Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA452.S49 1688 A short account of a second engagement that happened on Monday night and Tuesday morning between the King and Prince of Oranges Army near Windsor : with the King's withdrawing from White-Hall and the burning of the popish mass-houses as also the surrender of the Tower of London. 1
DA452 .S53 The Sham prince expos'd in a dialogue between the popes nuncio and bricklayers wife, nurse to the supposed Prince of Wales. 2
DA452 .S53 1688 A letter to a member of the convention 4
DA452 .S56 1715 A short account of the state of England, when King James design'd to call his second Parliament. / 1
DA452 .S59 1689 A Sixth collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs
A Sixth collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England
DA452 .S62 1689 The Speech of an honourable peer in the House of Lords
Important questions of state, law, justice and prudence both civil and religious, upon the late revolutions and present state of these nations /
DA452 .S63 A Speech of a fellow communer of England to his fellow communers of the convention
A Speech of a fellow communer of England to his fellow communers of the convention.
DA452 .S65 Some paradoxes presented for a New-years gift by the old to the new orthodox, serving for an index to the revolution. 2
DA452 .S65 1682 Some passages taken out of two Observators, of August 1682. Written in dialogue betwixt Whigg and Tory. 1
DA452 .S67 The Lord Bishop of Rochester's letter to the right honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Ecclesiastical Court 2
DA452 .S68 1688 Londons welcome to His Most Illustrious Highness, VVilliam Henry, prince of Orange. 1
DA452 .S69 1988 Reluctant revolutionaries : Englishmen and the revolution of 1688 / 1
DA452 .S73 James Steuarts answer to a letter writ by Mihn Heer Fagel, prisoner to the states of Holland and West-Frisland concerning the repeal of the penal laws and tests. 2
DA452 .S73 1695 A supplement and addition unto a printed paper, bearing date July 25. 1692. And thus superscribed, To Our Sovereign Lord, King James the II. Rightful King of Great Brittain, and Ireland, wheresoever he now inhabits in the parts beyond the seas. / 1
DA452 .S7314 1688 Reponse de Monsieur Stewart, a la letter de Monsieur Fagel, pensionnaire des Etats d'Hollande & de West-Frise. Touchant la revocation des loix penales & des tests d'Angleterre. 1
DA452 .S74 1689 Important questions of state, law, justice and prudence, both civil and religious, upon the late revolutions and present state of these nations. / 1
DA452 .S77 1688 A true account of the disarming the Popish regiment under the command of the Lord Molineux and two Irish troops of dragoons, then in the city of Chester 1
DA452 .S8 Gan fod y Ffurf Gweddi gyda Diolch ... 1
DA452 .S83 The Revolution of 1688 : Whig triumph or palace revolution? 1
DA452 .S83 1973 The Revolution of 1688 and the birth of the English political nation. 1