Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA485 .W6 The diary of a country parson : the Reverend James Woodforde ... / 1
DA485 .W95 1898 Caricature history of the Georges, or, Annals of the House of Hanover / 1
DA485 .W95 1904 Caricature history of the Georges / 1
DA485 .Y55 2019 Women and politeness in eighteenth-century England : bodies, identities, and power / 3
DA485 ebook Apuntaciones sueltas de Inglaterra / 1
DA486 .A83 Political prints in the age of Hogarth; a study of the ideographic representation of politics 1
DA486 .A83 1974 Political prints in the age of Hogarth : a study of the ideographic representation of politics / 1
DA486 .B73 2002 The greatest storm / 1
DA486 .B74 1986 The common people and politics, 1750-1790s / 1
DA486 .B76 2016 The British fiscal-military states, 1660-c.1783 / 1
DA486 .B76 2016eb The British fiscal-military states, 1660-c.1783 / 1
DA486 .C68 The Country parson's honest advice to that judicious lawyer and worthy minister of state my Lord Keeper 2
DA486 .E5 1930 England's subsidy policy towards the continent during the seven years' war / 1
DA486 .K5 1819 Political and literary anecdotes of his own times / 1
DA486 .L35 1976 The eighteenth century, 1688-1815 / 1
DA486 .L6 1696 London, the 29th day of September, 1696. This day the citizens being met at Guild-Hall, according to their usual custom, for the choice of Lord Mayor for the City of London, when several thousands of them being present after the election for Lord Mayor was declared, the following paper was presented to the Sheriffs, who were desired to read the same to the Common-Hall for their approbation, ... and the question being put, whether the sheriffs should present the same to the members of Parliament serving for the said City in the name ... of the said citizens, it was carried tin the affirmative, ... The request of the citizens of the City of London in the Common Hall assembled, to their representatives in Parliament. 1
DA486 .R43 1983 The Georgian triumph, 1700-1830 / 3
DA486 .S8 Party politics and English journalism, 1702-1742. 1
DA490.A2 1703 Nov. 11 The humble address of the House of Commons, presented to Her Majesty on Thursday the IIth of November, 1703 With Her Majesty's most gracious answer. 1
DA490 .C64 The whole tryal of Edward Coleman, gent., at the Kings-bench Bar at Westminster, on the 27th of November, 1678 dedicated to Wialliam [sic] Greg in Newgate, with original letters, written to Father Le Chese, the French King's confessor : and his last speech at the place of execution. 2