Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA448 .E63 1679 By the King, a proclamation for the discovery and apprehending of several persons justly suspected to have contrived and acted in the felonious burning of houses in and about the city of London
By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual suppressing of popery
DA448 .E63 1680 By the King, a proclamation for the better putting in execution divers statutes made against prohibited goods
At the court at Whitehall, April the sixteenth, 1680 present, the Kings Most Excellent Majesty.
By the King, a proclamation declaring the letters of mart formerly granted to George Carew Esq., to be recalled
By the King, a proclamation for the apprehending of robbers or highway-men, and for a reward to the apprehenders
At the court at Whitehall, April the sixteenth, 1680 present, the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ..
DA448 .E63 1681 Whereas His Majesty, in consideration of the great merit and faithful services of Sir William Penn deceased ...
His Majesties letters to the Bishop of London and the lord mayor
DA448 .E63 1683 By the King, a proclamation for the apprehending of robbers or highway-men and for a reward to the apprehenders 2
DA448 .E63 1684 By the King, a proclamation concerning the collecting and answering His Majesties revenue arising by fire-hearths and stoves, and the arrears thereof now incurred
Most Reverend Father in God, our right trusty and entirely beloved counsellor, we greet you well ...
DA448 .E64 The Epitaph of the most renowned and illustrious Capt. William Bedloe 1
DA448 .E65 1669 An epicaedium on the death of Her most serene Majesty Henrietta Maria de Bourbon Queen-Mother of England and daughter to the late most puissant King Henry le Grand King of France and Navarre, &c. Obiit 31 August, MDCLXIX. 1
DA448 .E77 Errors appearing in the proceeding in the House of Peers in Parliament in the first and second years of the reign of King Charles the First, in the case betwixt Robert De Vere Earl of Oxford, and the Lord Willoughby of Eresby, concerning the office of Great Chamberlain of England. 1
DA448 .E87 The Earl of Essex his speech, at the delivering the following petition to His Most Sacred Majesty, Jan. 25, 80 [i.e. 1681] 2
DA448 .E87 1672 An essaye upon His Royal Highness the Duke of York his adventure against the Dutch. 1
DA448 .E92 An Exact account of the tryal of Algernoon Sidney who was tryed at the Kings-Bench-Bar at Westminster this present Wednesday, being the twenty fifth of November for conspiring the death of the King, and His Royal Highness, of which he was convicted 2
DA448 .E93 The Execution and confession with the behaviour & speeches of Capt. Thomas Walcot, William Hone, and John Rouse who according to the sentence pronounced against them at the Old-Bayly, on the 12th instant, were this 20th of July, drawn, hanged and quartered for traytorously conspiring to assassinate and murther the King in his return from New-Market, and the establish'd government to subvert &c.
The Execution of Henry Bury, one of the murderers of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey, February 28, 1678/9 with a particular account of his behaviour in prison and at the place of execution : to which is premised, an exact narrative of the proceedings at the sessions, Febr. 26 and 27 : with the number of malefactors condemned and burnt in the hand, with their respective crimes.
The Execution of William Ireland and John Grove who were drawn, hang'd, and quartered at Tyburn on Friday the 24th of January, 1678/9 for high-treason : with their carriage and behaviour.
The Execution of James Halloway who was drawn, hang'd and quarter'd at Tyburn for high-reason, on Wednesday, the 30th of this instant April, 1685.
DA448 .E93 1678 The execution, speech, and confession, of Edward Coleman vvho was drawn, hang'd and quarter'd at Tyburn, the 3d of Decemb. 1678 for high treason : giving an account of the particular crimes for which he suffer'd, his behaviour in prison after condemnation, and his last speech at the place of execution. 1
DA448 .E93 1679 The Execution of Henry Berry who was executed at Tyburn on Fryday the 28 of this instant February, 1678, for assisting in the murther of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey, one of His Majesties justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex, late of St. Martins in the fields : with an account of his deportment in Newgate and at the place of execution, with several other remarkable circumstances. 2
DA448 .E97 An Extract out of several libells 1
DA448 .E98 1683 The Execution of William Lord Russel who on the 21st of this instant July was beheaded in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, for conspiring the death of the King, to leavy war, and raise a rebellion, together with his behaviour and speeches, &c. 2
DA448.F32 1662 A few lines more for thee o England and for thy lofty ones in thee, and for all others of thine inhabitants .. 1
DA448 .F37 Father Whitebreads walking ghost which lately appear'd to a cabal of Jesuits in Drury-Lane. 2
DA448 .F47 A Friendly dialogue between two London-apprentices, the one a Whigg, and the other a Tory concerning the late address to my lord mayor, to which is added a letter that was sent (by an unknown hand) to the principal managers of it. 2
DA448 .F48 The confession of Edward Fitz-Harys, Esq
The confession of Edward Fitz-Harys, esq
The confession of Edward Fitz-Harys, Esq.
The confession of Edward Fitz-Harys, esq.