Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA448 .C67 1682 Stafford's memoires, or, A brief and impartial account of the birth and quality, imprisonment, tryal, principles, declaration, comportment, devotion, last speech, and final end of William, late Lord Viscount Stafford, beheaded on Tower-hill Wednesday the 29. of Decemb. 1680 whereunto is annexed a short appendix concerning some passages in Stephen Colledges tryal / 2
DA448 .C68 1679 The court of honour, or, The vertuous Protestant's looking-glass being the true and lively characters (or descriptions of the chief and most noble worthies that maintain any pious princes crown, or make happy a kingdom, with their several qualifications, dignities and tytles : wherein good kings may view their own images, virtuous noblemen see their own pictures, subjects learn loyal obedience ... / 2
DA448 .C68 1682 The Countries advice to the city in a letter from a loyal country gentleman, to a loyal citizen. 2
DA448 .C75 1680 Certain proposals humbly offered by the bayliff and other inhabitants of Cricklade in the County of Wilts, to William Lenthall and Edmund Webb, esquires, elected to serve for the borough of Cricklade in the Parliament to be held at Oxford the 21th. of March, 1680. 1
DA448 .C764 1679 A short narrative of the discovery of a colledge of Jesuits, at a place called the Come, in the county of Hereford which was sent up unto the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in Parliament, at the end of the last sessions, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford, according to an order sent unto him by the said Lords, to make diligent search, and return an account thereof : to which is added a true relation of the knavery of Father Levvis, the pretended Bishop of Landaffe, now a prisoner in Monmouth Goal [sic] 1
DA448 .D25 1949 Titus Oates / 1
DA448 .D35 Thomas Dangerfield's answer to a certain scandalous paper entituled, The Kings evidence vindicated as to the imputation of perjury
More shams still, or, A further discovery of the designs of the Papists to impose upon the nation the belief of their feigned Protestant or Presbyterian plot
DA448 .D36 The grand impostor defeated 2
DA448 .D36 1682 The grand impostor defeated. By Tho. Dangerfield. 1
DA448 .D37 1683 Tuesday, July 24, 1683 Whereas one Thomas Fox bookseller of Westminster, has published an advertisement, insinuating, as if that speech and paper of my Lord Russell's printed by me, was not true, and doth pretend to publish a more perfect one, together with the speeches of Walcot, Hone and Rouse in five sheets sold for six pence : this is to give notice ... / 1
DA448 .D42 The debates in the House of Commons assembled at Oxford March the 21st. 1680. 1
DA448 .D43 Defensio legis, or, The Whole state of England inquisited and defended for general satisfaction
Defensio legis, or, The Whole state of England inquisited and defended for general satisfaction.
DA448 .D46 The Deplorable case of the officers, innkeepers, and clothiers that served in, quartered, and cloathed the army raised by an act of Parliament, in 1677, and disbanded by another act, in 1679. 2
DA448 .D47 Diaries of the Popish Plot : being the diaries of Israel Tonge, Sir Robert Scuthwell, Edmund Warcup, John Joyne, and Thomas Dangerfield : and including Titus Oates's A true narrative of the horrid plot (1679) /
A Description of His Majesties true and loyal subjects, scandalously called toreys
DA448 .D48 Ad general. quarterial. session. pacis dom. regis tent. apud castr. exon. in & pro comitat. præd. secundo die Octobris, anno regni dom. nostri Caroli Secundi Dei gratia Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Regis, fidei defensor, &c, tricessimo quinto, annoque dom. 1683 2
DA448 .D5 1685 Die Sabbati 9̊ Maij, Anno Domini, 1685 in banco Regis. Dominus Rex versus Oats. 1
DA448 .D52 A Dialogue between Tom and Dick over a dish of coffee concerning matters of religion and government.
A Dialogue betwixt Sam. the ferriman of Dochet, Will. a waterman of London, and Tom. a bargeman of Oxford upon the Kings calling a parliament to meet at Oxford.
DA448 .D57 The Dissenter truely described 2
DA448 .D67 The new plot of the papists to transform traitors into martyrs faithfully exposed to publick view. 2
DA448.D67 1679 The new plot of the papist by which they design'd to have laid the guilt of their hellish conspiracies against His Majesty and government upon the dissenting protestants. 1