Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA415 .C76 | The parliament of graces briefly shewing the banishment of peace, the farewell of amity, the want of honesty, the distraction of religion, the flight of sobriety, the lamentation of patience, the love and care of charity : together with the cause of the breaking up of the house of the parliament of graces, worthy the reading in these times of desolation and calamity / | 2 |
DA415 .C76 1642 | A godly exhortation to this distressed nation shewing the true cause of this unnaturall civill war amongst us. | 1 |
DA415 .D34 1997 | Only in heaven : the life and campaigns of Sir Arthur Hesilrige, 1601-1661 / | 1 |
DA415 .D36 2004 | The English Civil War : a historical companion / | 1 |
DA415 .D656 2013 | Fire under the ashes : an Atlantic history of the English revolution / | 1 |
DA415 .D85 |
Declaration regnorum Angliae et Scotiae foedere & armis junctorum pro vindicanda communi causa patriae religionis & libertatis, adversus sceleratum factionem episco-papisticam : promulgata ab utraque Camera Parlamenti Anglicani, nec non a conventu generale ordinum Scotiae, anno 1644 : cui praefixa est declaratio regni Scotiae in qua exponuntur apud fratres Anglos causae praesentis in Angliam expeditionis : et subnexa epistola reverendi coetus ecclesiastici &c. una cum foedere nationale. Declaration regnorum Angliae et Scotiae foedere & armis junctorum pro vindicanda communi causa patriae religionis & libertatis, adversus sceleratum factionem episco-papisticam : promulgata ab utraque Camera Parlamenti Anglicani, nec non a conventu generale ordinum Scotiae, anno 1644 : cui praefixa est declaratio regni Scotiae in qua exponuntur apud fratres Anglos causae praesentis in Angliam expeditionis : et subnexa epistola reverendi coetus ecclesiastici &c. una cum foedere nationale. |
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DA415 .D85 1642 | New orders new agreed upon by the Parliament of Round-heads. Confirmed by the brethren of the new separation assembled at Round-heads Hall without Cripple-Gate. With the great discretion of Master Long-Breath an upright new inspired cobler speaker of the house. / | 1 |
DA415 .E25 1990 | Puritans and roundheads : the Harleys of Brampton Bryan and the outbreak of the English Civil War / | 1 |
DA415 .E39 2000 | Dealing in death : the arms trade and the British civil wars, 1638-52 / | 1 |
DA415 .E39 2000t | Dealing in death : the arms trade and the British civil wars, 1638-52 / | 1 |
DA415 .E4 1645 | The civill vvarrs of the city, or, All the signes in London up in armes, blazing the misery of these present times, more lively then indeed I wish it did | 1 |
DA415 .E43 2011 | 'To walk in the dark' : military intelligence during the English Civil War, 1642-1646 / | 1 |
DA415 .E49 1997 | The English Civil War / | 1 |
DA415 .E5 1970b | The English Civil War and after, 1642-1658 / | 1 |
DA415 .E53 1643 | Letter from the lords at Oxford, and other lords whose names are subscribed, to the Lords of the Privy-Councell and the conservators of the peace of the kingdom of Scotland | 2 |
DA415 .E53 2009 | The English Civil War : conflict and contexts, 1640-49 / | 1 |
DA415 .E54 1642 | A declaration and resolution of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning His Majesties late proclamation for the suppressing of the present rebellion vnder the command of Robert Earl of Essex; and the gratious offer of His Majesties free pardon to him, and all such of his adherents, as shall within six dayes after the date thereof lay down their arms. | 1 |
DA415 .E54 1643 |
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the recruiting, maintaining, and regulating of the forces of the seven associated counties, under the command of Edward Earle of Manchester together, with an ordinance for the association of the said counties. The votes agreed on by the Lords and Commons concerning a treatie and their desire of a safe-conduct for a committee named by them in the Earl of Manchester letter of the 28 of Feb. to the Lord of Falkland : with His Majestis [sic] gracious answer thereunto : and His Majesties safe-conduct : also the articles of both houses of Parliament concerning a cessation, with a letter of the 28 of February from the said Earle of Manchester to the said Lord Viscount of Falkland, where they were inclosed : together with His Majesties gracious answer to the same : Ioh. Brown, Cler. Parl. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for assessing of all such members of either of the Houses of Parliament, as have, or shall absent themselves therefrom, or are in actuall warre against the Parliament: and that the mannors, mesuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, profits, and hereditaments, of such as have not, or shall not satisfie their assessements, shall be letten for security of monies, to be lent by any persons for present supply of the army raised by the Parliament. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the more speedy raising of the monies formerly imposed, and yet unpaid, within the city of London and liberties thereof. |
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DA415 .E54 1644 |
Die Jovis 13 Iunii, 1644 whereas there are many poore, sick and wounded souldiers, who have ventured their lives in the publike service of the kingdome, who are in great want and necessity of linnen and woollen cloaths, .. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the contribution of the value of one meale in the weeke, towards the charging of arming and forming into regiments the auxiliary forces, now in raysing within the city of London and lines of communication. And for the better execution of the severall ordinances of the militia within these parts and places, according to the tenor of the same ordinances. With the names of the treasurers of the severall divisions. The petition of the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Oxford, presented to His Majesty the day before the recesse. And His Maiesties gratious answer to the same. With His Majesties protestation formerly made in the head if his army, and now again reprinted at the desire and by the advice of both houses. The severall ordinances and orders of the Lords and Commons assembed in Parliament concerning the Court Martiall. Together with such of the Lord Generals articles of war, unto which the said ordinances do refer. With the names of such commissioners as are appointed for the execution thereof. |
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DA415 .E54 1645 |
Die Martis Martii, 11. 1644 it is ordered and ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that Sir Thomas Fairfax, for the more speedy raising, perfecting, and compleating of the army whereof hee is appointed commander in cheife, shall have power to take into the same, all such lievtenants, serjeants and other under officers and souldiers as he shall thinke fit, .. Die veneris, 18 Julii, 1645. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for reliefe of the counties of Oxon, Bucks, Berks, and Southampton, and for the better securing of the associated counties, and parts adjacent. Die Martis 23. Septemb. 1645 Resolved upon the question by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that there shall bee a choice made of elders within the province of London, forthwith. |
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