Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA448 .D7 | The vindication / | 1 |
DA448 .D7 1680 | Dr. Otes his vindication: affirming that his evidence is not to be bafled by the papists. ; And shewing the power that induced him to discover this damnable hellish popish plot against the Protestant religion. | 1 |
DA448 .D87 1665 | The Dutch boare dissected, or a description of hogg-land. A Dutch man is a lusty, fat, two legged cheese-worm: a creature, that is so addicted to eating butter, drinking fat drink, and sliding, that all the vvorld knows him for a slippery fellow, an Hollander is not an High-lander, but a Low-lander; for he loves to be down in the dirt, and boar-like, to wallow therein. | 1 |
DA448 .E27 |
The Earl of Essex's speech at the delivery of the petition to the King, Jan. 25. 1680 The Earl of Exeter with divers other lords and gentlemen are proprietors and owners ... of 36000 acres of fen and meadow ground, lying between the rivers of Glenn and Kyme Eaye in the county of Lincoln The Earl of Exeter with divers other lords and gentlemen are proprietors and owners ... of 36000 acres of fen and meadow ground, lying between the rivers of Glenn and Kyme Eaye in the county of Lincoln ... |
3 |
DA448 .E27 1681 | The Earl of Essex his speech at the delivery of the petition. | 1 |
DA448 .E3 1682 | O ye, yes, all ye manner of Whigs who have lost your intended caball-feast .. | 1 |
DA448 .E34 |
Eikōn brotoloigoy, or, The picture of Titus Oates, D.D drawn to the life, in a letter to himself. Eikōn brotoloigoy, or, The picture of Titus Oates, D.D. drawn to the life, in a letter to himself. |
2 |
DA448.E35 1696 | Anno regni Gulielmi III. regis. Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, septimo & octavo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the two and twentieth day of November, Anno Dom. 1695. In the seventh year of the reign of our sovereign Lord William the third, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, &c. | 1 |
DA448 .E43 | An elegy on the death of the plot | 2 |
DA448 .E5 1660 |
By the King. A proclamation to summon the persons therein named, who sate, gave judgment, and assisted in that horrid and detestable murder of His Majesties Royal Father of blessed memory, to appear and render themselves within fourteen dayes, under pain of being excepted from pardon. His Majesties gracious message to the House of Commons His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his kingdom of England and dominion of Wales, concerning ecclesiastical affairs. His Majesties gracious speech to the House of Peers, the twenty seventh day of July, 1660. Concerning the speedy passing of the bill of indempnity and oblivion. A proclamation of both houses of Parliament for proclaiming his Majesty King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Die Veneris, 18 Maii, 1660. Upon complaint this day made by the Commons, it is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that all these persons, viz. .. |
6 |
DA448.E5 1660 | His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his kingdom of England, and dominion of VVales concerning ecclesiastical affairs. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1661 | Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo tertio. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the eighth day of May, an. Dom. 1661. In the thirteenth year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. And there continued until Tuesday the 30th of July, 1661, and from that day the said Parliament was adjourned unto the 20th of November then next following. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1662 | His Majestie's gracious speech to the honorable House of Commons in the banquetting-house at White-hall, March I. 1662. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1663 | The votes and orders of the honorable House of Commons, passed February 25, & 26. 1662. Upon reading his Majesties gracious declaration and speech : together with their reasons and addresse, humbly presented to hHis Majesty (the whole House present) by their Speaker Sir Edward Turner, Knight and Baronet, on Saturday, Feb. 28. in the banquetting-house at Whitehall. With his speech at the delivery thereof; and his report of the substance of His Majesties gracious answer thereunto. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1664 |
His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday the one and twentieth of March, 166³/₄ His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday, November 24. 1664. Being the first day of their meeting. |
2 |
DA448 .E5 1666 |
His Majesties declaration against the French His Majestie's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, the one and twentieth day of September, 1666. |
2 |
DA448 .E5 1667 |
A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States-General of the Vnited Netherlands. A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the French King. A proclamation, for publishing of the peace between His Majesty and the King of Denmark |
3 |
DA448 .E5 1672 | His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, March 15. 1672. Published by the advice of his Privy Council. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1674 | A proclamation, for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States General of the United Netherlands. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1678 | His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Munday [sic] the 28th of January, 167⁷/₈. Published by his Majesties command. | 1 |