Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA681.L6 .A8 1682 | At the court at Whitehall, November the 22th, 1682. Present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in council. Whereas a petition was this day presented ... from several thousands of the poor distressed sea-men, ... and other late inhabitants of Wapping, .. | 1 |
DA681 .L65 1646 | To the Honourable the House of Commons assembled in High Court of Parliament: The humble petition of the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in Common Councell assembled. Together with an humble representation of the pressing grievances and important desires of the well-affected freemen, and covenant engaged citizens of the City of London. | 1 |
DA681 .L66 |
An exact and faithful list of those worthy gentlemen & citizens His Majesty has been pleased to commissionate anew for the honourable lieutenancy of the city of London which is just past the seals. Ad general' quarterial' session' pacis domini regis tent' pro civitat' London' apud Guihald' ejusdem civitatis, ac infra eand' civitat' die Veneris scilicet decimo die Januarii anno regni domini nostri Willielmi tertii ... whereas many murders, manslaughters and other great disorders are frequently committed and done in divers taverns and other publick houses within this city and the liberties thereof by disorderly persons resorting thereto .. Ad general' quarterial' session' pacis domini regis tent' pro civitat' London' apud Guihald' ejusdem civitatis, ac infra eand' civitat' die Veneris scilicet decimo die Januarii anno regni domini nostri Willielmi tertii ... whereas many murders, manslaughters and other great disorders are frequently committed and done in divers taverns and other publick houses within this city and the liberties thereof by disorderly persons resorting thereto. By the Mayor, to the aldermen of the ward [blank] we do charge and command you that upon Saint Thomas Day the Apostle next coming you do hold your wardmote. Ad session' Oyer' & terminer' & general' quarterial' session' pacis domini regis tent' pro civitat' London per adjournament' apud Justice-Hall in le Old-Baily London, die Veneris scil' tertio decimo die Octobris anno regni regis Caroli Secundi, hunc Angl' &c. tricesimo quarto for preventing inconveniences that may happen by persons keeping ale-houses and victualing-houses, who dissent from the Church of England. By the mayor to all constables, beadles, and other His Majesties officers and loving subjects within the city of London, and every of them. By the Mayor, to the aldermen of the ward [blank] we do charge and command you that upon Saint Thomas Day the Apostle next coming you do hold your wardmote .. Ad session' Oyer' & terminer' & general' quarterial' session' pacis domini regis tent' pro civitat' London per adjournament' apud Justice-Hall in le Old-Baily London, die Veneris scil' tertio decimo die Octobris anno regni regis Caroli Secundi, hunc Angl' &c. tricesimo quarto for preventing inconveniences that may happen by persons keeping ale-houses and victualing-houses, who dissent from the Church of England .. |
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DA681.L66 1603 | 1602. 1603. A true report of al the burials and christnings within the citie of London and the liberties thereof, from the 23. of December, 1602. to the 22. of December, 1603. Whereunto is added the number of euery seuerall parish, from the 14. of Iuly, to the 22. of December, aswell within the city of London, and the liberties thereof, as in other parishes in the skirtes of the citty, and out of the freedome adioyning to the cittie, according to the report, made to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie / | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1625 |
By the major whereas the infection of the plague is daily dispersed more & more in diuers parts of this city and the liberties thereof .. Orders to be vsed in the time of the infection of the plague vvithin the citie and liberties of London, till further charitable prouision may be had for places of receite for the visited with infection Orders heertofore conceiued and agreed to bee published by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the citie of London and the iustices of peace of the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, by direction from the lords of His Maiesties most honourable priuie councell, and now thought fit to be reuiued, and againe published. |
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DA681 .L66 1630 |
By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor, and his brethren the aldermen of the city of London, considering how the infection of the plague is dispersed in divers and sundry places neere about this city, doe ... command all manner of persons ... to take notice of, and obserue these seuerall articles ensuing .. A Looking-glasse for city and countrey vvherein is to be seene many fearfull examples in the time of this grieuous visitation, with an admonition to our Londoners flying from the city, and a perswasion [to the?] country to be more pitifull to such as come for succor amongst them. |
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DA681 .L66 1672 | By the maior the Right Honourable the Lord Maior ... doth hereby think fit to publish and declare, that all manner of persons within this city and the liberties thereof, do from time to time duly observe and conform themselves to the laws and ordinances established for the suppression of abuses, disorders and misdemeanours .. | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1673 | By the maior whereas divers persons rudely disposed, within this city, have of late years been observed to behave themselves in an uncivil and insolent manner towards persons of quality .. | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1674 | By the maior whereas divers rude and disordered young-men, apprentices and others, do now of late presume and take to themselves a liberty ... to throw about squibs and fireworks in the streets .. | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1676 | By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor of the City of London, taking especial notice of inordinate liberty now used by vagrants and common beggars to wander about and pester the streets and common passage of this city ... and His Lordship deeply resenting the great fault and neglect of constables and other officers in not performing their duty to clear and free the streets and publick places from this living nuisance .. | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1679 |
A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 17. of December, 1678 to the 16. of December, 1679 By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor ... doth hereby think fit to publish and declare, that all manner of persons within this city and the liberties thereof, do from time to time duly observe and conform themselves to the laws and ordinances established for the suppression of abuses, disorders and misdemeanours .. By the Major the Right Honourable the Lord Major having taken into his serious consideration the many dreadful afflictions, which this city hath of late years suffered .. |
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DA681 .L66 1682 |
A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 20. of December, 1681 to the 19. of December, 1682 A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 19. of December, 1682 to the 18. of December, 1683 |
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DA681 .L66 1684 | A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 18. of December, 1683 to the 16. of December, 1684 | 2 |
DA681 .L66 1691 |
A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 16. of December, 1690. To the 15. of December, 1691. According to the report made to the King and Queen their Most Excellent Majesties: / A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 13. of December, 1692. To the 19. of December, 1693. According to the report made to the King and Queen their Most Excellent Majesties: / |
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DA681 .L66 1692 | A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 15. of December, 1691. To the 13. of December, 1692. According to the report made to the King and Queen their Most Excellent Majesties. / | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1694 | A general bill of all the christnings and burials, from the 19. of December, 1693. To the 18. of December, 1694. According to the report made to the King and Queen their Most Excellent Majesties. / | 1 |
DA681 .L66 1697 | By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank] whereas His Majesty hath been pleased to signifie, that he doth graciously accept of the request made to him by this city to honour it by passing through the same in his return from Flanders, and it being expected that he will pass through your ward on the [blank] day of November next .. | 1 |
DA681 .L66 2000 | Londinopolis : essays in the cultural and social history of early modern London / | 1 |
DA681 .M37 | The day of the Lord, or, A caution to the city of London after the many dreadful fires | 2 |
DA681 .M4 1689 | A messenger of truth from the Common Hall, assembled in London on Midsummer-day last on account of the pretended petition. With allowance. | 1 |