Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA460 .A7 The conduct of the Earl of Nottingham. 1
DA460 .A88 1690 Reflections on Bishop Overall's convocation-book, M. DC. VI. concerning the government of God's catholick church, and of the kingdoms of the whole world.
Reflections on Bishop Overall's convocation-book, M. DC. VI concerning the government of God's catholick church, and of the kingdoms of the whole world.
DA460 .B27 2014 Britain since 1688 : a nation in the world / 1
DA460 .B27 2023 Britain since 1688 : a nation in the world / 1
DA460 .B3 William III / 1
DA460 .B3 1966a William III and the defense of European liberty, 1650-1702 / 1
DA460 .B37 Baston's case vindicated, or, A brief account of some evil practices of the present commisioners for sick and wounded, &c as they were proved before the Admiralty.
A dialogue between a modern courtier and an honest English gentleman to which is added the author's dedication to both Houses of Parliament, to whom he appeals for justice /
Baston's case vindicated, or, A brief account of some evil practices of the present commisioners for sick and wounded, &c. as they were proved before the Admiralty ..
DA460 .B44 The triumph-royal containing a short account of the most remarkable battels, sieges, sea-fights, treaties, and famous atchievements [sic] of the princes of the House of Nassau &c. describ'd in the triumphal arches, piramids, pictures, inscriptions, and devices erected at the Hague in honour of William III, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.
The triumph-royal containing a short account of the most remarkable battels, sieges, sea-fights, treaties, and famous atchievements [sic] of the princes of the House of Nassau &c. describ'd in the triumphal arches, piramids, pictures, inscriptions, and devices erected at the Hague in Honour of William III, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland ..
DA460 .B45 1700 The case of Capt. Thomas Bellew. 1
DA460 .B74 Britania nova illustrata being a modest and reasonable defence of a late book entituled Britania nova, or, A seasonable discourse, demonstrating how we may serve our King and country by discouraging prophaness and immorality &c. ..
Britania nova illustrata being a modest and reasonable defence of a late book entituled Britania nova, or, A seasonable discourse, demonstrating how we may serve our King and country by discouraging prophaness and immorality &c.
DA460.B75 1697 Britannia's triumph, humbly address'd to His Most Sacred Majesty, William III upon the consummation of a general peace. 1
DA460 .B8 To Doctor Tillotson 1
DA460 .B8 1689 A sermon preached in the Chappel of St. James's, before his Highness the Prince of Orange, the 23d of December, 1688. /
A sermon preached at the coronation of William III and Mary II, King and Queen of England, ---- France, and Ireland, defenders of the faith in the Abby-Church of Westminster, April 11, 1689 /
DA460 .B87 Historia nuperæ rerum mutationis in Anglia in quâ res à Jacopo rege contra leges Angliæ, & Europæ libertatem, & ab ordinibus Angliæ contra regem patratæ duobus libris recensentur / 2
DA460 .B9 1700 By His Grace the Duke of Norfolke, Earl-Marshall of England It being expected, that the present mourning for His Highness the Duke of Glocester should be with great decency .. 1
DA460 .B97 1699 Several instances of the wrongs and oppressions suffered by the sailers of the English Navy, from the beginning of the late war: most humbly presented to the fountain of justice, the Parliament of England. 1
DA460 .C37 The Case of Mrs. Mary Stout, widow
The Case of Andrew Fountaine, Esq in relation to a bill under the name of Sir Charles Holt, Baronet.
The Case of the people of England in their present circumstances considered shewing how far they are, or are not obliged by the Oath of allegiance.
The Case of Andrew Fountaine, Esq. in relation to a bill under the name of Sir Charles Holt, Baronet.
DA460 .C37 1691 An exact relation of the entertainment of His Most Sacred Majesty William III. King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland; hereditary stadtholder of the United Netherlands, &c. At the Hague. Giving a particular description of His Majesty's entry there, Jan. 26. 1690/1 and of the several triumphant arches, pyramids, pictures, &c. with the inscriptions and devices. Illustrated with copper plates of the whole solemnity, exactly drawn from the original. / 1
DA460.C37 1691 The sundry successive regal governments of the England. To their most excellent Majesties King William and Queen Mary, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defenders of the faith. The understanding of the different successive governments of England in ages past, which is not attained unto out by reading of chronicles and histories, is here in this table laid open to present view; I consecrate the same, and intreating your gracious acceptance, remain in great humility, / 1
DA460 .C4 1690 The character of a Jacobite by what name or title soever dignifyed or distinguished, / 1