Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA450 .G53 1687 [Some memorable] remarques upon the fourteenth of October bbing [sic] the auspicious birth-day of His present Majesty, the most serene King, James II.
To the king's most excellent majesty. The humble address of the magistrates and council of your city of Glasgow in Scotland, and in the name of the inhabitants.
DA450 .H27 1972b James II: soldier and sailor / 1
DA450 (INTERNET) To the Duke on his return
A speech, spoken by Mr. Hayles, a student of University-Colledge of Oxford, and son to the Honourable Sir Edward Hayles With His Majesties gracious acceptance.
A discourse sent to the late King James, to persuade him to embrace the Protestant religion
An answer to the late K. James's last declaration, dated at St. Germains, April 17. s.n. 1693
The charge given by the Ld. Ch. Justice Jefferies at the city of Bristol, Monday, September 21, 1685, in his return from his western campaigne
The fanatick indulgence granted anno 1679. /
The Paris gazette
A relation of the proceedings at Charter-House, upon occasion of King James the II, his presenting a Papist to be admitted into that hospital, in vertue of His letters dispensatory
The late King James his letter to his Privy Council of Scotland, with their answer, in reference to his indulgence containing his absolute power without reserve His Majesties letter to His Honourable Privy Council of Scotland together with their answer, Edinburgh February 24, 1687.
An heroic poem on the coronation on the high and mighty monarch James II King of England, &c
A vindication of a passage in Dr. Sherlock's sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, May 29, 1685 : from the remarks of a late pretended remonstrance, by way of address from the Church of England, to both Houses of Parliament.
The desertion discuss'd in a letter to a country gentleman
Two letters written by the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, late Lord High Chancellour of England one to His Royal Highness the Duke of York, the other to the Dutchess, occasioned by her embracing the Roman Catholick religion.
Reflections on a paper, intituled, His Majesty's reasons for withdrawing himself from Rochester
The Bishop of Rochester's second letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's household
The case put, concerning the succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York
The state and interest of the nation, with respect to His Royal Highness the Duke of York discours'd at large, in a letter to a member of the Honourable House of Commons.
Chuse which you will, liberty or slavery:, or, An impartial representation of the danger of being again subjected to a popish prince
Pro populo adversus tyrannos, or, The sovereign right and power of the people over tyrants, clearly stated, and plainly proved with some reflections on the late posture of affairs /
A letter to a friend concerning a French invasion to restore the late King James to his throne and what may be expected from him should he be successful in it.
The Duke of Monmouth's kind answer to his mournful dutchess complaint, in the time of his absence vvith the great acknowledgement of his princely father's love, whose mercy is beyond compare, and pitty admired by all the Æuropean princes. Entred according to order.
DA450 .J3 His Majesties reasons for withdrawing himself from Rochester wrote with his own hand and ordered by him to be published. : reasons why in this conjuncture no alteration should be made in the government of the Church of Scotland, / 1
DA450 .J35 His Majesties reasons for withdrawing himself from Rochester wrote with his own hand and ordered by him to be published : reasons why in this conjecture no alteration should be made in the government of the Church of Scotland /
His Majesties reasons for with-drawing himself from Rochester
Memoirs of the most remarkable enterprises and actions of James Duke of York, Albany and Ulster.
DA450 .J35 1686 The Parliament of Scotlands dutiful answer to His Majesties letter.
His Majesties most gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland
DA450 .J35 1689 His Majesties late letter in vindication of himself : dated at St. Germans en Laye, the fourteenth of this instant January, 1688/9.
His Majesties late letter in vindication of himself dated at St. Germans en Laye, the fourteenth of this instant January, 1688/9.
DA450 .J36 1688 His Majesties reasons for withdrawing himself from Rochester vvrit with his own hand, and ordered by him to be published. 1
DA450 .J63 1990 Convergent forces : immediate causes of the Revolution of 1688 in England / 2
DA450 .L37 The Late King James his letter to his Privy Council of Scotland, with their answer, in reference to his indulgence containing his absolute power without reserve His Majesties letter to His Honourable Privy Council of Scotland together with their answer, Edinburgh February 24, 1687. 2
DA450 .L4 Mary of Modena. 1
DA450 .L47 A Letter to a baron of England, relating to the late bill, concerning His Royal Highnesse
A Letter from Rome written by a Roman Catholick there to a person of quality in England : giving a full account of a memorial presented to the pope, in relation to the late King James's affair, with the popes answer or rather denial thereto.
DA450 .L47 1679 The case put, concerning the succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York
The case put concerning the succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York with some observations upon the political catechism, and two or three other seditious libels.
DA450 .L47 1680 The case put concerning the succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York with some observations upon The political catechism, The appeal, &c. and three or four other seditious libels / 2
DA450 .L66 A Looking-glass for the Lord Chancellor, or, A Brief summary of some of his notorious crimes 2
DA450 .L68 1685 An exact narrative and description of the wonderfull and stupendious fire-works in honour of Their Majesties coronations and for the high entertainment of Their Majesties, the nobility, and City of London, made on the Thames, and perform'd to the admiration and amazement of the spectators, on April the 24, 1685. 2
DA450 .M36 1685 The manner of procession to the Parliament-house in Scotland with His Majesties letter to the Parliament, the lord high commissioners speech, the lord high chancellors speech, and the Parliaments answer. 2
DA450 .M36 2014 James VII : Duke and King of Scots / 1
DA450 .M54 James II : a study in kingship / 1
DA450 .M54 2000 James II / 1