Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA432 1663 .L37 | The Last years intelligencer in burlesq. | 2 |
DA432 1664 .B736 | A tender visitation and friendly exhortation to all the children of truth to be valiant in this day of trial | 2 |
DA432 1666 .C497 | The Church-lurcher unkennelled, or, The true stating of the case betwixt sequestred ministers and those that dispossessed them | 2 |
DA432 1671 .C64 | A treatise wherein is demonstrated that the Church and state of England are in equal danger with the trade of it. | 2 |
DA432 1672 .D62 | Doctor Wild's squibs return'd, or, Observations on his counterfeit thanks | 2 |
DA432 1673 .R45 | A Relation of the most material matters handled in Parliament relating to religion, property and liberty of the subject : with the answers unto such addresses as were made unto His Majesty in order to the redressing the several grievances complain'd of and the behaviour and carriage of the popish and French court party. | 2 |
DA432 1675 .I55 | The Informers answer to the late character vindicating themselves from the scandalous truths of that unlucky pamphlet. | 2 |
DA432 1675 .P45 | England's present interest discover'd with honour to the prince and safety to the people. In answer to this one question, What is most fit, easie and safe at this juncture of affairs to be done for composing, at least quieting of differences; allaying the heat of contrary interests, & making them subservient to the interest of the government, and consistent with the prosperity of the kingdom? : Presented and submitted to the consideration of superiours. | 1 |
DA432 1676 H65 | The long Parliament dissolved | 1 |
DA432 1678 .E53 | His Majesties gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the 23d of May, 1678. | 1 |
DA432 1678 (INTERNET) | An exclamation against popery, or, A broad-side against Rome occasioned by His Majesties last gracious speech, when he was pleas'd to express his willingness to maintain the truly antient Protestant religion / | 1 |
DA432 1678 .R8 | An exclamation against popery, or, A broad-side against Rome occasioned by His Majesties last gracious speech, when he was pleas'd to express his willingness to maintain the truly antient Protestant religion / | 2 |
DA432 1679 .D43 | A Dialogue between Duke Lauderdale and the Lord Danby | 2 |
DA432 1679 .E53 | The reasons & narrative of proceedings betwixt the two Houses which were delivered by the House of Commons to the Lords at the conference touching the tryal of the Lords in the Tower on Monday the 26th of May 1679. | 2 |
DA432 1679 .J39 |
A word without doors concerning the bill for succession A word without doors concerning the bill for sucession |
2 |
DA432 1680 .A57 | An Answer to the pretended letter to a friend in the country touching the present fears of the nation and from whence they arise &c. | 2 |
DA432 1680 .G52 | Unio dissidentium heir apparent and presumptive made one. | 2 |
DA432 1680 .J8 | A letter from a friend to a loyal subject where ever he is in England, Scotland, France or Ireland that is wise and faithful, valorous and couragious, for the great honour of God and our royal sovereign, Charles the Second, King of Great Britain / | 2 |
DA432 1680 .L47 | A further discovery of the plot: : dedicated to Dr. Titus Oates, / | 1 |
DA432 1680 .P74 | The last speech and dying-words of Thomas (Lord, alias Colonel) Pride being touched in conscience for his inhumane murder of the bears in the beargarden when he was high-sheriff of Surrey / | 1 |