Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA463 .F73 Fresh news from Cockeny for the information of all such as are not sick of the sullens. 1
DA463 .G73 Great news from the army that went for Scotland with an account of the popish altar-plate and other rich plunder (found by the souldiers) in the lower part of the castle.
The Great bastard, protector of the little one
DA463 .H84 1690 A hue and cry after a Jacobite, or Louisian, and a true character to know and distinguish him 1
DA463 H88 1693 The Reply of Richard Hutchinson, Esquire, to Sir Eliab Harvey's Answer. 1
DA463 (INTERNET) A vindication of the divines of the Church of England who have sworn allegiance to K. William & Q. Mary, from the imputations of apostasy and perjury, which are cast upon them upon that account, in the now publish'd History of passive obedience /
Notes upon the Phœnix edition of the Pastoral letter Part I /
A short history of the last Parliament
DA463.J6 (INTERNET) The second part of The confutation of the Ballancing letter containing an occasional discourse in vindication of Magna Charta. 1
DA463 .L6 1693 The London bully, or The prodigal son, displaying the principal cheats of our modern debauchees. With the secret practices and cabals of the lewd apprentices of this town: discovered in the life & actions of an eminient citizens son, 1
DA463 .M33 1696 A view of the court of [S]t. Germain from the year 1690 to 95 [wi]th an account of the entertainment Protestants meet with there. Directed to the [m]ale-contents Protestants of England. 1
DA463 .M45 A letter directed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Perth, governour to the Prince 2
DA463 .M7 1690 Mr̲̲̲̲̲ a member of the House of Commons his speech in Parliament on Friday the 10. of October 1690. upon his Ma[jes]tys demand of more supplyes. 1
DA463 .N4 1693 The night-bell-man of Pickadilly to the Princess of Denmark. Welcome great princess to this lovely place .. 1
DA463 .N49 1697 A New-years gift to impostors: or, The manifest of William the Third King of England, Scotland, and Ireland delivered and dispersed at the French Court, &c. as an overture to the General Peace, proposed about the later end of the year 1693. and concluded in 1697. Faithfully done out of the original into English, and now published by a true friend to truth and justice, and consequently to his King and country. 1
DA463 .O28 1689 The oath of allegiance 1
DA463 .P65 1691 A copy of the late Lord Chief Justice Pollexfen's opinion, which he gave Mr. Richard Murray, in the year 1686 when he opposed the reading of the Scotch decree in the Court of Chancery in Ireland as being no evidence to be admitted. 1
DA463 P754 1689 Proposals to this present convention, for the perpetual security of the Protestant religion, and the liberty of the subects [sic] of England, 1
DA463 .Q4 1689 Queries relateing to the present state of England 1
DA463 .R44 1694 Reflections on a pretended letter from St. Germains. In a letter to a gentleman in the country. 1
DA463 .R45 Remarks upon the London Gazette relating to the streights-fleet and the Battle of Landen in Flanders. 2
DA463 .S42 1699 The seaman's opinion of a standing army in England in opposition to a fleet at sea, the best security of this kingdom : in a letter to a merchant /
The seaman's opinion of a standing army in England in opposition to a fleet at sea, as the best security of this kingdom : in a letter to a merchant /
DA463 .S53 1691 The case of the allegiance due to soveraign powers stated and resolved, according to Scripture and reason, and the principles of the Church of England, with a more particular respect to the oath, lately enjoyned, of allegiance to Their present Majesties, K. William and Q. Mary /
The case of the allegiance due to soveraign powers stated and resolved, according to Scripture and reason, and the principles of the Church of England, with a more particular respect to the oath, lately enjoyned, of allegiance to Their present Majesties, K. William and Q. Mary /