Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA680 .W59 Medieval London, from commune to capital. 1
DA680 .W59 2007 Medieval London : from commune to capital / 1
DA681 London's Waterfront and its world, 1666-1800 /
Commemoration and oblivion in royalist print culture, 1658-1667
The articles of the charge of the wardmote inquest
[The] Parliament and army invited to a great feast, at the costs and charges of the orphans of the city of London, the sixth of October, 1659; or, The orphans remonstrance shewing by way of petition and humble representation, the great wast and havock that is made of their portions and estates (deposited in the chamber of London) by the great Guardians and Trustees, the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common-councell of the said city as follows : to the supream authority of the nation, the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England; the humble petition of the orphans of the city of London, whose portions have been forced into the Chamber of the said city ..
Some things of weight humbly offered to the consideration of the Common-Council of the City of London, with respect to their electing a judge of the Sheriffs court there, now vacant by law
True, strange and wonderful news from the city of London being a true and perfect relation of the tryal and condemnation of a soldier which was to dye for killing another that went civilly to help him to his quarters : also an account of a young man that is condemn'd for ravishing a maiden-child under ten years of age : Likewise how a woman was pull'd out of bed by the Divel, in Southwark Prison, and throw'd against the ground, which made her confess the murdering of her child, which before had been clear'd for it : Also a relation of a cruel murder committed by a man upon a young lad his servant, near Debtford in Kent, within three miles of London, upon Munday the first day of July 1678 : Likewise a wonder of a child that was born in Bull and Mouth street near Aldersgate, London, that spoke at five days old which has caus'd great admiration round the city : with an account of three more that is condemn'd to dye for robbery.
A fiery looking-glass for London Made vpon the dreadful fire in Lothbury, Decem. 27, wherein M. Delaun and his whole family were consumed to ashes.
Die Veneris 16 Iulii 1647 Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that the Lord Mayor of of the City of London and Justices of the Peace ... shall take special care to shut up the houses that are infected with the plague ..
Rebuilding the city the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the noble Company of Bachelors dining with him, May 5th. 1669.
By the King. A proclamation for reuoking all licences heretofore granted for erecting new buildings within the citie of London, or two miles distance: together with a restraint for building within the same compasse.
The order of my Lord Maior, the aldermen, and the sheriffes, for their meetinges, and wearing of their apparel throughout the yere.
London soundes a trumpet, that the countrey may [heare it]. When death driues, the graue thriues, coach-man runne thou away, neuer so fast: One stride of mine, cuts off the nimblest haste.
DA681 .A27 1680 An Act of Common-Council of the city of London, (made in the first and second years of the reign of Philip & Mary) for retrenching of the expences of the Lord Mayor & sheriffs, &c. published with additional reasons for putting the said Act in present execution : and now offered to the consideration of all good citizens, by some well-wishers of the present and future prosperity of the said city : presented to my Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and sheriffs.
An Act of Common-Council of the city of London, (made in the first and second years of the reign of Philip & Mary) for retrenching of the expences of the Lord Mayor & sheriffs, &c published with additional reasons for putting the said Act in present execution : and now offered to the consideration of all good citizens, by some well-wishers of the present and future prosperity of the said city : presented to my Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and sheriffs.
DA681 .A3 1697 An Account of the condemnation, behaviour, execution, and last dying words of Captain Francis Winter who was condemned at the sessions-house in the Old-Baily, on Saturday the 29th of April, for the murther of one John Chandler, in White Fryers, in London, &c. and executed for the same at White-Fryars-Gate in Fleetstreet, on Wednesday the 17th of May 1693. 1
DA681 .A38 Advice to the livery-men of London, in their choice of a lord-mayor, on Michaelmas Day, 1692 2
DA681 .A47 1694 An alphabetical table of the names of all those jury-men that served within the city of London and Westminster, upon the lives, liberties and estates of several patriots, &c. in the late reigns. 1
DA681 .A57 The answer on behalf of the city of London, to the reasons of the county of Middlesex. 1
DA681 .A8 1693 The Lord Chief Baron Atkyns's speech to Sir William Ashhurst, Lord-Mayor elect, of the City of London, at the time of his being sworn in Their Majesties Court of Exchequer, Monday the thirtieth of October, 1693. 1
DA681 .A84 The Lord Chief Baron Atkyns's speech to Sir William Ashhurst, Lord Mayor Elect of the city of London at the time of their being sworn in Their Majesties Court of Exchequer, Monday the thirtieth of October, 1693. 2
DA681 .B28 London in plague and fire, 1665-1666 : selected source materials for freshman research papers. 1
DA681 .B29 2014 London : the Selden Map and the making of a global city, 1549-1689 / 1
DA681 .B37 London's burning. 1
DA681 .B4 An impartial account of the several fires in London, Westminster, Southwark, and the places adjacent. Begun and carried on by papists, for the promoting their damnable plot and conspiracy for subverting the government, and destroying the Protestant religion; with the several ways and methods practiced by them in manageing their horrid designs of fire and desolation. / 1
DA681 .B4 1951 Great fire of London in 1666. 1
DA681 .B465 2017 Shakespeare's London 1613 / 1
DA681 .B47 2003 Gender, society, and print culture in late Stuart England : the cultural world of the Athenian mercury / 1
DA681 .B47 2016 Gender, society, and print culture in late Stuart England : the cultural world of the Athenian mercury / 1
DA681 .B7 The growth of Stuart London / 1
DA681 .B76 The case of Richard Bromley as to his being concern'd in city affairs / 2