Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA448 .A36 The Account of the manner of executing a writ of inquiry of damages between His Royal Highness James Duke of York &c. and Titus O[a]tes which was executed at the bar of the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster on Wednesday the 19th of June, 1684 in the presence of the high sheriff of Middlesex. 2
DA448 .A38 Advice to the men of Shaftesbury, or A letter to a friend concerning the horrid Popish-Plot. 1
DA448 .A42 1660 A letter from Gen. Monck to King Charls son of the late King Charls of England deceased together with King Charls his answer thereunto. 2
DA448 .A54 Animadversions on the last speech of William Viscount Stafford who was beheaded on Tower-Hill for high treason in conspiring the death of the king, &c. on Wednesday, December 29th, 1680. 3
DA448 .A54 1681 Animadversions upon the speech of William (late) Viscount Stafford on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, immediately before his execution, upon Wednesday, December, 1680 : plainly laying open the falacy of all his asseverations of his innocency : published to prevent the deceiving of Protestants. 2
DA448 .A57 An Answer to Blundell the Jesuits letter that was taken about him at Lambeth, on Munday the 23d. of this instant June, directed to the Jesuits at Cambra in Flanders, wherein he gives them an account of several notorious untruths concerning the proceedings in court against the five Jesuits lately executed : with several other preposterous relations, the which being duly weighed, it was thought fit to exhibit this responsary to confute his errors, and for vindication of the wholesome laws and impartial judicature of this our English nation &c.
An Answer to Blundell the Jesuits letter that was taken about him at Lambeth, on Munday the 23d. of this instant June, directed to the Jesuits at Cambra in Flanders, wherein he gives them an account of several notorious untruths concerning the proceedings in court against the five Jesuits lately executed : with several other preposterous relations, the which being duly weighed, it was thought fit to exhibit this responsary to confute his errors, and for vindication of the wholesome laws and impartial judicature of this our English nation &c.
DA448 .A58 It is this day ordered by the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, that all licences granted by this House to any papist, or reputed papist, to come to and stay in town, be ... declared to be void 2
DA448.A59 1681 An answer to the protestation of the nineteen Lords against the rejecting of the impeachment of Mr. Fitz-Harris 1
DA448.A6 L9 1681 An answer to a lybel, called, A speech lately made by a noble peer of this realm 1
DA448 .A66 1664 Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, decimo sexto, & decimo septimo. at the Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth day of May, anno Dom. 1661 : in the thirteenth year of the reign of our most Gracious Soveraign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c : and there continued till the 19th of May, in the 14th year of His Majesties said reign .. 1
DA448 .A72 The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury his letter to the King concerning the plot, &c. and written with his own hand 1
DA448 .A77 Articles of treason and other high-crimes and misdemeanors against the Dutches of Portsmouth
Articles of impeachment of high treason, and other high crimes and offences, against William Earl of Powis, William Visount Stafford, Henry Lord Arundel of Wardour, William Lord Petre, and John Lord Bellasis, now prisoners in the Tower
DA448 .A77 1678 Articles of impeachment of high treason and other high crimes, misdemeanours and offences against Thomas, Earl of Danby, Lord High Treasurer of England as they were delivered into the House of Lords in the name of the Commons of England, by Sir Henry Capel, December 23, 1678 : together with a letter of the Lord Treasurers to Mr. Montague, late embassador in France.
Articles of impeachment of high treason and other high crimes, misdemeanours and offences, against Thomas Earl of Danby Lord High Treasurer of England. As they were delivered into the House of Lords in the name of the Commons of England, by Sir Henry Capel, December 23, 1678. Together vvith a letter of the Lord Treasurers to Mr. Montague, late embassador in France.
DA448 .A97 1683 The Auricular confession of Titus Oates to the Salamanca-doctor, his confessor 2
DA448 .B37 The tryal and conviction of Sr. Sam. Barnardiston, Bart. for high misdemeanor at the session of nisi prius holden at Guild-Hall, London, for His Majesties Court of Kings Bench before the Right Honorable Sir George Jeffreys ... lord chief justice of England on Thursday, Feb. 14, 1683
The tryal and conviction of Sr. Sam. Barnardiston, Bart. for high misdemeanor at the session of nisi prius holden at Guild-Hall, London, for His Majesties Court of Kings Bench before the Right Honorable Sir George Jeffreys ... lord chief justice of England on Thursday, Feb. 14, 1683.
The petition of Mr. Praise-God Barebone, and several others, to the Parliament. Presented on Thursday the 9th of February, 1659.
DA448 .B4 A succinct narrative of the bloody murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey by the papists, Octob. 12. 1678. With the various and wonderful circumstances ... / 1
DA448 .B43 The Behavior, last words, non-confession, and just execution of Richard Langhorne, counsellor at law, for high-treason, at Tyburn, on Monday the 14th of July, 1679 2
DA448 .B43 1679 The Behaviour, last words, and execution of the five grand Jesuits and popish priests viz. Thomas White, alias Whitebread ... William Harcourt ... John Fenwick ... John Gavern, alias Gawen ... & Anthony Turner ... who all justly suffered at Tyburn on the 20th of June, 1679.
The Behaviour, last words, and execution of the five grand Jesuits and popish priests viz. Thomas White, alias Whitebread ... William Harcourt ... John Fenwick ... John Gavern, alias Gawen ... & Anthony Turner ... who all justly suffered at Tyburn on the 20th of June, 1679 ..
DA448 .B45 The Behaviour of Mr. Will. Staley in Newgate after his condemnation for high-treason : with the substance of his last speech and discourses at the usual place of execution, whither being drawn on a sledge he was hang'd and quarter'd there, on Tuesday the 26th of this instant November, 1678. 2
DA448 .B56 An appeal from the country to the city, for the preservation of His Majesties person, liberty, property, and the Protestant religion 2