Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA415 .U5 1971 Pride's Purge politics in the Puritan revolution / 1
DA415 .U52 Somerset in the Civil War and Interregnum. 1
DA415 .V56 1647 A vindication of a hundred sixty seven commission officers that are come off from the army in obedience to the Parliaments orders 1
DA415 .V83 VVhat will you have? A calfe with a white face, or, A relation of his travailes from England into Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Holland, Amsterdam, and other places and is now newly arrived at the citie of London where he meanes to abide. 2
DA415.W174 1650 Relations and observations historicall and politick upon the Parliament begun Anno Dom. 1640 divided into II. books : 1. The mystery of the two iuntoes, presbyterian and independent, 2. The history of independency, &c. ; together with an appendix touching the proceedings of the independent faction in Scotland. 1
DA415 .W324 2006 Decisive battles of the English Civil Wars : myth and reality / 1
DA415 .W325 2005 A military history of the English Civil War, 1642-1646 : strategy and tactics / 1
DA415 .W325 2014 A military history of the English Civil War, 1642-1646 : strategy and tactics / 1
DA415 .W327 2010 Warrior generals : winning the British civil wars / 1
DA415 .W327 2010eb Warrior generals : winning the British civil wars 1642-1652 / 2
DA415 .W328 2010 The warrior generals : winning the British Civil Wars, 1642-1652 / 1
DA415 .W33 1997 Civil War, interregnum and restoration in Gloucestershire, 1640-1672 / 1
DA415 .W48 1643 Whereas the summe of two hundred thousand pound is to be paid to our brethren of Scotland or their assistance in the warre, for the speedy raising whereof, some course by ordinance of both houses is already taken, for the forcing of those to lend thereunto, who shall not doe it willingly, and further course will bee taken therein. 1
DA415 .W54 2001 Anatomy of a siege : King John's Castle, Limerick, 1642 / 1
DA415 .W6 1966 Battles of the English Civil War / 1
DA415 .W63 1987 Soldiers and statesmen : the General Council of the Army and its debates, 1647-1648 / 1
DA415 .W66 Prelude to Civil War, 1642 : Mr. Justice Malet and the Kentish petitions / 1
DA415 .W67 2016 To settle the crown : waging civil war in Shropshire 1642-1648 / 1
DA415 .W96 A true declaration concerning the surrender of Bridgewater 2
DA415 .Y465 2020eb The economic causes of the English Civil War : freedom of trade and the English revolution / 1