Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA430 .L69 1661 Loyal and ingenuous returns, of gratitude from the Royal Party, to His Majesty and the Parliament. 1
DA430 .L97 A brief historical relation of state affairs : from September 1678 to April 1714 / 1
DA430 .M1 1670 A wipe for Iter-Boreale Wilde: or, An infallible cure for the gout. 1
DA430 .M3 A word of remembrance, reproof & counsel, to England and London 2
DA430 .M3 1660 The Earl of Manchesters speech to his Majesty in the name of the peers, at his arrival at White-Hall, the 29th of May, 1660. With his Majesties gracious answer thereunto. 1
DA430.M37 1678 At the second sessions of the general court held at Boston in New-England. Whereas it hath pleased His Most Excellent Majesty our gratious King, by his letter bearing date the twenty seventh of April, 1678. to signifie his royal pleasure, that the authority of this his colony of Massachusetts in New-England, do give forth orders that the oath of allegiance as it is by law established within his kingdome of England, be administered and taken by all his subjects within this colony, who are of years to take an oath .. 1
DA430 .M43 1681 The presentment and humble petition of the Grand Jury for the county of Middlesex to the Honourable and Right Worshipful the Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex, at this present general sessions held at Hick's Hall, begun the 18th day of May, 1681. 2
DA430 .M56 A complete history of the late revolution, from the first rise of it to its present time. : In three parts. Shewing I. The growth of popery in England, under the reign of the late King Charles ... II. Our imminent ruin in his popish successor King James, his reign ... with a particular and impartial narrative of the fictitious great belly. III. Our wonderful and happy deliverance, by the Prince of Orange ... With an account of ... Their Majesties happy succession to the throne of Great Britain, and of their prosperous reign hitherto, by defeating the Jacobites dark plots ... and by total reduction of Ireland. To which is added a postscript, by way of seasonable advice to the Jacobite party. 1
DA430 .M582 1698 The case of Mr. Joseph Mitchell, son and heir, and administrator of Sir Michael Mitchell, knight, and alderman of the city of Dublin, lately deceased. 1
DA430 .M64 1683 I have heard some reports of me as if I should have [...] the late plott ... 1
DA430 .N25 1678i The common interest of king and people showing the original, antiquity and excellency of monarchy, compared with aristocracy and democracy, and particularly of our English monarchy: and that absolute, papal and presbyterian popular supremacy are utterly inconsistent with prerogative, property and liberty / 1
DA430 .N38 [Naval account book] 1
DA430 .N42 1676 A pacquet of advices and animadversions, sent from London to the men of Shaftsbury which is of use for all His Majesties subjects in the three kingdoms : occasioned by a seditious pamphlet, intituled, A letter from a person of quality to his friend in the country. 2
DA430.N68 1654 November 15. 1654. A perfect list of the several high sheriffs appointed by His Highness the Lord Protector and His Councill, for the severall counties in England and Wales for the year ensuing, viz. 1
DA430 .N86 Examen: or, An enquiry into the credit and veracity of a pretended complete history; shewing the perverse and wicked design of it, and the many falsities and abuses of truth contained in it. : Together with some memoirs occasionally inserted. All tending to vindicate the honour of the late king Charles the Second, and his happy reign, from the intended aspersions of that foul pen. / 1
DA430 .O27 The Oath of allegiance 2
DA430 .O28 1683 Otes's remonstrance. For the right honourable Sir Leoline Jenkins knight his Majesties principal secretary of state of Whitehall. 1
DA430 .O37 Dr. Oats's answer to Count Teckleys letter intercepted at Dover 1
DA430 .P1 1679 The moderate Parliament considered in this time of danger: being an answer to a letter sent a person of quality about electing a member to sit in the ensuing Parliament. 1
DA430 .P37 This book makes appear the claim, pedigree and proceedings of James Percy now claimant to the Earldom of Northumberland humbly presented to both Houses of Parliament.
Votes and addresses to the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, made this present year 1673, concerning popery and other grievances. March 29, 1673, the Parliaments address to His Majesty for the removal of grievances in England and Ireland
To the right honourable Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of James Percy