Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA460 .J35 1693 His Majesties most gracious declaration to all his loving subjects 2
DA460 .J35 1697 Jacobus Secundus, Dei gratiâ, magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Rex, defensor fidei, omnibus regibus principibus, rebuspublicis &c. postqàm diuturno tamque funesto toti Christianæ reipublicæ bello Europa conflagravit .. 1
DA460 .J66 1988 War and economy in the age of William III and Marlborough / 1
DA460 .J82 A defence of Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, against an infamous and Jesuitical libel entituled, A true portraicture of William Henry, Prince of Nassau ... 1
DA460 .J85 A letter from a citizen of London to his friend in the country. 1
DA460 .K54 A True account from Coll. Kirke of the relieving of London-Derry brought by Mr. Beale, the messenger, in an express to the court : together with an account of a great fight between the Duke of Berwick's forces and the Protestants, with all the particulars. 2
DA460 .K56 A modest answer to Captain Smith's immodest memoirs of secret service and his remarks upon the D. of S---'s letter to the House of Lords 2
DA460 .L37 The speech of the President de la Tour, envoy extraordinary from His Royal Highness the Duke of Savoy to His Majesty at his first publick audience Novemb. 2, 1690. 2
DA460 .L38 1695 A Letter to a friend in the country 1
DA460 .L47 A Letter to a member of the Committee of Grievances containing some seasonable reflections on the present administration of affairs since managed by Dutch councils.
A Letter to a member of Parliament concerning guards and garrisons
The Present war no burthen to England
A Letter from a general officer to a colonel, and several officers and soldiers under King James, now in the present service
DA460 .L47 1689 A Letter to a member of Parliament on the account of some present transactions
A Letter from a loyal member of the Church of England to a relenting abdicator
A Letter to a citizen of London from his friend in the country to which is added, an abstract of Mr. Papillon's trial.
DA460 .l47 1689 A Letter to a dissenter concerning the necessity of frequent parliaments in England, for correcting of erroneous judgments in Westminster-hall. 1
DA460 .L47 1690 A Letter sent to Dr. Tillotson several months ago and now made publick by reason the author has not heard of any discourse publish'd since in answer.
A Letter to a friend, upon the dissolving of the late Parliament, and the calling of a new one together with a list of those that were against making the Prince and Princess of Orange, King and Queen.
DA460.L47 D37 1693 The descent upon France considered, in a letter to a member of Parliament 1
DA460 .L48 1690 A letter from a merchant at London to his correspondent in Amsterdam 1
DA460 .L5 1701 A list of the sheriffs of the severall countys to whom circular letters were sent. March 21th 1701/2 1
DA460 .L57 The List of the English and Dutch fleet, as it is ordered for the line of battle the English to lead with the Larboard, and the Dutch with their starboard tacks on board, &c.
A List of the seven thousand men appointed by His Majesty, in his late proclamation, to be the standing forces of this kingdom
A List of the names and sir-names of the Lords spiritual and temporal, knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque ports, in the grand convention of England to begin the 22d. of January, 1688/9.
A project of a descent upon France
DA460 .L57 1691 A list of the persons to whom lycences have been granted for arms. by the Lords=Justices and Council. 1
DA460 .L6 1690 London. Law 1690. Howarth a Justice of Peace his Petition to Judge Rookesby 1
DA460 .L651 A letter concerning the act whereby the practicers of law are to take the oathes and make and subscribe the declaration therein mentioned 1