Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA420 .E5 1656 A declaration of his Highnes the Lord Protector and the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, for a day of solemn fasting and humiliation in the three nations. 1
DA420 .E5 1659 Aug 27 Saturday, August 27. 1659. Ordered by the Parliament, that the proceedings of the commissioners for the militia in the respective counties, cities and places of this commonwealth, for the raising of money .. 1
DA420 .E5 1659 Dec 27 Tuesday the 27th. of December 1659. Resolved, &c. that on the fifth day of January next, this house will take into consideration the cases of all absent members .. 1
DA420 .E5 1659 July 7 A declaration of the Parliament assembled at Westminster. Whereas by a clause in an act of this present Parliament, for enabling and authorizing certain persons to be justices of the peace, and sheriffs .. 1
DA420 .E5 1659 July 22 Friday 22 of July, 1659. Resolved by the Parliament, that the members of Parliament, who have had letters to attend the service of the Parliament .. 1
DA420 .E5 1659 June 27 Monday June 27th 1659. Resolved, that this Parliament doth declare, that, for the encouragement of a Godly, preaching, learned ministry throughout the nation, the payment of tithes shall continue as now they are .. 1
DA420 .E5 1659 May 7 A declaration of the Parliament assembled at Westminster. Whereas the Parliament of this commonwealth having, through the eminent favour and mercy of God, sate many years in the performance of the trust reposed in them by the people, whose representatives they are; and being in the prosecution of that duty assembled in Parliament at Westminster upon the 20th day of April 1653 .. 1
DA420 .E52 1659 An act for constituting a committee for the army and treasurers at war 2
DA420 .E53 A declaration of the army of England upon their march into Scotland as also a letter of His Excellency the Lord Generall Cromwell to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : together with a vindication of the aforesaid declaration from the uncharitable constructions, odious imputations, and scandalous aspersions of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, in their reply thereto : and an answer of the under-officers and souldiers of the army, to a paper directed to them from the people of Scotland.
By the Council of State, a proclamation whereas the Parliament assembled at Westminster the third of November, 1640, is now dissolved, and the care and preservation of the publick in this interval is, in a special manner, committed by authority of Parliament to the Council of State, which trust they are obliged and resolved in the strength of God, to perform with all faithfulness.
A declaration of the army of England upon their march into Scotland as also a letter of His Excellency the Lord Generall Cromwell to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : together with a vindication of the aforesaid declaration from the uncharitable constructions, odious imputations, and scandalous aspersions of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, in their reply thereto : and an answer of the under-officers and souldiers of the army, to a paper directed to them from the people of Scotland.
An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the raising of money to pay the charge of the fortifications and guards, and for other necessary uses: for the safety of the city, and parts adjacent, within the lines of communication, and weekly bills of mortality.
DA420 .E53 1645 Declaratie van het Parlament van Engelandt aende Hoge ende Mogende Heeren De Herren Staten Generael Vande Verenigde Nederlanden : belangende hare laeste Ambassade in Engelandt : herren Staten Generael Vande Verenigde Nederlanden : belangende hare laeste Ambassade in Engelandt. 1
DA420 .E53 1649 An act for taking and receiving the accompts of the Commonwealth with instructions concerning the same.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that no master or commander of any ship shall be permitted to pass or transport any sea-men or mariners ...
Acts done and past in the third session of the second triennall Parliament of our soveraign Lord Charles the II by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, holden at Edinburgh, beginning the twenty third of May, and ending the seventh day of August, 1649.
An act for the admitting of the six counties of North-Wales to a general composition for their delinquency
An act for the tryal of Sir Iohn Stowel knight of Bath, David Ienkins Esq., Walter Slingsby Esq., Brown Bushel, William Davenant, ... and Colonel Gerrard
An act touching the moneys and coyns of England
Die Jovis, 8 Novembr. 1649 resolved upon the question by the Parliament, that such person or persons who shall ... bring in safe custody ... any person that hath committed, or shall commit any burglary or robbery ..
His maiesties declaration to all his subiects of the kingdome of England. Charles R. Charles the Second of that name, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defendor of the faith, &c. to all persons within our kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Wee cannot without unspeakeable grief and sorrow call to mind, ..
Die Jovis, 8 Novembr. 1649 resolved upon the question by the Parliament, that such person or persons who shall ... bring in safe custody ... any person that hath committed, or shall commit any burglary or robbery.
Instructions to be observed by the several justices of peace in the several counties within this Commonwealth, for the better prevention of robberies, burglaries, and other outrages
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that such of the persons to whom the sum of seventy six thousand pounds, or any part thereof is due for fraight ..
DA420 .E53 1650 A declaration of the army of England vpon their march into Scotland
Declaratio Parliamenti Angliæ de expeditione exercitûs eorum in Scotiam
DA420.E53 1650 Resolutions of Parliament touching delinquents and their compositions. Die Mercurii, 14 Martii, 1648. Resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament. 1
DA420 .E53 1651 At a court-martiall at Leith, October, 16. 1651 ordered, that no souldier of the regiment, of Col. Geo Fenwick, Governour of Edinburgh, Leith, and Barwick, shall presume to be married to any woman of, or in Scotland, without consent of the said governour, deputy-governour or major of the same regiment, in that case first had, and obtained in writing, upon pain of being casheered the regiment, and the minister that shall marry them, to answer it at a court-martiall, this order to be printed and published, Tho: Fulford cl. to Hen. VVhalley advocate. 1
DA420.E53 1651 Resolved by the Parliament that all primers formerly used in the time of kingship in this nation be suppressed, and shall from henceforth be no further used in any school, either publique or private, within this commonwealth
Resolved by the Parliament that whatsoever person or persons have, or shall have in their custody any of the printed papers (entituled, His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of the kingdom of England and dominion of VVales) be injoyned forthwith to bring the same in to the Councel of State ...
DA420 .E53 1652 Resolved by the Parliament that the markets be kept to morrow [sic], being the five and twentieth day of December 1
DA420 .E53 1653 An act for continuing John Bradshaw serjeant at law, chancellor of the dutchy and county palatine of Lancaster ...
A declaration of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, for a time of publique thanksgiving, upon the five and twentieth of this instant August, for the great victory lately vouchsafed to their fleet at sea.
By the Council of State the Council of State taking notice of the tumultuous and barbarous actings at the New-Exchange ..
By the Council of State the Council of State taking notice of the tumultuous and barbarous actings at the New-Exchange.
DA420.E53 1653 A declaration of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England 1
DA420 .E53 1654 At the counsell at White-Hall ordered by His Highness with the consent of his counsel, that the commissioners for the excise.
At the counsell at White-Hall ordered by His Highness with the consent of his counsel, that the commissioners for the excise ..
DA420 .E53 1655 Articles of peace, friendship & entercourse, concluded and agreed between England and France, in a treaty at Westminster, bearing date the third of November, new stile, in the year of our Lord God, 1655.
By the Protector, a proclamation giving encouragement to such as shall transplant themselves to Jamaica