Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA435 .H6 1969 | Britain after the Glorious Revolution, 1689-1714 / | 1 |
DA435 .H614 1993 | The making of a great power : late Stuart and early Georgian Britain, 1660-1722 / | 1 |
DA435 .H615 1986 | Politics, religion, and society in England, 1679-1742 / | 1 |
An answer to the author of the Letter to a member of the convention A letter with animadversions upon the animadverter on the Bishop of Worcesters letter A caveat to the cavaliers, or, An antidote against mistaken cordials dedicated to the author of A cordial for the cavaliers. Summary reasons, humbly tendered to the most Honourable House of Peers by some citizens and members of London, and other cities, boroughs, corporations, and ports, against the new intended Bill for governing and reforming corporations. Rights of the kingdom, or, Customs of our ancestors touching the duty, power, election, or succession of our Kings and Parliaments, our true liberty, due allegiance, three estates, their legislative power, original, judicial, and executive, with the militia freely discussed through the British, Saxon, Norman laws and histories, with an occasional discourse of great changes yet expected in the world. A reply to the reasons of the Oxford-clergy against addressing An Acconut [sic] of the deportment and last words of Mr. Richard Langhorne who was drawn, hang'd and quarter'd at Tyburn for high-treason, on Munday, July 14, 1679. A leafe from the tree of life wherewith to heal the nation of all strife and controversie, and to settle therein peace and unitie / The head of Nile, or, The turnings and windings of the factious since sixty in a dialogue between Whigg and Barnaby. England's improvements justified and the author thereof, Captain Y. vindicated from the scandals in a paper called a Coffee-house dialogue : with some animadversions upon his popish designs therein contained. The True copys of several letters from Portsmouth Citt and Bumpkin in a dialogue over a pot of ale concerning matters of religion and government The knot unty'd, or, The association disbanded The secret history of White-Hall, from the restoration of Charles II down to the abdication of the late K. James writ at the request of a noble lord, and conveyed to him in letters, by ---late secretary-interpreter to the Marquess of Louvois, who by that means had the perusal of all the private minutes between England and France for many years : the whole consisting of secret memoirs, which have hitherto lain conceal'd, as not being discoverable by any other hand / Citt and Bumpkin, or, A learned discourse upon swearing and lying and other laudable qualities tending to a thorow reformation : the second part. A compendious history of the most remarkable passages of the last fourteen years with an account of the plot, as it was carried on both before and after the fire of London, to this present time. A second return to the letter of a noble peer, concerning the addresses A just and modest vindication of the proceedings of the two last parliaments Ursa major & minor, or, A sober and impartial enquiry into those pretended fears and jealousies of popery and arbitrary power with some things offered to consideration touching His Majestie's league made with the King of France upon occasion of his wars with Holland and the United Provinces : in a letter written to a learned friend. |
19 |
DA435 .J36 1699 | Mrs. James's humble letter to the Honourable House of Lords, concerning the right and power of the House of Commons | 1 |
DA435 .J37 2008 | ||
DA435 .J66 | Country and court : England, 1658-1714 / | 1 |
DA435 .K69 2005 | Representation and misrepresentation in later Stuart Britain : partisanship and political culture / | 1 |
DA435 .K69 2006eb | Representation and misrepresentation in later Stuart Britain : partisanship and political culture / | 1 |
DA435 L35 | The triumph of the lawyers : their role in English politics, 1678-1689. | 1 |
DA435 .L44 2019 | Revolution remembered : seditious memories after the British civil wars / | 1 |
DA435 .L53 1992 | Liberty secured? : Britain before and after 1688 / | 1 |
DA435 .M114 1873 | The history of England from the accession of James the Second / | 1 |
DA435 .M117 1857 | The history of England from the accession of James the Second / | 1 |
DA435 .M14 | The history of England from the accession of James II / | 1 |
DA435 .M14 1850z | The history of England from the accession of James the Second / | 1 |
DA435 .M14 1856b | The history of England from the accession of James II / | 1 |
DA435 .M14 1860 | The history of England : from the accession of James II. / | 1 |
DA435 .M14 1861 | The history of England : from the accession of James II. / | 1 |
DA435 .M14 1865 | The history of England from the accession of James II / | 1 |