Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA689.L7 K4 London for Americans. 1
DA689.M7 F57 The catalogue of most of the memorable tombes, grave-stones, plates, escutcheons, or atchievements in the demolisht or yet extant churches of London from St. Katharines beyond the Tower to Temple-Barre the out parishes being included : a work of great weight and conseqvently to be indulged and contenanced by such who are gratefully ambitious of preserving the memory of their ancestors / 2
DA689.N54 C88 The Right Honourable the Lord Cutts, his speech to the mayor and corporation of Newport at His Majesties castle of Carisbrook in the Isle of Wight upon the swearing of Captain Thomas Read into the office of mayor, according to the ancient custom and charter of that corporation. 2
DA689.O63 P58 1992 City gardens : an open spaces survey in the City of London / 1
DA689.P17 C6 The private palaces of London past and present / 1
DA689.P2 C43 2015eb London parks and gardens / 1
DA689.P2 F37 2003 Buckingham Palace redesigned : a radical new approach to London's Royal parks / 1
DA689.P2 S5 1898 The Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London : Their History and Associations / 1
DA689.P2 W9 The London pleasure gardens of the eighteenth century / 1
DA689 .P37 1687 A geographical description of Scotland with the fairs largely insert : as also an exact table of tides, and a table of the latitude and longitude of the most remarkable places in Scotland, with other useful notes, fit for every man to know on either sea or land : exactly calculated and formed, for the use of all travellers, mariners, and others, who have any affairs, or merchandising in this kingdom of Scotland / 1
DA689.P6 H4 The port of London. 1
DA689.P6 M54 1985 The port of Roman London / 1
DA689.P6 R45 1987 River Thames in the late twenties & early thirties / 1
DA689.S7 C5 The history of the squares of London : topographical & historical / 1
DA689.S9 B77 1949 The streets of London through the centuries / 1
DA689.S9 E5 Street-names of the city of London. 1
DA689.S9 K5 The early history of Piccadilly, Leicester square, Soho and their neighborhood : based on a plan drawn in 1585 and published by the London topographical society in 1925 / 1
DA689.U5 P54 2005 Subterranean cities : the world beneath Paris and London, 1800-1945 / 1
DA689.W2 T6 1660 To the Right Honourable the Commissioners of Sewers, assigned to preserve the walls and other defences within the limits extending from Chelsey in the county of Midd. to the city of Westm. and from thence to Temple-barr, &c. The humble remonstrance of the land-owners, and inhabitants of the New Palace, Long Wool-staple, Round Wool-staple, Canon Row, Stephens Alley, and part of Kings Street VVestminster, persons only concerned in the prejudice and damage by the late dock in the Long VVooll-staple, 1
DA689.W3 H5 1969 Black and white in harmony; the drama of West Indians in the big city from a London minister's notebook,
Black and white in harmony : the drama of West Indians in the big city from a London minister's notebook /