Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA432 1680 .R76 |
Two memorials delivered this instant January by Mr. Sydney, His Majesty of Great Britains envoy extraordinary residing at the Hague to the States General of the United Provinces to induce their Lordships not to enter into a league defensive with the French king : together with the reasons delivered to the States-General by the French ambassador ... for their entring into such defensive leagues as by his master the French king is desired and prest for. Two memorials delivered this instant January by Mr. Sydney, His Majesty of Great Britains envoy extraordinary residing at the Hague to the States General of the United Provinces to induce their Lordships not to enter into a league defensive with the French king : together with the reasons delivered to the States-General by the French ambassador ... for their entring into such defensive leagues as by his master the French king is desired and prest for .. |
2 |
DA432 1681 | The tryal and condemnation of several notorious malefactors, at a sessions of Oyer and Terminer holden for the city of London, county of Middlesex, and goal [sic] delivery of Newgate beginning May 20, 1681, ending the 21 of the same month, at the Sessions House in the Old-Bayly : with the names of those that receiv'd sentence of death, burnt in the hand, transported, and to be whipt : and more especially the tryal of the maid that killed the apprentice, in Shoe-lane : together with an account of a parsons wife that committed a murther in the like manner. | 1 |
DA432 1681 .C37 | A true and brief relation of the proceedings of the Common-Council of the city of London, the 13th of May, 1681 | 2 |
DA432 1681 .D47 | Devonshire ballad to the tune of 1642. | 2 |
DA432 1681 .F48 | A Few words among many, about the touchy point of succession humbly proposed to timely consideration against the session of Parliament, whether it be now, or hereafter. | 2 |
DA432 1681 .F53 | The Parliament dissolv'd at Oxford, March 28. 1681. From Devonshire. | 1 |
DA432 1681 (INTERNET) |
Young Jemmy an excellent new ballad to an excellent new tune. A speech lately made by a noble peer of the realm |
2 |
DA432 1681 .Y68 | Young Jemmy an excellent new ballad to an excellent new tune. | 2 |
DA432 1682 .B45 | A lamentation over England and faithful warning to the inhabitants thereof | 2 |
DA432 1682 .C38 | The Cavaliers litany | 2 |
DA432 1682 .L477 | Letter to a friend containing certain observations upon some passages which have been published in a late libell intituled, The third part of no Protestant-plot and which do relate to the kingdom of Ireland. | 2 |
DA432 1682 .N487 | A New song being a dialogue between a Whigg and Tory concerning the election of sheriffs. | 2 |
DA432 1682.P46 S4 | A second letter to Hilton, the grand informer against religious meetings wherein his threatnings against constables are demonstrated to be vain : and the whole duty of those officers, in reference to that business, stated. | 1 |
DA432 1682 .S56 | A Short reply to the author of the Whigs rejoinder | 2 |
DA432 1683 .C382 | A calm answer to a bitter invective called A letter to the late author of The preparation for martyrdom | 2 |
DA432 1683 .E53 |
The English Guzman, or, Captain Hiltons memoirs the grand informer. The English Guzman, or, Captain Hiltons memoirs with several other of the grand informers. |
4 |
DA432 1683 .E55 1683 | Animadversions upon a paper entituled, The speech of the late Lord Russel, &c. | 1 |
DA432 1683 .H47 | The character of a church-trimmer | 2 |
DA432 1683 .H85 | The Humble address of the Grand Jury of and for the town and burrough of Southwark at the general sessions of the peace holden for the said town and burrough on Wednesday the fourth day of July 1683 before the Right Honourable the lord mayor of the city of London, and other His Majesties justices of the peace for the said town and burrough to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. | 2 |
DA432 1683 .L68 | The character of an honest man, whether styled Whig or Tory, and his opposite the knave together with some short reflections on some passages in a late pamphlet called, The character of a popish successor, and considerations thereupon / | 2 |