Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA460 .A27 1618 An abstract of the record in the Court of Exchequer which the Right Honourable the Lord Wharton (by his appeal from an order of that court for preserving it) endeavours to have taken off the file, which would be a total suppression thereof. 1
DA460.A3 .P74 A poem occasion'd by the death of Her late Majesty of ever happy and sacred memory 2
DA460 .A38 1689 Advice to the army, on their going to France and Ireland 2
DA460 .A38 1690 Advice to the poor king of hearts on his being turn'd out. 1
DA460 .A44 A full and true account of the behaviors, confessions, and last dying speeches of the condemn'd criminals that were executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 24th of May, 1700 2
DA460 .A5 1689 And whereas by a Statute made in the first yeare of King William and Queene Mary entituled an Act for taking away the court holden before the president and council of the Marches of Wales wherein there is a saveing clause vizt. ... 1
DA460 .A53 Remarks upon the present confederacy, and late revolution in England, &c.
Remarks upon the present confederacy, and late revolution in England, &c
Angliæ decus & tutamen, or, The glory and safety of this nation under our present King and Queen plainly demonstrating, that it is not only the duty, but the interest of all Jacobites and disaffected persons to act for, and submit to, this government.
DA460 .A54 Animadversions upon that proclamation of September 13, 1692, entituled, For the better discovery of seditious libellers 2
DA460 .A54 1989 The age of William III & Mary II : power, politics, and patronage, 1688-1702 : a reference encyclopedia and exhibition catalogue / 1
DA460 .A57 Answers for the African Company to the petition presented by Sir John Swinton 2
DA460 .A58 1690 Two speeches by the Bishop of Meath, one to King James, when the clergy waited on His Majesty at Dublin Castle, March 1688. The other to King William at his camp nigh Dublin, July 7 1690 1
DA460.A59 1700 An answer to a late abusive pamphlet, intituled, The true-born Englishman, &c. Together with the true character of A true Englishman. 1
DA460 .A66 An Appendix to Mercurius reformatus, or, The new observator 2
DA460 .A67 1689 An Answer of a letter to a member of the convention 1
DA460 .A7 The conduct of the Earl of Nottingham. 1
DA460 .A88 1690 Reflections on Bishop Overall's convocation-book, M. DC. VI. concerning the government of God's catholick church, and of the kingdoms of the whole world.
Reflections on Bishop Overall's convocation-book, M. DC. VI concerning the government of God's catholick church, and of the kingdoms of the whole world.
DA460 .B27 2014 Britain since 1688 : a nation in the world / 1
DA460 .B27 2023 Britain since 1688 : a nation in the world / 1
DA460 .B3 William III / 1
DA460 .B3 1966a William III and the defense of European liberty, 1650-1702 / 1