Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA420 .C68 1988 Swedish diplomats at Cromwell's court, 1655-1656 : the missions of Peter Julius Coyet and Christer Bonde / 1
DA420 .C72 A fevv plain vvords to the officers of the army by way of councel
A fevv plain vvords to the officers of the army by way of councel from one who was conversant with them for the space of about 14 years /
DA420 .C76 A declaration concerning the government of the three nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland 2
DA420 .C76 1650 Severall letters from Scotland relating to the proceedings of the army there read in Parliament the sixth day of September, one thousand six hundred and fifty. 2
DA420 .C76 1651 By His Excellency. Whereas I am informed that complaints are daily made, that divers people, both English and Scotch and especially seamen and marriners, do continue to buy of souldiers stolen and plundered corne, cattell, houshold goods, plate, vvares, and merchandizes all sorts .. 1
DA420 .C76 1655 A letter to His Highnesse the Lord Protector from Captain Unton Crook signifying the totall defeat of the cavaliers in the VVest under the command of Sir Joseph Wagstafe 1
DA420 .C78 1660 A cruel and bloody plot discovered, plotted, contrived and fomented by Haslelrig, Vane, and also the Earl of Argyle, the Earl of Antrim, and several other persons of quality, committed to the Tower likewise, a conference between Sir Arthur and Sir Henry Vane, since they were committed to the Tower of London. 1
DA420 d1660 A True and impartial relation of the death of M. John Gerhard who was beheaded on Tower-hill, July 10, MDCLIV 2
DA420 .D36 1660 The royal oake, or, An historicall description of the royal progresse, wonderful travels, miraculous escapes, and strange accidents of His Sacred Majesty Charles the II, third monarch of Great Britain wherein is observable and worth publique view ... / 2
DA420 .D4 A Declaration of several members of the churches of Christ
A declaration of the right honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax, and the knights and gentry in the north of England. With the raising of forces in the north, west, and eastern ridings of Yorkshire; and the rendezvouzing [sic] of fifteen hundred horse at Maulton Moor, and another great body near the city of York. : Also, the securing of Cliffords Tower, Carlisle, Leeds, Hallifax, Skipton, and divers other places: : And the Lord Lamberts resolution, at a general council of officers. With orders and instructions to several regiments.
DA420 .D4 1653 A declaration of the Lord General and his councel of officers shewing the grounds and reasons for the dissolution of the late Parliament.
A declaration of the Lord General and his councel of officers; shewing the grounds and reasons for the dissolution of the late Parliament.
DA420 .D42 A declaration of the Lord Protector and both houses of Parliament for a day of solemn fasting and humiliation to be observed in all places within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, upon the eighteenth day of May, 1659 2
DA420 .D43 1649 Declaration to the powers of England and to all the powers of the vvorld, shewing the cause why the common people of England have begun and gives consent to dig up, manure, and sow corn up on George-Hill in Surrey; by those that have subscribed, and thousands more that give consent. or, The state of community opened, and presented to the sons of men / 1
DA420 .D43 1653 A declaration of the Lord Generall and his councell of officers; shewing the grounds and reasons for the dissolution of the late Parliament.
A declaration of the Lord Generall and his councel of officers shewing the grounds and reasons for the dissolution of the late Parliament.
DA420 .D58 1659 Divers serious cautions plainly shewing the unlawfulness of the oath of abjuration, and that (for several reasons) a branch of the old royal family may more necessarily tend to the happy settlement of these three distracted nations then any other new government whatsoever. 1
DA420 .D68 1660 The form and order of the coronation of Charls II, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, as it was acted and done at Scoon the first day of Ianuary, 1651
The form and order of the coronation of Charles the II, King of Scotland together vvith the sermon then preached by Mr. Robert Dowglas &c, and the oath then taken with several speeches made : as it was acted at Scoone, the first day of January, 1651 [i.e. 1652]
DA420 .D69 1659 A brief relation of a victory, obtained by the forces under the command of Gen. Edward Doyley, commander in chief of his Highnesse's forces in the island of Jamaica. Against the forces of the king of Spain, commanded by Don Christopher Arnaldo Sasi, commander in chief of the Spanish forces there. 1
DA420 .D7 A catalogue of the lords, knights, and gentlemen that have compounded for their estates. 1
DA420 .D87 1650 Considerations concerning the present engagement, whether it may lawfully be entered into, yea or no? 2
DA420 .E47 The lambe still pursuing the wolfe as may appear by the four within named letters truly duplicated and printed / 2