Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA536.A2 S7 1894 The Earl of Aberdeen / 1
DA536.A25 A3 1877i A memoir of the Right Honourable James, first Lord Abinger Chief Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer : including a fragment of his autobiography and selections from his correspondence and speeches / 1
DA536.A3 H46 1871i Recollections of the public career and private life of the late John Adolphus, the eminent barrister and historian with extracts from his diaries / 1
DA536.A54 Britain's second embassy to China : Lord Amherst's 'special mission' to the Jiaqing emperor in 1816 / 1
DA536.A88 M67 1990eb Thomas Attwood : the biography of a radical / 2
DA536.B2 A2 1893 Bamford's Passages in the life of a radical : and Early days / 1
DA536.B2 A2 1893i Bamford's Passages in the life of a radical and Early days 1
DA536.B33 T46 1999 Earl Bathurst and the British Empire, 1762-1834 / 1
DA536.B52 K32 1990 Blackwell küldetése / 1
DA536.B66 Marguerite, Countess of Blessington : the turbulent life of a Salonnière and author / 1
DA536.B66 A3 The Blessington papers. 1
DA536.B66 M38 2016 Marguerite, Countess of Blessington : the turbulent life of a salonnière and author / 1
DA536.B66 M7 Lady Blessington / 1
DA536.B66 S3 1933a Blessington-D'Orsay : a masquerade... / 1
DA536.B66 S3 1947 The strange life of Lady Blessington. 1
DA536.B66 S3 1947a Blessington-D'Orsay : a masquerade... / 1
DA536.B67 D48 1987 John Briggs in Maharashtra : a study of district administration under early British rule / 1
DA536.B68 B37 1994 An old radical and his brood : a portrait of Sir John Bowring and his family based mainly on the correspondence of Bowring and his son, Frederick Bowring / 1
DA536.B7 A15 Brougham and his early friends : letters to James Loch, 1798-1809 / 1
DA536.B7 A25 Opinions of Lord Brougham on politics, theology, law, science, education, literature, &c. &c., as exhibited in his parliamentary and legal speeches, and miscellaneous writings. 1