Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA420 .L4 1659 A letter of the officers of the army in Scotland, under the Commander in Chief there, to the officers of the army in England. 1
DA420 .L42 1651 A new parliament, or representative for the perpetual peace and quiet of this nation, and of other parts (which be or shall be incorporated with the same) in the enjoyment of their just rights and liberties, as in the most peaceable times of old they have been : now proposed to be chosen and held certainly in all future times ... : with other things in order to the prevention of unlawful exacting from the people of this nation, every year hereafter, millions of money formerly so exacted / 1
DA420 .L45 1653 A second address directed to his Excellency the Lord Generall Cromwell, and the Right Honourable the Councell of State sitting at White-Hall: 1
DA420 .L453 Lenthall's lamentation 1
DA420 .L46 1660 A true narrative of the particular profits and gaines made by me William Lenthall from 1648 during the time I was speaker. 2
DA420 .L47 A Letter from the noblemen, gentlemen, justices, and free-holders of the shire of Fife, to the Lord General Monck with his Lordships answer thereunto.
A letter and declaration of the gentry of the county of Norfolk and the county of the city of Norwich, to his excellency the Lord General Monk
DA420 .L47 1659 A Letter from the officers at Whitehall to the officers under Generall Monck in Scotland with the answer of Generall Monck and his officers thereunto : wherein with plainness and sinceritie, they endeavour to set before them the evil of their doings. 2
DA420 .L47 1660 An eccho to the plea for limited monarchy &c. 1
DA420 .L47N No fool, to the old fool: 1
DA420 .L48 The fanatique powder-plot, or The design of the Rumpers and their adherents, to destroy both Parliament and people. VVith a caution against forged intelligence. 1
DA420 .L48 1649 A letter or an epistle to all well-minded men in England, Wales, and Ireland, in special to the Parliament and Army; and more particularly to the Lord General and my fellow-souldiers, in or out of the Army. Together with a declaration of the Army, wherein the true original or intentiional constitution of the present authority, is clearly demonstrated. 1
DA420 .L48 1660 A letter and declaration of the nobility and gentry of the county of York. To his excellency, the Lord Generall Monck. 1
DA420 .L488 1643 A letter from Mercvrivs Civicvs to Mercurius Rusticus: or, Londons confession but not repentance. Shewing that the beginning and the obstinate pursuance of this accursed horrid rebellion is principally to be ascribed to that rebellious city. 1
DA420 .L5 1650 [The engagement vindicated and explained, or, The reasons upon which L. C. John Lilburne tooke the engagement] 1
DA420 .L54 1652 Lieut. Colonel J. Lilburns, apologetisch verhael, nopende sijn onwettigh en onrechtvaerdigh bannissement, onlanghs tegen hem uytgesproken, toegeschreven aen alle inwoonders der vereenighde Nederlandsche Provintien Lieft. [sic] Colonell I. Lilburne his apologeticall narration, in reference to his late illegall and unjust banishment, directed to the people of the United Provinces. 2
DA420 .L55 A letter written to a member sitting at Westminster 1
DA420 .L55 1649 The hunting of the foxes from New-market and Triploe-Heaths to Whitehall, by five small beagles (late of the armie), or, The grandie-deceivers unmasked (that you may know them) directed to all the free-people of England, but in especiall, to all that have, and are still engaged in the military service of the Common-Wealth
To his honored friend, Mr. Cornelius Holland, These
DA420 .L559 Linx Brittannicus, or Contemplations upon the present condition of the kingdome. 1
DA420 .L57 A List of the earls and lords that were present in the House of Peers on Friday, April the 27th, 1660 2
DA420 .L6 London, March 15. 1658. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London .. 1