Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA500 .B535 2015 British politics and foreign policy, 1744-57 : mid-century crisis / 1
DA500 .B58 1965 The idea of a patriot king / 1
DA500 .B6 1752 Letters on the spirit of patriotism : on the idea of a patriot king: and on the state of parties at the accession of King George the First. 1
DA500 .B62 1982 Lord Bolingbroke, contributions to the Craftsman / 2
DA500 .B63 1997 Political writings / 1
DA500 .B63 1997eb Political writings / 1
DA500 .C82 Remarks on a late book intitled An essay on the publick debts of this kingdom : in which the evil tendency of that book and the design of its author are fully detected and exposed : being a seasonable warning to the people of Great Britain against such authors and such books ... in a letter to a member of the House of Commons. 1
DA500 .G52 The British Empire before the American Revolution. 1
DA500 .H47 1989 Ancient and modern liberty stated and compar'd (1734) / 1
DA500 .M24 2004 1759 : the year Britain became master of the world / 2
DA500 .M53 1985 The bells of victory : the Pitt-Newcastle ministry and the conduct of the Seven Years' War, 1757-1762 / 2
DA500 .M67 2019 The society of prisoners : Anglo-French wars and incarceration in the eighteenth century / 1
DA500 .O85 The rise of the Pelhams. 1
DA500 .O9 The Oxfordshire contest, or, The whole controversy between the old and new interest. Containing great variety of wit, humour, and argument; letters, songs, &c. 1
DA500 .P93 1739 The publick having been imposed on, by several very imperfect and erroneous lists of the members of the House of Commons, who voted for and against the late Convention with Spain; in which question, the trade, liberties and honour of this nation were so essentially concerned: it has been thought proper to do that justice to the gentleman on both sides they deserve, by giving a more exact one. .. 1
DA500 .R64 2012 Mayhem : post-war crime and violence in Britain, 1748-53 / 1
DA500 .W3 1970 Memoirs of the reign of King George the Second. 1
DA500 .W37 The speech which their Excellencies, Messieurs van Duyvenvoord and van Borsselen ambassadors extraordinary from their High Mightinesses, the States General; made to His Majesty on the 12th instant, when they had their publick audience. 1
DA500 .W57 The faction of cousins : a political account of the Grenvilles, 1733-1763. 1
DA501.A1 D6 1910 An eighteenth-century correspondence : being the letters of Deane Swift--Pitt--The Lytteltons and the Granvilles--Lord Dacre--Robert Nugent--Charles Jenkinson--the Earls of Guilford, Coventry, & Hardwick--Sir Edward Turner--Mr. Talbot of Lacock, and others to Sanderson Miller, esq., of Radway / 1