Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA44 .P38 2017 Patriotism : the making and unmaking of British national identity / 1
DA44 .R42 The Rebels doom, or, An historical account of the most remarkable rebellions from Edward the Confessor's reign to His present Majesties happy restauration : with the fatal consequences that have always attended such disloyal violations of allegiance.
The Rebels doom, or, An historical account of the most remarkable rebellions from Edward the Confessor's reign to this present wicked rebellion of J. D. of Monmouth : with the deserved punishments that have constantly attended such horrid practices.
DA44 .R55 Law and legislation from Aethelberht to Magna Carta / 1
DA44 .S63 Series cancellariorum Angliæ non dicam absoluta (nam in hoc desudent alij) sed vt è Thinni, & ms. quodam catalogo inceri authoris comeximus : auctior verò in nonnullis, et emendatior... / 1
DA44 .T73 2009 Transnational England : home and abroad, 1780-1860 / 1
DA45 Democracy and diplomacy : a plea for popular control of foreign policy /
Religion and British international development policy /
A discourse written by Sir George Downing the King of Great Britain's Envoy extraordinary to the states of the Vnited Provinces : vindicating his royal master from the insolencies of a scandalous libel, printed under the title of [An Extract out of the Register of the States General of the United Provinces, upon the Memorial of Sir George Downing, envoy, &c.] and delivered by the agent, De Heyde for such, to several publick ministers : whereas no such resolution was over communicated to the said envoy, nor any answer returned at all by Their Lordships to the said memorial : whereunto is added a relation of some former and later proceedings of the Hollanders, by a meaner hand.
Greatness and decline : national identity and British foreign policy /
DA45-47.9 New Perspectives on Romance Linguistics. Vol. I : Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics. Selected papers from the 35th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Austin, Texas, February 2005. 1
DA45 .A56 1966aa Britain and the Netherlands in Europe and Asia : papers delivered to the third Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference / 1
DA45 .B625 2013 Britain in global politics. 4
DA45 .B65 Das Britische reich in der weltpolitik. 1
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