Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA448 .M54 1973 Popery and Politics in England 1660-1688 / 1
DA448 .M55 1686 Miles Prance, his farewell to the tune of You rebels of England, &c. 1
DA448 .M57 1682 Miracles revived in the discovery of the Popish Plot by the late reverend Dr. of Salamanca
Miracles reviv'd, in the discovery of the Popish plot, by the late Reverend Dr. of Salamanca.
Miracles reviv'd in the discovery of the Popish Plot, by the late reverend Dr. of Salamanca
DA448 .M57 1687 Miracles upon miracles, or, Great news from the Kings-Bench prison in Southwark, of a monster called by name of Titus upon Oates being a strange and wonderful relation of ten miraculous miracles lately made known, the like not having been heard of in many ages.
Miracles upon miracles, or, Great news from the Kings-Bench prison in Southwark, of a monster called by name of Titus upon Oates
DA448 M6 1681 A modest address to the livery-men of London, upon their choice of sheriffs, June 24. 1681. 1
DA448 .M62 A modest answer to a printed pamphlet, entituled, A speech lately made by a noble peer of the realm. 1
DA448 .M62 1681 The Mock-press, or, The Encounter of Harry Lungs and Jasper Hem, two running-stationers, or pamphleteers 2
DA448 .M66 Whereas Nat. Thompson hath lately, in his Publick intelligence of the 25th of October 1681, published these words following, as delivered by the Earl of Huntington to His Majesty ... 1
DA448 .M67 1680 A Most serious expostulation with several of my fellow-citizens in reference to their standing so high for the D.Y.'s interest at this juncture of time 1
DA448 .M67 1682 More last words and sayings of the True Protestant Elm-board, or, A Full answer to a late pretended sober vindication of the Dr. and the Board 1
DA448 .M85 2021 An empire transformed : remolding bodies and landscapes in the Restoration Atlantic / 1
DA448 .M92 My lord, we the commons of London, in Common-Hall assembled, being deeply sensible that many of the mischiefs and grievances that we at present groan under are occasioned by the misbehaviour and irregular carriages of some of the principle officers of this city, particularly of Sir George Jefferies, Knight, our present record ... 2
DA448 .N35 1661 The Names of the [brace] knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgesses of the boroughs and towns, and barons of the Cinque Ports of England and Wales for the Parliament began at Westminster the eighth of May, and there continued to the thirtieth of July following, and adjourned till the twentieth of November present, 1661, XIII Caroli regis. 1
DA448.N36 E7 An essay upon the change of manners being a second part of The true Protestants appeal to the city and country. 1
DA448 .N37 A Narrative of the most deplorable death and burial of that never to be forgotten pattern of love to his countrey, Capt. William Bedlow, who deceased the 20th of August 1680 with his attestations that he left in writing for the good of this nation, concerning the late damnable plot ... with the text preach'd at his funeral ... also a true account of the murder commited by the Earl of Pembroke, on the watch belonging to Chiswick ... with the whole relation of the two prophets at Tholouze, in France ... with their nine prophecies. 1
DA448 .N37 1667 A narrative or journal of the proceedings of their Excellencies, the Right Honourable the Lord Holles and the Lord Coventry appointed by His Majesty of Great Britain to be his ambassasors extraordinary and plenipotentiaries for the treaty held at Breda with the ambassadors of the French King, the King of Denmark and the States General of the United Provinces / 2
DA448 .N4 1681 The true Protestants appeal to the city and countrey 1
DA448 .N47 A Nest of plots discovered, or, A Rod for the romish Iesuits set forth in the explanation of this following figure, and may serve as an antidote against popery and popish-churches. 2
DA448 .N48 A New-Years-gift for plotters
The New popish sham-plot discovered, or, The Cursed contrivance of the Earl of Danby, Mrs. Celier, with the popish lords and priests in the Tower and Newgate, fully detected in villainously suborning witness to swear that Sr Edmundbury Godfrey wilfully murdered himself
A New vision of the Lady Gr----s concerning her sister, the Lady Henrietta Berkeley, in a letter to Madam Fan--------
News from Dunkirk-House, or, Clarendon's farewell to England in his address to the right honourable the House of Peers, Decemb. 3, 1667 : which was afterwards, according to the sentence and judgement of both houses of Parliament, burnt by the hand of the common hangman, in the presence of the two sheriffs, with a great and signal applause of the people, Decemb. 12, 1667.
A New dialogue between Mr. Woodbee, a lawyer, and Mr. Shatterwit, his clyent concerning the times.
DA448 N48 1676 News from sea, or, A True relation brought from Dover of a terrible tempest of thunder and lightning which on the 26 of July last, kill'd outright one William Eaton of Dover, on board a ship called the Henry and Mary, David Huggett, master, bound for Newcastle .. 1