Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA452 .V53 1689 De vlugt van 't pausdom uit Engelant. The flight of the Popedom out of England. 1
DA452 .W34 An answer to the late K. James's last declaration dated at St. Germains, April 17. S.N. 1693. 2
DA452 .W34 2010 James II and the three questions : religious toleration and the landed classes, 1687-1688 / 1
DA452 .W45 The first declaration of His Highness Willam Henry, by the grace of God Prince of Orang. &c., of the reasons inducing him to appear in arms in the kingdom of England for preserving of the Protestant religion and for restoring the lawes & liberties of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
The Prince of Orange his declaration shewing the reasons of this present invasion for the defence of the Protestant religion and for the re-establishment of the laws and liberties of the kingdom of Scotland.
DA452 .W47 Westminster, 26 Dec. 1688 divers of the members of the Parliaments in the reign of King Charles the Second and the aldermen and Common Council of the city of London, pursuant to His Highness the Prince of Orange's desire, meeting at St. James's the 26th of December, 1688. 2
DA452 .W5 The Prince of Orange his declaration : shewing the reasons why he invades England : with a short preface, and some modest remarks on it. 1
DA452 .W51 1688 The Prince of Orange's third declaration 1
DA452 .W54 Whitehall, April 23 this day being the festival of St. George, the coronation of Their Sacred Majesties King James the Second and Queen Mary was performed at Westminster in manner following.
Conscience satisfied in a cordial and loyal submitting to the present government of William and Mary in three discourses justifying the Williamites against the Jacobites : the first being animadversions on a book intitutled The doctrine of non-resistance, or, Passive obedience no way concerned in the controversies now depending between the Williamites and the Jacobites, the second on I Sam. 23.30 ... the third on Dan. 5.20 ... /
Good advice before it be too late being a breviate for the convention : humbly represented to the Lords and Commons of England.
The Prince of Orange his speech to the citizens of London.
Whereas the lords spiritual and temporal, and the knights, citizens and burgesses, members of the Parliament of King Charles the Second ... have desired Us to cause Our letters to be written ...
DA452 .W93 1674 Serenissimae eboracensium duci Mariae Felici faustos, fertilesq[ue]; annos 1
DA452 .Z44 1988 1688 : revolution in the family / 2
DA460 The case of Christopher [Hewetson, Esq.], one of the mem[b]ers of the Honourable House of Commons
His Excellency Henry Lord Viscount Sydney, his speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Wednesday the fifth of October. 1692. by His Excellencies command.
Visualising Protestant monarchy : ceremony, art and politics after the glorious revolution (1689-1714) /
To the Reverend Dr. Beveridge, an eucharisticon, /
Anno regni Guilielmi et Mariae, Regis & Reginae Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, primo on the twenty seventh day of January, anno Dom. 1689, in the first year of Their Majesties reign, this Act passed the royal assent.
DA460 .#0C73 Admiral Russel's letter to the Earl of Nottingham containing an exact and particular relation of the late happy victory and success against the French fleet. 1
DA460 .47 1693 A Letter to a friend concerning the present state of affairs 1
DA460 .Ơ73 Admiral Russel's letter to the Earl of Nottingham containing an exact and particular relation of the late happy victory and success against the French fleet. 1
DA460 .A2 1694 The act of Parliam[en]t passed the last sessions allowing the purchases of the reversionary annuities on single lives to 96 years from the first of Jan[ua]ry 1695. 1
DA460.A2 C58 1690 A prayer for the King to be used instead of that appointed for His Majesties present expedition. 1
DA460 .A23 1689 An account of the state of London-Derry and Enneskelling given by a captain lately come to Leverpool from the fleet in Derry river and from thence sent to a citizen of Dublin now in London. 1
DA460 .A23 1690 An act to enable Their Majesties to dispense with the statute of 25 Car. 2. touching the sacramental test, and to employ any of their Protestant subjects in the common defence of themselves, their government, and these kingdoms. 1
DA460.A23 1697 An account of the formalities of the citizens of the honourable city of London, in their reception of His Most Sacred Majesty, King William at his return from Flanders. 1
DA460 .A25 1698 An account of the principal officers, civil and military, of England, in the year 1698. 1