Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA681.O86 1647 | To the Right Honorable Sir Robert Titchborn Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the right worshipful the Aldermen his brethren, and the commonalty of the said city, assembled in common-councel : the humble petition of John Osmond a free-man and car-man of London, and Mary his wife. | 1 |
DA681 .P37 | London and the outbreak of the Puritan revolution : city government and national politics, 1625-43. | 1 |
DA681 .P37 1678 | A particular of the new-buildings within the bills of mortallity [sic], and without the city of London, from the year 1656 to 1677 according to the account now taken by the church-wardens of the several parishes and the old account of new houses from 1620 to 1656, and what they did amount to at one whole years value, as appears by the duplicates in the exchequer. | 1 |
DA681 .P47 1642 | The petition of the most substantiall inhabitants of the city of London and the liberties thereof. To the Lords and Commons for peace. Together with the answer to the same. And the reply of the petitioners. | 1 |
DA681 .P53 1998 | Restoration London : from poverty to pets, from medicine to magic, from slang to sex, from wallpaper to women's rights / | 2 |
DA681 .P54 | Great Britains glory, or, A brief description of the present state, splendor, and magnificence of the Royal Exchange with some remarkable passages relating to the present engagement : humbly presented to the several merchants of the City of London, who daily meet, traffique, and converse in the said place / | 1 |
DA681.P56 1672 | To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor: to the Right Worshipful the Alderman: with the commonalty of the City of London, in their Common-Hall assembled : the humble, and last address of Sir Tho. Player senior, Chamberleyn of London. | 1 |
DA681 .P666 1996 | The great fire of London / | 1 |
DA681 .P73 | The Present case of the Common-Hall in their election of sheriffs from the 24th of June, 1695. | 2 |
DA681 .P79 | A just and solemn protestation and remonstrance of the lord mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, common-councell-men, and other citizens and freemen of London against two late ordinances of the Lords and Commons that now sit, for the choosing of common-councell-men and other officers within the city and liberties thereof ... which ordinances bear date the 18, and 20 of December, 1648. | 2 |
DA681 .P79 1659 | To the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London in Common-Council assembled; the humble petition and address of the sea-men, and watermen, in and about the said city of London. | 1 |
DA681 .R4 | The rebuilding of London after the great fire / | 1 |
DA681 .R42 1625 | The Red-Crosse: or, Englands Lord haue mercy vpon vs. [A lamen]table relation of many visitations by the plague in times past, as well in other countries as in the city of London, and the certaine causes thereof: with a true number of all those that dyed in the last great visitation, at the comming in of King Iames: and also the number of all those that haue dyed this present visitation; with two speciall medicines against the plague. | 1 |
DA681 .R424 1690 | Reasons humbly offered for the bill to enable the city of London to pay their orphans by sale of 3000 l. per annum of their lands, by a revenue from hackney-coachmen, and by a duty on coals As to that part of the bill that concerns hackney-coachmen .. | 1 |
DA681 .R43 1691 | Reasons humbly offered, for setling a yearly incom from hackny-coachmen, and by a duty on coals, towards the relief of the orphans of the city of London. As to the yearly incom from hackny-coachmen .. | 1 |
DA681 .R45 | Remarks upon the petition and petitioners against the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London December, 1690. | 2 |
DA681 .R52 | Sir, By virtue of a letter from His Highness the Prince of Orange to the sheriffs of London ... | 1 |
DA681 .R53 | The Rights and priviledges of the city of London proved from prescription, charters, and acts of Parliament : also the coronation oaths of several of the kings of England : together with some arguments to enforce on all great men their duty of acting agreeable thereunto and to the known laws of the kingdom. | 2 |
DA681 .S33 |
A Sad and lamentable account of the dreadful fire that happen'd on the fourteenth of this instant April, 1690 in the Meuse near White-hall with the circumstances that attended that amazing conflagration, the damage sustain'd thereby, and how it was happily extinguished : with other matters relating thereto &c. Sad and dreadful news from the strand giving an account of a most dreadful fire which happen'd there last night and consum'd to ashes four persons : with a relation of its beginning, and the manner of its discovery &c. |
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DA681 .S47 |
The triumphs of London performed on Saturday, Octob. 29, 1692, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Fleet, Kt., lord mayor the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant, all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the vvorshipful Company of Grocers : together with an exact relation of the most splendid entertainments, prepared for the reception of Their Sacred Majesties / The triumphs of London performed on Thursday, Octob. 29, 1691, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Stamp, Kt., lord mayor of the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Drapers / The triumphs of London performed on Saturday, Octob. 29, 1692, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Fleet, Kt., lord mayor the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant, all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the vvorshipful Company of Grocers : together with an exact relation of the most splendid entertainments, prepared for the reception of Their Sacred Majesties / |
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