Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA448 .E5 1662 | His Majestie's gracious speech to the honorable House of Commons in the banquetting-house at White-hall, March I. 1662. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1663 | The votes and orders of the honorable House of Commons, passed February 25, & 26. 1662. Upon reading his Majesties gracious declaration and speech : together with their reasons and addresse, humbly presented to hHis Majesty (the whole House present) by their Speaker Sir Edward Turner, Knight and Baronet, on Saturday, Feb. 28. in the banquetting-house at Whitehall. With his speech at the delivery thereof; and his report of the substance of His Majesties gracious answer thereunto. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1664 |
His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday the one and twentieth of March, 166³/₄ His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday, November 24. 1664. Being the first day of their meeting. |
2 |
DA448 .E5 1666 |
His Majesties declaration against the French His Majestie's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, the one and twentieth day of September, 1666. |
2 |
DA448 .E5 1667 |
A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States-General of the Vnited Netherlands. A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the French King. A proclamation, for publishing of the peace between His Majesty and the King of Denmark |
3 |
DA448 .E5 1672 | His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, March 15. 1672. Published by the advice of his Privy Council. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1674 | A proclamation, for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States General of the United Netherlands. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1678 | His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Munday [sic] the 28th of January, 167⁷/₈. Published by his Majesties command. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1679 |
An impartial account of divers remarkable proceedings the last sessions of Parliament relating to the horrid Popish Plot &c. .. His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, to both Houses of Parliament on Thursday the 6th of March 1678/9. By his Majesties special command. An impartial account of divers remarkable proceedings the last sessions of Parliament relating to the horrid Popish Plot &c. His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the 6th of March 1678/9. By his Majesties special command. |
4 |
DA448 .E5 1680 |
His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Wednesday the 15th of December, 1680. Published by his Majesties command. His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament Thursday, October 21. 1680. |
2 |
DA448 .E5 1681 | His Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, at the opening of the Parliament at Oxford, Monday the 21st of March, 1680/1. Published by his Majesties command. | 1 |
DA448 .E5 1683 | His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, concerning the treasonable conspiracy against his sacred person and government lately discovered. Appointed to be read in all churches and chappels within this kingdom. By his Majesties special command. | 2 |
DA448 .E53 |
By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual and speedy discovery and prosecution of the Popish Plot By the King, a proclamation for recalling private commissions, or letters of marque By the King, a proclamation requiring all officers or souldiers that served in the armies of any the late usurped powers, and have been disbanded, cashiered, or turned out, to depart the cities of London and Westminster, and borough of Southwark, before the sixteenth day of this instant June By the King, a proclamation for the further discovery of the late horrid design against His Majesties sacred person and government The Oath of allegiance and supremacy By the King, a proclamation for further proroguing the Parliament His Majesties most gracious and royal commission for the relief of poor distressed prisoners By the King, a proclamation for a general fast By the King, a proclamation declaring His Majesties pleasure to settle and establish a free port at his city of Tanger in Africa Englands obligations to Captain William Bedloe, the grand discoverer of this most horrid plot. : to which are added emblems of his loyalty and the Jesuits treachery and cruelty. A proclamation for discovering such as own, or will not disown a late treasonable declaration of war against His Majesty and the horrid principle of assassination His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the opening of the Parliament at Oxford, Monday the 21th day of March 1680/81 His Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, on Saturday the 9th of November, 1678 By the King, a proclamation By the King, a proclamation commanding all masters and owners of ships to stay for their convoy before they put to sea By the King, a proclamation commanding the immediate return of all His Majesties subjects who are in any foreign seminaries, and forbidding relief to be sent to them By the King, a proclamation declaring and enjoyning observance of the articles of peace, commerce and alliance, between His Majesty and the King of Spain By the King, a proclamation declaring the Parliament shall sit the one and twentieth day of October By the King, a proclamation for a generall fast By the King, a proclamation declaring the Parliament shall be prorogued until the first day of October next By the King, a proclamation declaring the Parliament shall be prorogued until the thirtieth of October next By the King, a proclamation for calling home such of His Majesties subjects as are now abroad in the dominions or service of His Majesties enemies By the King, a proclamation for due execution of the late act of Parliament against importing cattel from Ireland, and other parts beyond the seas By the King, a proclamation for putting off the fair to be held the thirteenth of October next ensuing, in the fields and grounds neer Gravesend By the King, a proclamation for quieting the post-master general in the execution of his office By the King, a proclamation requiring all officers or souldiers that served in the armies of any the late usurped powers, and have been disbanded, cashiered, or turned out, to depart the cities of London and Westminster, before the twentieth day of this instant November By the King, a proclamation whereas on Tuesday the sixth of this instant December ... a barbarous and inhumane attempt was made upon the person and life of ... James, Duke of Ormond. By the King, a proclamation requiring all officers or souldiers that served in the armies of any the late usurped powers, and have been disbanded, cashiered, or turned out, to depart the cities of London and Westminster, before the thirtieth day of this instant June By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of the mart at Boston, in the county of Lincoln At the court at Hampton-Court the 28th day of July 1681 ... By the King, a proclamation for suppression of popery Articles of peace and commerce between ... Prince Charles II ... and the Lords, the Bashaw, Dai, Aga, and governours of the famous city and kingdom of Algiers At the court at Whitehal, the third day of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. At the Court at White Hall, January 2, 1671/2 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. At the court at Whitehall, the fifteenth of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. Heads of the expedient proposed in the Parliament at Oxford, in lieu of the former bill for excluding the Duke of York. A proclamation for discovering such as own, or will not disown a late treasonable declaration of war against His Majesty and the horrid principle of assassination. By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of the fair at Bristol, commonly called St. Paul's Fair By the King, a proclamation for the suppressing of seditious and treasonable books and pamphlets By the King, a proclamation for the observation of the Lords day, and for renewing a former proclamation against vitious, debauched and profane persons By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual discovery of Jesuits, and of all estates belonging to them, or to any popish priest, colledge, seminary, or other popish and superstitious foundation By the King, a proclamation for the re-printing, publishing, and using of a book, intituled, God and the King By the King, a proclamation forbidding His Majesties subjects to give assistance to any the subjects of the King of Spain now in rebellion against him By the King, a proclamation requiring the members of both houses of Parliament to give their attendance upon the 21th day of May instant By the King, a proclamation prohibiting His Majesties subjects to take commissions, set out ships, or serve at sea against any foreign prince or state in amity with His Majesty By the King, a proclamation prohibiting His Majesties subjects to go out of this kingdom into the service of any forreign prince or state without liceence By the King, a proclamation requiring the members of both houses of Parliament to give their attendance upon the twenty ninth of August instant At the court at Whitehall, the tenth of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. Articles of peace & commerce between ... Charles II ... and the ... Lords the Bashaw, Dey, Aga, Divan, and governours of the ... kingdom of Tripoli Tractatus marinus inter Serenissimum & Pontentissimum Principem Carolum II ... et Celsos & Praepotentes Dominos Ordines Generales Foederatarum Belgii Provinciarum per omnes & singulas universi orbis regiones & partes terra marique observandus : Londini conclusus primo die Decembris 1674. A treaty for the composing of differences, restraining of depredations and establishing of peace in America between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain : concluded at Madrid the 8th/18 day of July in the year of our Lord, 1670. By the King, a proclamation for a general fast throughout the realm of England His Majesties declaration against the French His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, June the second, 1680 At the court at Whitehall, June the sixth, 1673 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. A proclamation against papists Articles of peace between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II ... and the States General of the United Netherlands concluded at Westminster the 9/19 day of February, 1673/4. Articles of peace between the most serene and mighty prince Charles II ... and the city and kingdom of Algiers Articles of peace between the Most Serene ... Charles II ... and several Indian kings and queens, &c concluded the 29th day of May, 1677. Articles of peace between the most serene and mighty prince Charles II ... and the most excellent signors, Mahomet Bashaw, the Duan of the noble city of Tunis, Hagge Mustapha Dei, Morat Bei, and the rest of the souldiers in the kingdom of Tunis A true and perfect collection of all messages, addresses, &c. from the House of Commons, to the Kings most excellent Majestie, with His Majesties gracious answers thereunto. From 1660, being the year of His Majestie's happy restauration; untill the dissolution of the Parliament, 14. August, 1679. Articles of peace between the Most Serene ... Charles II ... and several Indian kings and queens, &c. concluded the 29th day of May, 1677. A treaty for the composing of differences, restraining of depredations and establishing of peace in America between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain : concluded at Madrid the 8th/18 day of July in the year of our Lord, 1670 .. At the court at Whitehall, the tenth of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty .. At the court at Whitehal, the third day of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty .. At the court at Whitehall, the fifteenth of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty .. At the Court at White Hall, January 2, 1671/2 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty .. By the King, a proclamation whereas on Tuesday the sixth of this instant December ... a barbarous and inhumane attempt was made upon the person and life of ... James, Duke of Ormond .. By the King, a proclamation declaring and enjoyning observance of the articles of peace, commerce and alliance, between His Majesty and the King of Spain. |
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DA448.E53 1648 | [A message] from His Highnesse the Prince of Wales, delivered to the Right Honorable the Lord Baron of Inchiquin Lord President of Mounster, in a councell of war at Corcke the 28. of November, 1648. by Richard Fanshaw Esquire, imployd by His Highness into Ireland. | 1 |
DA448 .E53 1649 | [B]y the King, a proclamation declaringe Iames Marques of Ormond to be lieutenant generall and generall governour of the kingdome of Ireland | 1 |
DA448 .E53 1659 | By the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, a proclamation | 3 |
DA448 .E53 1660 |
A proclamation the Council of State being informed that since the officers of the armies under the Lord General's Command, by their late humble remonstrance and address declared their resolution to observe such commands as they shall receive from his excellency or the Parliament when assembled. A proclamation the Council of State being informed that since the officers of the armies under the Lord General's Command, by their late humble remonstrance and address declared their resolution to observe such commands as they shall receive from his excellency or the Parliament when assembled .. By the King, a proclamation for quieting possessions A proclamation whereas by the death of our late soveraign Lord King Charls, of blessed memory, the imperial crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland did then immediately ... descend and come to His Most Excellent Majestie, Charls the Second. A proclamation whereas by the death of our late soveraign Lord King Charls, of blessed memory, the imperial crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland did then immediately ... descend and come to His Most Excellent Majestie, Charls the Second .. By the King, a proclamation declaring the cessation of hostility and preserving an entire amity between His Majesty and the King of Spain By the King, a proclamation declaring the confirmation of the treaties and continuance of the amity and commerce between the crowns of England and Portugal Anno regni Caroli II, regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, duodecimo at the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April Anno Dom. 1660, in the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, defender of the faith, &c. Resolved and declared by the Commons assembled in Parliament that the priviledge of this House in point of protection from arrests, doth belong to the members of this House and their menial servants only, and to the officers attending the service of this House ... By the King, a proclamation for calling in and suppressing of two books written by John Milton the one intituled Johannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Claudii Anonymi, aliàs Salmas"u, defensionem regiam, and the other in answer to a book intituled The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitude and sufferings : and also a third book intituled The obstructors of justice, written by John Goodwin. By the Council of State, a proclamation whereas by an act of the last Parliament intituled An act for dissolving the Parliament begun the third of November 1640 ... persons engaged in the late rebellion in Ireland, and all who profess the popish religion, and all ... who have assisted ... in any war against the Parliament ... shall be incapable to be elected to serve as members in the next Parliament .. |
15 |
DA448.E53 1660 |
The Kings Majesties proclamation concerning the carriage of his subjects during the late troubles. By the King. A proclamation against the rebels in Ireland. Anno regini Caroli II, regis Scotiæ, Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ duodecimo at the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April, Anno Dom. 1660, in the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, king and defender of the faith, &c. |
3 |
DA448 .E53 1661 |
By the King, a proclamation requiring all officers or souldiers that served under the armies of the late usurped powers and have been disbanded, cashiered or turned out, to depart the cities of London and Westminster before the fourth of December next By the King. A proclamation. Touching the speedy calling to accompt of all such persons whose accompts are excepted in the Act of Oblivion. |
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DA448 .E53 1662 | By the King, a proclamation requiring all officer or souldiers tha served under the armies of the late usurped powers and have been disbanded, cashiered or turned out, to depart the cities of London and Westminster before the twenty sixth day of this instant June | 2 |