Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA429.W5 H39 Winstanley the Digger : a literary analysis of radical ideas in the English Revolution / 1
DA429.W5 M85 1990 The alchemy of revolution : Gerrard Winstanley's occultism and seventeenth-century English communism / 1
DA429.W5 P4 1940 Left-wing democracy in the English Civil War : a study of the social philosophy of Gerrard Winstanley / 1
DA429.W5 .W567 2013eb Winstanley and the Diggers, 1649-1999 / 1
DA430 An answer to a letter sent to the mayor of Salisbury about electing members for the ensuing Parliament.
An act for establishing articles and orders for the regulating and better government of His Majesty's navies, ships of war, and forces by sea
At the court at Whitehall the 31th [sic] of March, 1665 present the Kings most Excellent Majesty, Lord Arch Bp. of Canterbury ... Sir Edward Nicholas : upon reading this day at the board the humble petition of the master, wardens, assistants, and brethren of Trinity House of Deptford strond ... [Order for brethren of Trinity house to be exempt from duties and service in the militia]
The fatal juncto containing, I. The reciprocal testimonies of the King's chief evidence of the Popish Plot, in relation to one another. II. A succinct narrative of the murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey. III. A twofold protestation of Mr. Miles Prance, concerning the said bloody murder.
The last dying words, behaviour, and confession of Henry Harrison, Gent. who was executed in Holborn near Brook-street End, on Friday the 15th day of April, 1692. for the wilful and bloody murther of Andrew Clench dr. of physick in Brownlow-street, in the parish of St. Andrew's Holborn in the county of Middlesex, &c.
Elinor James /
DA430 1660 .E55 By the King a proclamation against the rebels in Ireland. 2
DA430 1660 .H474 His Majesties gracious speech to the House of peers, the 27 of July, 1660 concerning the speedy passing of the bill of indempnity & oblivion. 2
DA430 1673 .G743 His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, to both Houses of Parliament to which is added, His Lordships several speeches : as also, those of Sir Job Charleton, at his admission of speaker to the honourable House of Commons, delivered at the opening of the Parliament, on Tuesday February 4, and Wednesday February 5, 1673. 2
DA430 1675 .E53 His Majesties gracious speech, together with the Lord Keepers, to both houses of Parliament, April 13, 1675 1
DA430 1681 .T78 A True relation of a late barbarous assault committed upon Robert Pye, Esq., one of His Majesties justices of the peace for the county of Hereford, who died thereof 30 Jan, 1680 [old style], by John Bodnam Esq., a notorious papist whom he went about to apprehend for refusing to obey the orders of the quarter sessions, whereby he was summoned to take the oaths of allegiance.
A True relation of a late barbarous assault committed upon Robert Pye, esq., one of His Majesties justices of the peace for the county of Hereford, who died thereof 30 Jan, 1680 [old style], by John Bodnam esq., a notorious papist whom he went about to apprehend for refusing to obey the orders of the quarter sessions, whereby he was summoned to take the oaths of allegiance ..
DA430 .A33 1710 An account of the Test offer'd to the consideration of the electors of Great-Britain. Together with observations on the certificates of Dr. Smalridge and Mr. Crosse printed in the Supplement, Sept. 29. and of Mr. Jodrell printed in the Gazette, Sept. 30. 1710. 1
DA430 .A42 The Alarum, or, An Hue and cry after Sir Pa----t W--d
A letter from the Lord General Monck and the officers here to the several and respective regiments and other forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland.
DA430 .A667 1681 An Apostrophe from the loyal party to the Kings Most Sacred Majesty; humbly shewing how the next House of Commons by law may be purged of it's dis.affected members. 1
DA430 .A67 1660 A proclamation against all seditious railers and slanderers whether civil or ecclesiastick of the Kings Majesty and his government, and against remonstrators and their adherents, and against all unlawfull convocation of His Majesties leidges.
A proclamation against all seditious railers and slanderers, whether civil or ecclesiastick of the Kings Majesty and his government and against remonstrators and their adherents, and against all unlawfull convocation of His Majesties leidges.
DA430 .A72 The Arch-bishop of Canterbury his letter to the King concerning the plot &c. and written with his own hand 1
DA430 .A84 1683 Augusta's restoration from her city-calenture, by an emittick pill of quo warranto from Westminster. 1
DA430 .A85 1689i The power, jurisdiction and priviledge of Parliament, and the antiquity of the House of Commons asserted occasion'd by an information in the Kings Bench, by the Attorney General, against the Speaker of the House of Commons : as also a discourse concerning the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the realm of England, occasion'd by the late commission in ecclesiastical causes / 1
DA430 .A88 The fundamental constitution of the English government proving King William and Queen Mary our lawful and rightful king and queen : in two parts : in the first is shewn the original contract with its legal consequences allowed of in former ages : in the second, all the pretences to a conquest of this nation by Will. I are fully examin'd and refuted : with a large account of the antiquity of the English laws, tenures, honours, and courts for legislature and justice : and an explanation of material entries in Dooms-day-book /
The fundamental constitution of the English government proving King William and Queen Mary our lawful and rightful king and queen : in two parts : in the first is shewn the original contract with its legal consequences allowed of in former ages : in the second, all the pretences to a conquest of this nation by Will. I are fully examin'd and refuted : with a large account of the antiquity of the English laws, tenures, honours, and courts for legislature and justice : and an explanation of material entries in Dooms-day-book /
DA430 .B2 A letter from W.B. in the city, to his friend at Warwick 2
DA430.B34 1663 A letter to a person of quality 1