Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA681 .R4 | The rebuilding of London after the great fire / | 1 |
DA681 .R42 1625 | The Red-Crosse: or, Englands Lord haue mercy vpon vs. [A lamen]table relation of many visitations by the plague in times past, as well in other countries as in the city of London, and the certaine causes thereof: with a true number of all those that dyed in the last great visitation, at the comming in of King Iames: and also the number of all those that haue dyed this present visitation; with two speciall medicines against the plague. | 1 |
DA681 .R424 1690 | Reasons humbly offered for the bill to enable the city of London to pay their orphans by sale of 3000 l. per annum of their lands, by a revenue from hackney-coachmen, and by a duty on coals As to that part of the bill that concerns hackney-coachmen .. | 1 |
DA681 .R43 1691 | Reasons humbly offered, for setling a yearly incom from hackny-coachmen, and by a duty on coals, towards the relief of the orphans of the city of London. As to the yearly incom from hackny-coachmen .. | 1 |
DA681 .R45 | Remarks upon the petition and petitioners against the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London December, 1690. | 2 |
DA681 .R52 | Sir, By virtue of a letter from His Highness the Prince of Orange to the sheriffs of London ... | 1 |
DA681 .R53 | The Rights and priviledges of the city of London proved from prescription, charters, and acts of Parliament : also the coronation oaths of several of the kings of England : together with some arguments to enforce on all great men their duty of acting agreeable thereunto and to the known laws of the kingdom. | 2 |
DA681 .S33 |
A Sad and lamentable account of the dreadful fire that happen'd on the fourteenth of this instant April, 1690 in the Meuse near White-hall with the circumstances that attended that amazing conflagration, the damage sustain'd thereby, and how it was happily extinguished : with other matters relating thereto &c. Sad and dreadful news from the strand giving an account of a most dreadful fire which happen'd there last night and consum'd to ashes four persons : with a relation of its beginning, and the manner of its discovery &c. |
4 |
DA681 .S47 |
The triumphs of London performed on Saturday, Octob. 29, 1692, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Fleet, Kt., lord mayor the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant, all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the vvorshipful Company of Grocers : together with an exact relation of the most splendid entertainments, prepared for the reception of Their Sacred Majesties / The triumphs of London performed on Thursday, Octob. 29, 1691, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Stamp, Kt., lord mayor of the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Drapers / The triumphs of London performed on Saturday, Octob. 29, 1692, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Fleet, Kt., lord mayor the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant, all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the vvorshipful Company of Grocers : together with an exact relation of the most splendid entertainments, prepared for the reception of Their Sacred Majesties / |
4 |
DA681 .S47 1695 | The triumphs of London performed on Tuesday, Octob. 29, 1695, for the entertainment of the right honourable Sir John Houblon, Kt., Lord Mayor of the city of London, containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : all prepared at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Grocers : to which is added, a new song upon His Majesty's return / | 1 |
DA681 .S48 | The triumphs of London performed on Monday Octob. 30th, 1693, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir William Ashurst, Knight, lord mayor of the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants : with the speeches spoken on each pageant, all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors : together with the festival songs for His Lordship and the Companies diversion / | 2 |
DA681 .S487 1681 | The character of a popish successour, and what England may expect from such a one. Humbly offered to the consideration of both Houses of Parliament, appointed to meet at Oxford, on the one and twentieth of March, 1680/1. | 1 |
DA681 .S52 | To the right honourable assembly of the Commons house of Parliament. The humble petition of William Shakley a poore freeman of London, declaring his manifold oppressions by colour of his Maiesties commission for buildings. | 1 |
DA681 .S57 | Sir, Your worship's vote and intrest [sic] is humbly desired for Richard Alsop, citizen and vintner of London, to be porter of Gresham Colledge, in the room of Mr. William Newberry, deceas'd; he having been many years free of this city, and of the livery of the said company, but is now destitute of any imployment, and through great losses and decay of trade, very much reduced. And your petitioner shall ever pray. | 1 |
DA681 .S57 1652 | Sir, the next court of commissioners of sewers for the city of London &c. is appointed to be held on [Wednesday] the [10th] day of [September] by [eight] of the clock in the [forenoone] of the same day at the [Guest house in East Smythfeild in the County of Midd] when and where you are desired to be present. [8th] day of [Sept] 165[2]. [Tho: Fryer Joell Barnard] bayliff to the said commissioners. | 1 |
DA681 .S64 1620 | Tes irenes trophæa, or, The tryumphs of peace that celebrated the solemnity of the right honourable Sir Francis Iones, Knight, at his inauguration into the maioraltie of London, on Monday being the 30. of October, 1620, at the particular cost and charge of the right worshipfull and ancient Society of the Haberdashers / | 1 |
DA681 .S65 2000 | London in the 1690's : a social atlas / | 1 |
DA681 .S72 1690 | The State of the city of London, and their humble desires upon the bill for restoring their charters and liberties | 1 |
DA681 .S76 |
Counsel to the afflicted, or, Instruction and consolation for such as have suffered loss by fire with advice to such as have escaped that sore judgement contained in the resolution of three questions occasioned by the dreadful fire in the city of London in the year 1666 ... : in the discussing of which questions are handled several profitable cases of conscience concerning self-murder, preparing for afflictions, taking up our rest in God &c. which are inserted in the contents / Counsel to the afflicted, or, Instruction and consolation for such as have suffered loss by fire with advice to such as have escaped that sore judgement contained in the resolution of three questions occasioned by the dreadful fire in the city of London in the year 1666 ... : in the discussing of which questions are handled several profitable cases of conscience concerning self-murder, preparing for afflictions, taking up our rest in God &c. which are inserted in the contents / |
2 |
DA681 .T12 | Londons tryumph celebrated the nine and twentieth day of October, in the year 1659, in honour of the much honoured Thomas Allen, lord mayor of the said city : presented and personated by an Europian, an Egyptian, and a Persian : and done at the costs and charges of the ever to be honoured Company of Grocers. | 2 |