Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA447.W3 W37 2009 The occasional meditations of Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick / 1
DA447 .W34 1679 A true copy of the speech of Mr. Francis Johnstons, alias Dormore, alias Webb, alias Wall; a priest of the Church of Rome, (who was convicted before Mr. Justice Atkins, at Worcester, last Lent-assizes, upon an indictment on the statute of the 27 Eliz. cap. 2.) which he spake upon the ladder, immediately before his execution, on Fryday last, August 22. 1679. With animadversions upon the same. 1
DA447 .W36 Whereas the Lady Wentworth gives out ... that she is ready and willing to ... go to a tryal at law, with the Lady Poole her sister, and the Countess of Newbrough, for and concerning a debt of 6000 l. due and owing to them ... 1
DA447.07 W5 1677 To His Grace James Duke of Ormond, &c. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on his return to that government. 1
DA448 An act of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Commons, and Citizens of the City of Dublin in a General Assembly held at New- Hall the 14th day of May 1681. and publish'd by order. [Animadverting on a pamphlet, entitled "Ireland's sad lamentation"]
The proceedings at the assizes holden at York, the 24th day of July, 1680 before the Right Honourable Sir William Dolben Kt. one of the justices of the Court of Kings Bench and Sir Edward Atkyns Kt. one of the barons of the Court of Exchequer, then judges of the Assize for the Northern Circuit, against several prisoners then indicted for the horrid Popish Plot against the life of the King, and for subversion of the government and Protestant religion : with an accompt at large of the arraignment of Sir Miles Stapleton baronet, and of the tryal, condemnation and execution of Thomas Thwing for the same plot : published by vertue of an order of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, made on the 9th day of November, 1680."
Dr. Oats's answer to Count Teckleys letter intercepted at Dover
The Copy of a letter, by a minister in London to one of his parish retired into the countrie containing religious advice and directions usefull for all men, especially in this time of great mortality : whereunto is annexed a pious meditation or prayer, suitable to the condition of such as are yet free from the infection : also a direction for one esteeming himself near death, how to resign his soul to the Lord.
A second letter to Mr. Miles Prance, in reply to the ghost of Sir Edmond-bury Godfrey.
DA448 1660 The five faithful brothers., or, A dialogue being a true discourse between His Majesty Charles the Second, and the five brothers at his escape from Worcester together with the severall discourses and passages that past betwixt them. With Mris Lanes conveying of His Majesty through all his difficulties; and his obscurity in the oake for many daies. And his taking shipping in Sussex. This being related by the five brothers and taken from their own mouths. 1
DA448 .A2 An Account of the sentence which past upon Titus Oates (upon conviction of horrid perjuries) at the Kings Bench-bar, Saturday, May 16th, 1685 : also a relation of his behavior in the Kings Bench-prison ever since his convictions (viz.) May 8 & 9.
An account of, (together with) the writing it self that was found in the pocket of Lawrence Hill, at the time he and Green were executed, (Friday the 21st. of February, 1678/9.) for the murder of Sr. Edmond-Berry Godfrey Kt.
DA448 .A22 1679 An Account of the proceedings at the Guild-hall of the city of London, on Saturday, September 12. 1679 with the substance of Sir Thomas Player's speech and the lord mayor's answer thereunto. 2
DA448 .A24 1679 An account of the proceedings at the Guild-Hall of the City of London, on Saturday, September 13. 1679. With the substance of Sir Thomas Player's speech, and the Lord Mayor's answer thereunto. 1
DA448 .A25 An Account of the discovery of the new plot made manifest by several of the conspirators convened before His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council at Hampton Court on the 23. of this instant June 1683. 1
DA448 .A27 An Abstract of the accusation of Robert Bolron and Lawrence Maybury, servants, against their late master, Sir Thomas Gascoigne, Kt. and Bart. of Barnbow in York-shire, for high-treason with his tryal and acquittal, 11 February 1679/80. 2
DA448 .A3 1680 The Popish damnable plot against our religion and liberties : Fairly laid open and discover'd in the breviats of threescore and four letters and papers of intelligence past betwixt the Pope, Duke of York, Cardinal Norfolk, Cardinal Cibo, Cardinal Barbarina, Nuntio and Internuncio for the Pope in Italy, France and Flanders, and the Lord Arundel, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Conne. And also the said Mr. Coleman, Albany, Sr. German, Lybourn, Sheldon, Throgmorton, and several others : As they were drawn up by the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, for the satisfaction of the House of Lords, in the bill against the Duke of York, and expected tryals of the lords : Now published for the vindication of the House of Commons upon the said bill, and for satisfaction of all the faithful subjects of his Majesties kingdoms, with several animadversions and remarks made upon the said letters. 1
DA448 .A32 1682 The addresses importing an abhorrence of an association, pretended to have been seized in the E of Shaftsbury's closet, laid open and detected. In a letter to a friend. 1
DA448 .A36 The Account of the manner of executing a writ of inquiry of damages between His Royal Highness James Duke of York &c. and Titus O[a]tes which was executed at the bar of the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster on Wednesday the 19th of June, 1684 in the presence of the high sheriff of Middlesex. 2
DA448 .A38 Advice to the men of Shaftesbury, or A letter to a friend concerning the horrid Popish-Plot. 1
DA448 .A42 1660 A letter from Gen. Monck to King Charls son of the late King Charls of England deceased together with King Charls his answer thereunto. 2
DA448 .A54 Animadversions on the last speech of William Viscount Stafford who was beheaded on Tower-Hill for high treason in conspiring the death of the king, &c. on Wednesday, December 29th, 1680. 3
DA448 .A54 1681 Animadversions upon the speech of William (late) Viscount Stafford on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, immediately before his execution, upon Wednesday, December, 1680 : plainly laying open the falacy of all his asseverations of his innocency : published to prevent the deceiving of Protestants. 2
DA448 .A57 An Answer to Blundell the Jesuits letter that was taken about him at Lambeth, on Munday the 23d. of this instant June, directed to the Jesuits at Cambra in Flanders, wherein he gives them an account of several notorious untruths concerning the proceedings in court against the five Jesuits lately executed : with several other preposterous relations, the which being duly weighed, it was thought fit to exhibit this responsary to confute his errors, and for vindication of the wholesome laws and impartial judicature of this our English nation &c.
An Answer to Blundell the Jesuits letter that was taken about him at Lambeth, on Munday the 23d. of this instant June, directed to the Jesuits at Cambra in Flanders, wherein he gives them an account of several notorious untruths concerning the proceedings in court against the five Jesuits lately executed : with several other preposterous relations, the which being duly weighed, it was thought fit to exhibit this responsary to confute his errors, and for vindication of the wholesome laws and impartial judicature of this our English nation &c.
DA448 .A58 It is this day ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all licences granted by this House to any papist, or reputed papist, to come to and stay in town, be ... declared to be void 2