Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA615 The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine presenting an exact geogrpahy of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the isles adioyning : with the shires, hundreds, cities and shire-townes, within [the] Kingdome of England, divided and described / 1
DA615 .#0C33 1679 Mr. Ogilby's pocket book of roads with the computed & measured distances and the distinction of market and post townes. 1
DA615 .Ơ33 1679 Mr. Ogilby's pocket book of roads with the computed & measured distances and the distinction of market and post townes. 1
DA615 .B59 1982 Christoph and Andreas Arnold and England : the travels and book-collections of two seventeenth-century Nurembergers / 1
DA615 .B76 An historical account of Mr. Rogers's three years travels over England and Wales giving a true and exact description of all the chiefest cities, towns and corporations in England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Twede : together with the antiquities, and places of admiration, cathedrals, churches of note in any city, town or place in each county, the gentleman above-mentioned having made it his whole business (during the aforesaid time) to compleat the same in his travelling, : to which is annexed a new map of England and Wales, with the adjacent parts, containing all the cities and market towns bound in just before the title.
An historical account of Mr. Rogers's three years travels over England and Wales giving a true and exact description of all the chiefest cities, towns and corporations in England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Twede : together with the antiquities, and places of admiration, cathedrals, churches of note in any city, town or place in each county, the gentleman above-mentioned having made it his whole business (during the aforesaid time) to compleat the same in his travelling, : to which is annexed a new map of England and Wales, with the adjacent parts, containing all the cities and market towns bound in just before the title.
DA615 .B76 1700 An historical account of Mr. Brome's three years travels over England, Scotland and Wales. Giving a true and exact description of all the chiefest cities, towns and corporations; Together with the antiquities, of divers other places, with the most famous cathedrals, and other eminent structures ; of several remarkable caves and wells, with many other divertive passages never before published. 1
DA615 .C352 Remaines concerning Britain their languages, names, surnames, allusions, anagrammes, armories, monies, empreses, apparell, artillarie, wise speeches, proverbs, poesies, epitaphs /
Remains concerning Britain their languages, names, surnames, allusions, anagrammes, armories, monies, empreses, apparell, artillarie, wise speeches, proverbs, poesies, epitaphs /
DA615 .C4542 1684 The second part of The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof / 1
DA615 .C53 1669 Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England
Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof /
DA615 .C53 1670 Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England
Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof /
DA615 .C53 1671 Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England the first and second part : together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof /
Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England.
The second part of The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof /
Angliæ notitia, or, The present state of England. together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof /
DA615 .C53 1673 The second part of The present state of England together with diverse reflections upon the antient state thereof / 2
DA615 .E5 1676 England's remarques: A view of all the counties of England and Wales, with their growth and manufacture, the number of all bishops, dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, barons, Parliament men, hundreds, market towns, and parishes in each county, the length, breadth, and circumference of the same, and to what diocess it belongs; as also the names of all the chief cities or towns of every county, and the distance of the same from London; and likewise the names of all market towns, and upon what dayes they are kept, &c. 1
DA615 F462t, 1947 The journeys of Celia Fiennes / 1
DA615 (INTERNET) Britain, or, A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the ilands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiquitie beautified vvith mappes of the severall shires of England /
The present svrveigh of London and Englands state containing a topographicall description of all the particular forts, redoubts, breast-works, and trenches newly erected round about the citie on both sides of the river, with the severall fortifications thereof : and a perfect relation of some fatall accidents, and other disasters, which fell out in the city and countrey, during the Authors abode there ... /
An epitome of Mr. John Speed's Theatre of the empire of Great Britain and of his Prospect of the most famous parts of the world : in this new edition are added, the despciptions of His Majesties dominions abroad, viz. New England, New York, 226 : Carolina, Florida, 251 : Virginia, Maryland, 212 : Jamaica, 232 : Barbados, 239 : as also the empire of the great Mogol, with the rest of the East-Indies, 255 : the empire of Russia, 266 with their respective descriptions.
A walk to Islington with a description of New-Tunbridge-Wells and Sadler's musick-house /
Part of this summers travels, or, News from Hell, Hull, and Hallifax, from York, Linne, Leicester, Chester, Coventry, Lichfield, Nottingham, and the Divells Ars a peake With many pleasant passages, worthy your observation and reading. /
Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage into England written to Dr. Wren, professor of astronomy in Oxford /
The second part, or a continuance of Poly-Olbion from the eighteenth song Containing all the tracts, riuers, mountaines, and forrests: intermixed with the most remarkable stories, antiquities, wonders, rarities, pleasures, and commodities of the east, and northerne parts of this isle, lying betwixt the two famous riuers of Thames, and Tweed. /
The pennyles pilgrimage, or, The money-lesse perambulation, of Iohn Taylor, alias the Kings Majesties water-poet How he trauailed on foot from London to Edenborough in Scotland, not carrying any money to or fro, neither begging, borrowing, or asking meate, drinke or lodging : With his description of his entertainment in all places of his iourney, and a true report of the vnmatchable hunting in the brea of Marre and Badenoch in Scotland : With other obseruations, some serious and worthy of memory, and some merry and not hurtfull to be remembred : Lastly that (which is rare in a trauailer) all is true.
A new discouery by sea, with a vvherry from London to Salisbury, or, A voyage to the West, the worst, or the best That e're was exprest. /
DA615 .L3 1974 Travel and roads in England / 1
DA615 .M35 1600x [Manuscript list of cities and towns in England] 1
DA615 .M53 1691 The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary in three parts ... / 2
DA615 .M53 1699 The new state of England under our present monarch K. William III in three parts, containing I. A general account of England ... and a survey of Wales, II. Of the original, temper, genius, language, trade, religion and government of the English ... with a succinct history of the kings and queens of England to this time, III. A description of the high court of Parliament, Privy Council, and all Court of Judicature, and a catalogue of the present officers in church and state.
The new state of England under our present monarch K. William III in three parts, containing I. A general account of England ... and a survey of Wales, II. Of the original, temper, genius, language, trade, religion and government of the English ... with a succinct history of the kings and queens of England to this time, III. A description of the high court of Parliament, Privy Council, and all Court of Judicature, and a catalogue of the present officers in church and state.
DA615 .M54 1693 The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary in three parts / 3