Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA445 .M6 1660: the year of Restoration. 1
DA445 .N43 A second pacquet of advices and animadversions sent to the men of Shaftsbury, occasioned by several seditious pamphlets spread abroad to pervert the people since the publication of the former pacquet. 2
DA445 .N48 Orations of divers sorts accommodated to divers places 2
DA 445 N53 1984 Ideology and politics on the eve of Restoration : Newcastle's advice to Charles II / 1
DA445 .O27 The King's evidence justifi'd, or, Doctor Oates's vindication of himself and the reality of the plot against a traiterous libel called The compendium contrived by the Jesuits, to the dishonour of the King and kingdom. 2
DA445 .O3 1967 England in the reign of Charles II. 1
DA445 .O37 A vindication of Dr. Titus Oates from two late scurrilous libels written to create a dis-belief of the Popish plot : the one entituled A narrative by E. Settle : the other a modest vindication of Titus Oates, the Salamanca doctor, from perjury &c. /
Observations upon the strange & wonderful prophecies of Mr. John Gadbury, now prisoner in the gate-house for high trason with astrological predictions for the year, 1680 : shewing, from the choicest rules in the sidereal sciences, what grand revolutions or accidents are likely to happen in every month, respectively, in many parts of the world, especially, England, Scotland, & Ireland : as also, the death of the Pope fore-told, etc.
DA445 .O38 1660 The oath of allegiance I A.B. do truly and sincerely acknowledge, profess, testifie & declare in my conscience before God and the world, that our Sovereign Lord King Charles is law-full and right-full King of this relm .. 1
DA445 .O5 England in the reign of Charles II / 1
DA445 .O5 1967 England in the reign of Charles II. 1
DA445 .P33 The Pacquet-boat advice, or, A discourse concerning the war with France between some English gentlemen and a French-man betwixt Calis and Dover. 2
DA445 .P33 2008 The long parliament of Charles II / 1
DA445 .P35 1960a Merry monarch : the life and likeness of Charles II. 1
DA445 .P52 Plain-dealing, or, A Second dialogue between Humphrey and Roger as they were returning home from choosing knights of the sheir to sit in Parliament 2
DA445 .P65 1990 The Politics of religion in Restoration England / 1
DA445 .P7 The presentments of the grand-jury for the county of Northampton, at Lent-Assizes, anno tricesimo quinto Regis Caroli Secundi.
Remerciement fait au Roi de la part de l'eglise francoise et de l'eglise flamande de la ville de Londres pour les graces que sa Majesté a accordées aux estrangers protestans qui se retirent dans son Roiaume
DA445 .P7 1684 Proposals to his grace de [sic] Duc of Albermarle 1
DA445 .P74 The mystery and method of His Majesty's happy restauration laid open to publick view
The mystery and method of His Majesty's happy restauration, laid open to publick view
DA445.P76 1680 Proposals humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons to support the manufacture of England and raise money to pay the poor distressed people concerned in quartering and cloathing the army disbanded in 1679 .. 1
DA445 .R4 1971 The Restoration of Charles II / 1