1990 | The English Civil War / | 1 |
DA415 .A79 1994 | Counter-revolution : the second civil war and its origins, 1646-8 / | 1 |
DA415 .B28 2000 | Cavaliers : the Royalist army at war, 1642-1646 / | 1 |
DA415 .B2925 2017 | 'A rabble of gentility' : the Royalist Northern Horse, 1644-45 / | 1 |
DA415 .B2925 2018 | The last army : the battle of Stow-on-the-Wold and the end of the Civil War in the Welsh Marches, 1646 / | 1 |
DA415 .B35 1997 | The civil wars in Britain and Ireland, 1638-1651 / | 1 |
DA415 .B58 2018 | The British Civil Wars at sea, 1638-1653 / | 1 |
DA415 .B6 | David Hume : prophet of the counter-revolution / | 1 |