Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA765 .G76 2003 | An unofficial alliance, Scotland and Sweden 1569-1654 / | 1 |
DA765 .G76 2003eb | An unofficial alliance : Scotland and Sweden 1569-1654 / | 1 |
DA765 .H365 2000 | The road to home rule : images of Scotland's cause / | 1 |
DA765 .H37 | Scotland and nationalism : Scottish society and politics, 1707-1977 / | 1 |
DA765 .H37 1994 | Scotland and nationalism : Scottish society and politics, 1707-1994 / | 1 |
DA765 .H37 1998 | Scotland and nationalism : Scottish society and politics, 1707 to the present / | 1 |
DA765 .H37 1998eb | Scotland and nationalism : Scottish society and politics, 1707 to the present / | 1 |
DA765 .H4 2000 | Claiming Scotland : national identity and liberal culture / | 1 |
DA765 .H46 2015 | The kingdom to come : thoughts on the Union before and after the Scottish referendum / | 1 |
DA765 .I28 2004 | Scottish nationalism and the idea of Europe : concepts of Europe and the nation / | 1 |
DA765 .I28 2004eb | Scottish nationalism and the idea of Europe concepts of Europe and the nation / | 1 |
Rapta Tatio The mirrour of his Maiesties present gouernment, tending to the vnion of his whole iland of Brittonie martiall. Scotland's soveraignty asserted being a dispute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the King of Scots owes homage to the King of England / Memorialls for the government of the royal-burghs in Scotland with some overtures laid before the nobility and gentry of several shyres in this kingdom : as also, a survey of the city of Aberdeen with the epigrams of Arthur Iohnstoun, Doctor of Medicine, upon some of our chief burghs translated into English by I.B. / |
3 |
DA765 .J33 2020 | The case for Scottish independence : a history of Nationalist political thought in modern Scotland / | 1 |
DA765 .K45 2013eb | Liberal nationalisms : empire, state, and civil society in Scotland and Quebec / | 1 |
DA765 .K56 2016 | England and Scotland, 1286-1603 / | 1 |
DA765 .L45 2011eb | Political discourse and national identity in Scotland / | 3 |
DA765 .L453 2020 | Scotland : the new state of an old nation / | 1 |
DA765 .L565 2021 | The lion and the unicorn : what England has meant to Scotland / | 1 |
DA765 .M4 1969 | Scotland and the French revolution. | 1 |
DA765 .N633 2021 | England and Scotland : 1560-1707 / | 1 |