Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA448 .S37 The Lord Chief Justice Scroggs his speech to the lord chancellour 2
DA448 .S37 1679 The Lord Chief Justice Scroggs his speech in the King-Bench, the first day of this present Michaelmas term 1679 occasioned by the many libellous pamphlets which are publisht against law, to the scandal of the government and publick justice : together with what was declared at the same time on the same occasion, in open court, by Mr. Justice Jones, and Mr. Justice Dolbin. 2
DA448.S37 P73 1684 The present state of England in relation to popery manifesting the absolute impossibility of introducing popery and arbitrary power into this kingdom. : Being a full confutation of all fears and apprehensions of the imagined dangers from thence; and particularly of a certain pamphlet, entituled, The character of a popish successor. / 1
DA448.S38 1680 A satyr His Holiness has three grand friends .. 1
DA448 .S4 A true copy of a letter sent by S.J. an eminent minister of the Church of England, to Sir Tho. Armestrong, prisoner in Newgate, on the 18th of this instant June, 1684 2
DA448 .S42 The Second part to the same tune, or, An Answer to the lady of qualities popish ballad of the Popish Plot ... to the tune of Packington's pound.
The seamans dream, of a great fight: between several men of war, near the Downes and the Long-Sand-Head, the elements being in a very pleasing calm, as I thought, gave me opportunity of a free prospect of this following encounter.
A Second letter to the author of The preparation for martyrdom and of the calm answer to my bitter invective (as he falsly calls it)
A second letter to Mr. Miles Prance in reply to the ghost of Sir Edmond-bury Godfrey
A seasonable advertisement to all that desire an happy settlement particularly to those of the Royal Party : being 1. The extract of a letter from Breda, and 2. A letter written upon it to a friend in the countrey.
DA448 .S42 1660 A Seasonable expostulatory letter sent from a gentleman in the country to an honourable member of Parliament 2
DA448 .S42 1681 A Seasonable invitation for Monmouth to return to court
The Sentence of Nathaniel Thompson, VVilliam Pain, and John Farewel who received judgment at the Kings-Bench, Westminster, on the third of this instant July, as haveing been cast at Guild-Hall for writing, printing and publishing the letters & libels purporting that Sir Edmundbury-Godfrey murthered himself.
A Seasonable memento for all that have voyces in the choyce of a Parliament
DA448 .S42 1682 A Second letter from a person of quality to his friend, about abhorrers and addressors, &c.
A Second letter from a person of quality to his friend, about abhorrers and addressors, &c
DA448 .S45 Semper eadem, or, A reference of the debate at the Savoy, 1661, to the conference at Hampton-Court, 1603/4 to which is added the petition of the then non-conformists : whereby it appears that what the Presbyterians &c. now scruple at was satisfactorily and fully answer'd.
Semper eadem, or, A reference of the debate at the Savoy, 1661, to the conference at Hampton-Court, 1603/4 to which is added the petition of the then non-conformists : whereby it appears that what the Presbyterians &c. now scruple at was satisfactorily and fully answer'd ..
DA448 .S47 A supplement to The narrative in reply to the dulness and malice of two pretended answers to that pamphlet /
The informations of John Sergeant and David Maurice, gentlemen relating to the Popish Plot (deliver'd by them upon their respective oaths), reported to the House of Commons, upon Saturday the 26th day of March, 1681, then ordered by the Commons in Parliament to be forthwith printed.
The present state of England in relation to popery manifesting the absolute impossibility of introducing popery and arbitrary power into this kingdom : being a full confutation of all fears and apprehensions of the imagined dangers from thence, and particularly of a certain pamphlet, entituled, The character of a popish successor /
DA448 .S48 A new test in lieu of the old one, by way of supposition, or, A satisfactory answer to that great and common question viz. if the penal laws and tests should be abolished, how shall the Protestant religion and interest be secured? /
Animadversions on the last speech of the late William Lord Russel
DA448.S48 1683 Animadversions upon a paper entituled, The speech of the late Lord Russel, &c. 1
DA448.S48 1689 Several plain and weighty reasons for removing the sacramental test, humbly proposed to consideration. 1
DA448 .S5 The proceedings at the Sessions House in the Old-Baily, London, on Thursday the 24th day of November, 1681. : Before His Majesties commissioners of Oyer and Terminer upon the bill of indictment for high-treason against Anthony, earl of Shaftesbvry / 1
DA448 .S52 A letter from a person of quality to his friend in the country 1
DA448 .S53 1681 The speech of a noble peer, at the delivery of the following petition to His most sacred Majesty .. 1
DA448.S53 1683 The very copy of a paper delivered to the sheriffs upon the scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Friday, Decemb. 7. 1683 / 1
DA448.S53 1683a The very copy of a paper delivered to the sheriffs upon the scaffold on Tower-hill on Friday Decenber [sic] the 7th 1683. 1
DA448 .S54 Mr. Sheridan's speech after his examination before the late House of Commons on Wednesday the 15th of December, 1680
Mr. Sheridan's speech after his examination before the late House of Commons on Wednesday the 15th of December 1680